[mapserver-users] Bewbie question about MapServer and WPS

Travis Kirstine traviskirstine at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 06:24:27 PST 2020


I'm not sure if MapServer is what you are looking for as I is generally
used the the creation and transfer of maps and it sounds like you are only
concerned with retrieval of statistical information.  MapServer probably
could be used for the application you describe but it would be easier to
simply use a WPS  service of some sort (https://pywps.org/).  Alternatively
you could look at using postgresql with the geo-spatial postgis extension
to perform your analysis any develop your own interface using whatever
language you prefer.

On Wed, 26 Feb 2020 at 07:51, <Petros.Likidis at scb.se> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have to warn you that I am entirely new to GIS and all the terminology
> so my questions might be strange. Nevertheless, my company wish to expose a
> service that receives a polygon as input and outputs statistical data about
> the area defined by the polygon. For instance, it could be the number of
> residents in different age groups, the average income, the number of
> companies divided by industry, etc.
> The service will aggregated the statistical data on the fly according to
> input polygon. Then it will then preform some type of disclosure control of
> the aggregated data before it is send back to the caller. I guess that this
> service should be exposed as a WPS service or is there any other type of
> service that is more appropriate if it should be consumable from other
> GIS-applications?
> If it should be a WPS will I be able to expose it through MapServer? If
> MapServer can do this or am I bound to use a specific programing language
> or can MapServer start an arbitrary program that dose the processing?
> Kind regards
> Petros
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