[mapserver-users] Slow and degrading performance with radar (but not satellite) on mapserver-6.0.1-3_0.el6.x86_64
Stephen Woodbridge
stephenwoodbridge37 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 19:53:07 PDT 2020
you need to include in your QUERY_STRING=MAP=....&
it is probably hard coded in the fcgi config.
-Steve W
On 7/22/2020 7:15 PM, English Paul wrote:
> So you have a complex historical "mess" and its not clear where the
> performance issue is. So you need to divide the problem into small
> problems that you can verify are or are not contributing. I would
> start with something like this:
> Thank you – I would not have thought to try it outside of CGI entirely!
> Take one slow image request and try that as cgi or cli and not fcgi
> and turn on debugging.
> - copy and rename you mapfile so it doesn't mess with the production
> requests
> Not a major worry in this case – I’m working in an entirely dev
> environment. I did make backup copies though!
> - turn on the debugging and send it to stderr in the debug mapfile
> - you can manually run that image request from the commandline like:
> if mapserv is not in your path you might need to find it and your the
> path to it below
> mapserv -nh QUERY_STRING="everything after the ? in the original
> query" >junk.png 2>error.txt
> -nh suppresses headers from being output before the image data
> error.txt will be stderr output and should contain the debug messages
> I couldn’t quite get there – which this is what I ended up running:
> # /usr/libexec/mapserv -nh
> QUERY_STRING="FORMAT=image%2Fpng&LAYERS=winter1km_5min&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&TIME=2020-07-22T22%3A30%3A00Z&SRS=EPSG%3A900913&BBOX=-11584184.507886,4070118.8849183,-11271098.44003,4383204.9527744&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256"
> > junk.png 2>error.txt
> I first tried it with our current map file(s), and then with
> MS_ERRORFILE set to stderr and DEBUG set to 5, in both cases, I got an
> empty error.txt, and the following in junk.png:
> Content-type: text/html
> <HTML>
> <HEAD><TITLE>MapServer Message</TITLE></HEAD>
> <!-- MapServer version 6.0.1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG
> loadMap(): Web application error. CGI variable "map" is not set.
> </BODY></HTML>
> I noticed that if I ran it with just -nh, I get the following:
> #/usr/libexec/mapserv -nh
> This script can only be used to decode form results and
> should be initiated as a CGI process via a httpd server.
> So maybe this older version just really doesn’t want to be run on the
> CLI? Or maybe I’m messing up the QUERY_STRING, or need to set the CGI
> variable to something as the junk.png output suggests?
> Thanks again and thanks SO MUCH for the super quick reply!!
> Paul
> On 7/22/2020 1:47 PM, English Paul wrote:
> Hi,
> Newbie here, just got a work assignment to look into some
> performance issues with mapserver-6.0.1-3_0.el6.x86_64 –
> specifically, at one time, it rendered radar images very fast,
> then it degraded and seemed to consume a lot more CPU. So – the
> EC2 instance side was upgraded significantly – and it still
> performs badly and uses a lot of CPU. It also seems to be getting
> slowly worse over time (days/months, not seconds/minutes). I asked
> this on IRC, but it looks like email might be a better route.
> During all of this, the same mapserver instance renders
> satellite images quickly. These seem to be a similar, or in some
> cases larger size png to start with, rendered onto the same final
> map/size.
> So – the obvious answer is that it isn’t using the CPU to
> render/re-render, but rather spending it on something else – I/O
> most likely – eg: a network request, disk I/O, SQL query?
> The previous person working on it tried turning on debug at
> various levels – but unfortunately that made it even slower,
> making it tricky to answer “what is making it slow when debug is
> turned off?”
> My first instinct was to try an strace and nothing was obvious.
> Next up – a flame graph from strace, and/or trying dtrace – but my
> understanding is that dtrace is a little weak on
> RHEL/CentOS/Amazon Linux 6.0 **and** I’m not particularly good at
> that. Also, we’re using fcgi, so attaching to the correct process
> is a bit tricky.
> My next instinct was to look at release notes and see if the
> current stable has anything fixes/improvements that directly
> address this – there aren’t any that are obvious to my eyes, but
> you developers have been busy! So many things! Including some
> performance fixes and one “significant” performance fix.
> Current config file:
> AddHandler fcgid-script fcgi
> FcgidIPCDir /var/run/mod_fcgid
> FcgidProcessTableFile /var/run/mod_fcgid/fcgid_shm
> FcgidMaxProcesses 10
> FcgidMaxProcessesPerClass 10
> FcgidMaxRequestInMem 196608
> FcgidInitialEnv PROJ_LIB /usr/share/proj
> FcgidInitialEnv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/local/lib:/usr/pgsql-9.1/lib"
> So – suggestions for my next move? I currently plan to take a
> quick swing at building 7.6 for RHEL 6.0, knowing there might be
> old libraries and whatnot that make that a non-starter. Of course
> – we’ve got other infra running on this same instance, so
> upgrading everything is a much bigger task.
> Strace flame graph?
> Stretch and try dtrace?
> A better way to use debug?
> Something else I’m missing – eg: differences between the image
> types that make them perform so differently?
> Thanks,
> Paul
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