[mapserver-users] WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. A layer might be disabled for this request

Karl Suiter karl.suiter at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 11:54:59 PDT 2020

Hi All,

 I have a Mapserver 7.6.0 wms server set up and it's generating images
correctly in most circumstances.

  However, I have a wms mapfile consisting of 252 layer classes defining
all of the country polygons in a Natural Earth world shapefile.

   In some instances, I need to send up to 90 FIPS codes to my mapfile in
order to highlight the requested polygons on a map.  However, given the
large number of lFIPS code and layer classes being parsed by the mapfile,
these mapfile requests are timing out or taking a long time to return an

  In order to increase response time, I sub-divided the main mapfile into
five sub-set mapfiles containing approximately 50 layer classes,
corresponding to a matching number of FIPS codes each.  However, when I
send all 90 FIPS codes for processing to any of the subset mapfiles, I get
the following error

"msWMSLoadGetMapParams():WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the
LAYERS parameter. A layer might be disabled for this request. Check
wms/ows_enable_request settings."

  I believe that this is due to my requesting layer classes not found in
the sub-set mapfile.

  I've reviewed the Map Server 7.6.0 documentation and can't find a
parameter or switch to toggle this type of checking off.  Is there any way
to turn off layer class checking in order to resolve this issue?

  Lastly, when I test the same MapServer URL string using my sub-set
mapfile (sending all 90 FIPS codes using the LAYER parameter) using a web
browser command line, it returns an image consisting of all f the expected
polygons (and no WMS error).

  Thank you for any assistance you can provide to reconcile this issue.


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