[mapserver-users] GEOMTRANSFROM Units on STYLE Level

Flavio Hendry flavio at tydac.ch
Thu Oct 15 08:05:19 PDT 2020

Hi all

I did something really fancy ... Multiple overlapping Distance Buffers 
on a MultiPoint Layer (distance from Hydrants, one layer for all of 
them) ... so great. Until I looked at the result and read that:

"At the LAYER level (since 6.4), the original vector geometry (“real 
world” coordinates) is used. At the STYLE level, pixel coordinates are 

eh? why that? Things like Buffer one almost always wants “real world”, 
no? Like a distance around hydrants, a bus stations? In pixels?

Would be great if GEOMTRANSFROM would support SIZEUNITS. Or at least the 
opposite of this, such as have real world on the STYLE level ...: "It 
may be useful to apply pixel values also at the LAYER level, and that is 
possible. If UNITS is defined in the LAYER, the [map_cellsize] variable 
can be used to convert to pixel values at the LAYER level:"

Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best regards
Flavio Hendry

TYDAC Inc.  - http://www.tydac.ch
Swiss Maps  - http://www.mapplus.ch
############      Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards
############     Flavio Hendry, CEO - mailto:flavio at tydac.ch
############         TYDAC AG - http://www.tydac.ch
####    ####        Geographic Information Solutions
####    ####       Optingenstrasse 27 -- CH-3013 Bern
############            Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180
    Location: http://www.mapplus.ch/adr/bern/optingenstrasse/27

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