[mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript and projection 3857

magma magma at 1447.se
Sun Sep 20 09:32:21 PDT 2020

Hi all.

I have used PHP Mapscript for a few years to render static images of maps,
from data I have in PostgreSQL/PostGIS. A simplified example of my code
looks like this:


$this->map = ms_newMapObj('');
$this->map->imagecolor->setRGB(56, 112, 192);
$this->map->setextent(-180, -90, 180, 90);
$this->map->set('width', 1000);
$this->map->set('height', 600);

$layer = ms_newLayerObj($this->map);
$layer->set('name', 'world');
$layer->set('type', MS_LAYER_POLYGON);
$layer->set('status', MS_ON);
$layer->set('connection', "host={$this->postgis['host']}
port={$this->postgis['port']} dbname={$this->postgis['db']}
user={$this->postgis['user']} password={$this->postgis['pass']}");

// $layer->set('data', "geom FROM (SELECT id, geom FROM
osm_country_polygons) AS a USING UNIQUE id USING srid=4326");
$layer->set('data', "geom FROM (SELECT id, ST_Transform(geom, 3857) AS geom
FROM osm_country_polygons) AS a USING UNIQUE id USING srid=3857");

$class = ms_newClassObj($layer);
$style = ms_newStyleObj($class);
$style->color->setRGB(160, 160, 160);
$style->outlinecolor->setRGB(48, 48, 48);

header('Content-Type: image/png');
$image = $this->map->draw();

Using SRID 4326 works great (the commented line). However the line below,
which is enabled, using 3857 does not work. It renders an all blue
image (*$this->map->imagecolor->setRGB(56,
112, 192)*).

Is it not possible to change the projection, or do I need to set an option
in the layer or map object? I have tried to read and Google this for some
time now, but whatever I try seems to fail for me.

Most thankful for a good hint/solution.

// Magnus
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