[mapserver-users] Migrating to PHP SWIG drawFeature missing

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Sat Feb 6 08:06:33 PST 2021

Hi Paul,

I have recently had to upgrade all of my PHP scripts for several 
client's applications, to SWIG MapScript, and your fromWKT() note is a 
common one in all of my scripts too.  Good news though: your/our scripts 
are easily updated for SWIG as follows:

   $map = new mapObj("simple.map");
   $drawLayer = $map->getLayerByName('drawshape1');
   $newshp = new shapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POLYGON);
   $newshp = $newshp->fromWKT($curwkt);

(the issue is that you must first declare the new shape object 
separately, and then next use that same variable to call & load the WKT)

You're correct that the upcoming release will drop the old native 
mapscript, so please definitely don't be afraid to jump into existing 
tickets (such as this one that lists a few missing SWIG functions 
https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer/issues/1822 ) so we can all work 
together on making the 8.0 release great.

Thanks for your feedback,


Jeff McKenna
GatewayGeo: MapServer Consulting and Training Services
co-founder of FOSS4G

On 2021-02-06 11:44 a.m., Moen, Paul T. wrote:
> The ‘native’ PHP MapScript will go away with MapServer 8.  Will all the functionality be added to the SWIG PHP MapScript before that happens?  I tried the transition with the change to MapServer 7.4 and was unsuccessful do to missing pieces (or my lack of knowledge).  Thankfully, others also needed the php_mapscript functionality and put forth a tremendous effort to make the ‘native’ PHP MapScript work with PHP 7.  Thank you to all that were involved with that effort.  Here I go again, hoping that I will be able to make the transition and I still do not see a path forward.  Of course, just because I don’t see a path, doesn’t mean there isn’t one.  That is why I am asking how to add a feature to a layer using SWIG PHP MapScript.  The following explains how I have done this in the ‘native’ PHP MapScript.
> I use a layer called drawshape1 in a mapfile to highlight something on a map by dynamically adding a feature to that layer.
>                  NAME "drawshape1"
>                  TYPE POLYGON
>                  STATUS ON
>                  COMPOSITE
>                                  OPACITY 60
>                  END
>                  CLASS
>                                  STATUS ON
>                                  NAME "tmpshp1"
>                                  STYLE
>                                                  COLOR 0 0 255
>                                  END
>                  END
> I use a WKT to create the shape that is added to the drawshape1 layer.  This highlights the WKT on the image returned by drawQuery().
> $map = new mapObj("simple.map");
> $drawLayer = $map->getLayerByName('drawshape1');
> $newshp = ms_shapeObjFromWkt($curwkt);
> $drawLayer->set('status',MS_ON);
> $test = $drawLayer->addFeature($newshp);
> $img = $map->drawQuery();
> Presumably, I could do the following.
> $map = new mapObj("simple.map");
> $drawLayer = $map->getLayerByName('drawshape1');
> $newshp = new shapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POLYGON);
> $tmpShape = newshp->fromWKT($curwkt);
> $test = $drawLayer->addFeature($newshp);
> This doesn’t seem to be finished in SWIG mapscript.  I see that in the documentation says TODO.
> 	addFeature( https://mapserver.org/mapscript/mapscript.html#shapeobj shape )int
> 	Add a new inline feature on a layer. Returns -1 on error. TODO: Is this similar to inline features in a mapfile? Does it work for any kind of layer or connection type?
> I could use inline features to accomplish this also.  But this also seems to be missing in SWIG PHP mapscript and has a TODO by it.
> 	addFeature( https://mapserver.org/mapscript/mapscript.html#shapeobj shape )int
> 	Add a new inline feature on a layer. Returns -1 on error. TODO: Is this similar to inline features in a mapfile? Does it work for any kind of layer or connection type?
> Does anyone know how can I replace this functionality?  Will these TODOs be done before MapServer 8?  It is difficult to work on the transition when pieces are missing.
> Thanks,
> Paul

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