[mapserver-users] PostgreSQL authentication method.
Moen, Paul T.
pmoen at nd.gov
Fri Feb 19 08:32:22 PST 2021
My compiling is the problem. I have it working now, but I had to edit the cmake/FindPostgreSQL.cmake file to get it to work because the wrong libpq library was being found by cmake. I apologize for this being long, but I am not sure how else to explain my process. Also, I am new to c, c++ and cmake so I hope I don't lead anyone astray here.
I am using macOS 10.15.7. I used homebrew to install the mapserver dependencies with the following command.
brew install httpd php cmake pkg-config swig cairo fcgi freetype gd gdal geos giflib libpng postgresql proj protobuf-c
I cloned mapserver from github, swtiched to the rel-7-6-2 tag, made a build directory, changed into the build directory and issued the following cmake.
This is where things go wrong. The pg_config for postgresql 13 is in my path, yet the PostgreSQL and libpq found is listed as something completely different than the homebrew installed postgresql which is in /usr/local/lib
-- * POSTGIS: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.15.sdk/usr/lib/libpq.tbd
I added the following to the FindPostgreSQL.cmake file to see what it was finding.
message(NOTICE "PG_CONFIG is set to ${PG_CONFIG}")
message(NOTICE "PG_INC_PATH is set to ${PG_INC_PATH}")
message(NOTICE "PG_LIB_PATH is set to ${PG_LIB_PATH}")
The results were.
PG_CONFIG is set to /usr/local/bin/pg_config
PG_INC_PATH is set to /usr/local/include
PG_LIB_PATH is set to /usr/local/lib
POSTGRESQL_INCLUDE_DIR is set to /usr/local/include
POSTGRESQL_LIBRARY is set to /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.15.sdk/usr/lib/libpq.tbd
As I understand it, in the FindPostgreSQL.cmake file, the following code tries to find the pg_config file. It looks in the PATHS listed after looking the default places known to cmake. My system finds /usr/local/bin/pg_config, which is the PostgreSQL 13 installed by homebrew.
find_program(PG_CONFIG NAMES pg_config
The following part executes the pg_config command, if pg_config was found, to set 2 variables to be used as search paths to find libpq-fe.h and libpq.
exec_program( ${PG_CONFIG} ARGS "--includedir" OUTPUT_VARIABLE PG_INC_PATH )
exec_program( ${PG_CONFIG} ARGS "--libdir" OUTPUT_VARIABLE PG_LIB_PATH )
message(WARNING "pg_config not found, will try some defaults")
At this point, the following is set on my system.
PG_CONFIG is set to /usr/local/bin/pg_config
PG_INC_PATH is set to /usr/local/include
PG_LIB_PATH is set to /usr/local/lib
The following find_path command tries to find the path where the libpg-fe.h include file is located. Since, the PG_INC_PATH on my system is set to /usr/local/include, I assumed that it would find it there and set the POSTGRESQL_INCLUDE_DIR to /usr/local/include. It doesn't because it searches additional paths, as per the documentation for find_path, before using the PATHS specified. It looks like the PATHS specified are number 7 in the search process according to documentation. https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.12/command/find_path.html.
find_path(POSTGRESQL_INCLUDE_DIR libpq-fe.h
The following find_path command trys to find the path where the libpq library file is located. Since, the PG_INC_PATH on my system is set to /usr/local/lib, I assumed that it would find it there and set the POSTGRESQL_INCLUDE_DIR to /usr/local/lib. It again doesn't because it searches additional paths that cmake may know.
find_library(POSTGRESQL_LIBRARY NAMES pq libpq
To make it work, I changed the IF block for PG_CONFIG as follows. What this does is only search and use the library and include paths that are set by executing the pg_config command. If pg_config is not found, then it searches the default locations. It seems to me that if pg_config is set my by environment, then it should use my pg_config to set the library and include paths. Can anyone comment on whether this makes sense or not?
exec_program( ${PG_CONFIG} ARGS "--includedir" OUTPUT_VARIABLE PG_INC_PATH )
exec_program( ${PG_CONFIG} ARGS "--libdir" OUTPUT_VARIABLE PG_LIB_PATH )
find_path(POSTGRESQL_INCLUDE_DIR libpq-fe.h
find_library(POSTGRESQL_LIBRARY NAMES pq libpq
message(WARNING "pg_config not found, will try some defaults")
find_path(POSTGRESQL_INCLUDE_DIR libpq-fe.h
find_library(POSTGRESQL_LIBRARY NAMES pq libpq
By changing FindPostgreSQL.cmake file I get the following results.
PG_CONFIG is set to /usr/local/bin/pg_config
PG_INC_PATH is set to /usr/local/include
PG_LIB_PATH is set to /usr/local/lib
POSTGRESQL_INCLUDE_DIR is set to /usr/local/include
POSTGRESQL_LIBRARY is set to /usr/local/lib/libpq.dylib
And cmake output shows the libpq that was installed from homebrew.
-- * POSTGIS: /usr/local/lib/libpq.dylib
After this, the compile works fine and scram-sha-256 authentication works as expected.
From: Carlos Ruiz <boolean10001 at yahoo.com>
Date: Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 5:53 PM
To: "Moen, Paul T." <pmoen at nd.gov>, Steve Lime <sdlime at gmail.com>
Cc: "mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org" <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] PostgreSQL authentication method.
On Thursday, February 18, 2021, 3:49:48 PM CST, Steve Lime <sdlime at gmail.com> wrote:
I wonder if that's more a function of the PostgreSQL client library version/capabilities. Do you know what MapServer is compiled against? You might try connecting to your database with psql as another test of the client lib.
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