[mapserver-users] Error/ false colored image with GetMap

Toma, Charlotte Charlotte.Toma at wiesbaden.de
Thu Feb 25 22:15:32 PST 2021


I need your help...
I installed mapserver on windows server and tested the installation successful. The console output from "mapserv -v" looked like it should and my GetCapabilities worked fine. Then I tested the GetMap and GetLegend from my test-WMS and it isn't working correctly. The requests gives me a false coloured picture with jpeg and an error with png "the image can't be displayed cause it contains errors" (or so in german). I never saw something like this and after my research in the internet I still don't know what to do...

The test with "shp2img -m E:/mapserv_ows/rheinek.map -o test.png -layer_debug ug_test 5" worked fine and I got the corret result as an image (jpeg and png); but only after I added the "SIZE" parameter in my mapfile. Until this I got the error "dimensions not defined / can't be calculated".

My mapfile is very simple, cause i wanted to test if it works (one shapefile, one polygon, simple red fill and black outline to display). In the following cloud folder you can see my mapfile, the weird jpeg-GetMap answer and the error message:


Mit freundlichen Grüßen
im Auftrag
Charlotte Toma
Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden
-Der Magistrat-
Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 15
65189 Wiesbaden
Tel.: 0611 31-3436
Fax: 0611 31-3917
E-Mail: 61GIS at wiesbaden.de<mailto:61GIS at wiesbaden.de>
Internet: www.wiesbaden.de<http://www.wiesbaden.de/>
Jede nicht gedruckte Seite spart Holz, Wasser und Strom.

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