[mapserver-users] NULL Style. . . .

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Mon Jul 12 07:03:48 PDT 2021


So this will probably sound weird to start with, but, anyone know how I might implement a STYLE in a Mapfile as a NULL display, I sort of want to use it like FILTER/FILTERITEM, but at the STYLE level (Will these work further down in the STYLE block?).  All this is against a SHP file currently, which limits me somewhat in the FILTERING.

I've got a FILTER/FILTERITEM set at the MAP block, works just as expected, but I also need to omit display on an additional field at a LAYER>>STYLE block.  I suppose I could use a NOT expression of some sort  . . . .

Still pondering . . .


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