[mapserver-users] Mapserver ANGLE counterclockwise bug?

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Mon Jul 12 12:26:46 PDT 2021

Mapserver assumes 0 degrees angle to be to the right (east) and measures counterclockwise.

I went through all this rotation stuff a while back when trying to convert back and forth between MapServer ANGLE and Postgress ROTATION (0 is north and measures clockwise).

Hope that helps.


On 7/12/21, 2:05 PM, "mapserver-users on behalf of Carlos Neves (LREC)" <mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org on behalf of cneves at lrec.pt> wrote:

    Think Before You Click: This email originated outside our organization.

    Hi List,

    I have a png North symbol "winddirection" defined in symbol.sym file,
    pointing  to north (0º)

    My MAP file is something simple like this.

                                     SYMBOL "winddirection"
                                     ANGLE [DVmd]
                                     OFFSET 30 0
                                     SIZE 50


    Where DVmd is the the direction field in the meteo DataBase in degrees

    The problem is when the database field is 45º (NE) the image in MAP
    rotates to  315º (NW) ,i.e. -45º.

    Any help would be appreciated.


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