[mapserver-users] Extracting Year, Month, Day from WMS time query

Trond Michelsen trondmm-mapserver+2017 at crusaders.no
Tue Jul 27 04:24:41 PDT 2021

On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 03:57:10AM +0000, Sommer, Ashley (L&W, Dutton Park) wrote:
> I've read the documentation around WMS_Time and Runtime Substitution, but I can't quite work out if this is even possible.
> Note, I understand I could probably do this at the apache level, by transforming the query with a rewrite eg:
> "&TIME=2018-08-01" -> "&TIME=2018-08-01&YEAR=2018&MONTH=08&DAY=01"
> But I'd prefer to do it at the Mapfile level.


I'm doing exactly this. Although, I'm not using mod_rewrite, instead I
have a mod_perl module as a URI Translation handler, but it's
essentially doing exactly the same thing as a regular rewrite.

This works reasonably well, but I wouldn't mind if this functionality
was baked into the mapfile. Especially since this could then be easily
applied to other temporal dimensions than just TIME. 

Trond Michelsen

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