[mapserver-users] data parameter in tileindex

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Mar 24 07:39:01 PDT 2021

Spurred on by Zmitser, I've given some much needed love to the tileindex 
examples (see 
).  It doesn't answer Zmitser's exact questions but it hopefully helps 
the next person understand how to implement.

Also, pull requests are encouraged if you want to add more, to the 
documentation repository at 

Side note: this latest effort was kind of special to me, as in fact back 
in year 2004 I did a similar effort to give examples of tile4ms, notice 
the QGIS version 0.6 screen captures that I had made back in 2004, and 
now these tileindex examples use a more recent QGIS version of 3.18.1 
ha.  The circle of life. 


Jeff McKenna
GatewayGeo: Developers of MS4W, MapServer Consulting and Training
co-founder of FOSS4G

On 2021-03-24 4:02 a.m., Zmitser Kozhukh via mapserver-users wrote:
> Dear Carlos, it is not about mapfile, it is in location cell of 
> tileindex. It is one cell in table (database table, dbf file etc.), and 
> I need to put there both connection and data details. The question is 
> how to make it so that mapserver parses it correctly.
> Sincerely, Zmitser
>     Среда, 24 марта 2021, 6:53 +03:00 от Carlos Ruiz
>     <boolean10001 at yahoo.com>:
>     Zmitser,
>     You have to have the following on a MAP file:
>     LAYER
>     ...
>     CONNECTION "host=<HOST> ... password=<PASSWORD>"
>     SRID=<SRID>"
>     ...
>     END
>     On DATA you must specify the name of the geometry column and the
>     table, if you're using a database. If you are using a shape file you
>     just have to include the DATA keyword with the path and the name of
>     the SHP file.
>     On Tuesday, March 23, 2021, 2:34:48 AM CST, Zmitser Kozhukh via
>     mapserver-users <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
>     </compose?To=mapserver%2dusers at lists.osgeo.org>> wrote:
>     Dear mapserver users, I need to specify data parameter at the
>     location item of tileindex.
>     So far, I have tried many possibilities but none works:
>     ‘host= dbname=database user=admin password=admin DATA "geom
>     from table using unique id using srid=4326"’
>     or
>     host= dbname=database user=admin password=admin data="geom
>     from table using unique id using srid=4326"
>     etc.
>     Still I get an error :
>     msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named
>     'layer'. msPostGISLayerOpen(): Query error. Nothing specified in
>     DATA statement.
>     Could someone please tell in which format data statement should be?
>     In documentation it is written vaguely:
>     Normally the location should contain the path to the tile file
>     relative to the shapepath, not relative to the tileindex itself. If
>     the DATA parameter contains a value then it is added to the end of
>     the location.
>     --
>     Zmitser Kozhukh
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> --
> Zmitser Kozhukh
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