[mapserver-users] Next link missing WFS 2.0 getfeature response for specific bbox
Bakker, Anton
Anton.Bakker at kadaster.nl
Wed May 12 05:49:39 PDT 2021
Hi all,
I am running into a problem with WFS 2.0 paged GetFeature request. The problem is that for a particular boundingbox a series of paged WFS 2.0 GetFeature requests fails to retrieve all the features. The geometry type of the layer is of `MULTILINESTRING`, the datasource is a GeoPackage file. Running on version 7.6.2.
The problem is that the second paged response (https://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/rioned/gwsw/wfs/v1_0?SERVICE=WFS&SERVICE=WFS&version=2.0.0&service=wfs&request=Getfeature&bbox=80034.6,452005.1,81976.8,453965.8&outputformat=gml3&srsname=EPSG%3A28992&typename=gwsw%3Abeheer_leiding&STARTINDEX=1000 ) is missing the next link. The missing next link does actually produces the expected features (https://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/rioned/gwsw/wfs/v1_0?SERVICE=WFS&SERVICE=WFS&version=2.0.0&service=wfs&request=Getfeature&bbox=80034.6,452005.1,81976.8,453965.8&outputformat=gml3&srsname=EPSG%3A28992&typename=gwsw%3Abeheer_leiding&STARTINDEX=2000 ) and contains a next link itself.
In the MapServer logs, when requesting the page with the missing next link, I see the following log output: `msOGRFileNextShape: Returning MS_DONE (no more shapes)`. This log output also shows when requesting the last page of results, of a paged WFS request.
The interesting thing is that this behaviour does not occur when requesting a slightly bigger bbox: https://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/rioned/gwsw/wfs/v1_0?SERVICE=WFS&SERVICE=WFS&version=2.0.0&service=wfs&request=Getfeature&bbox=80034.6%2C452005.1%2C81976.8%2C453965.8&outputformat=gml3&srsname=EPSG%3A28992&typename=gwsw%3Abeheer_leiding
The SQL query used by Mapserver when requesting the page (https://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/rioned/gwsw/wfs/v1_0?SERVICE=WFS&SERVICE=WFS&version=2.0.0&service=wfs&request=Getfeature&bbox=80034.6,452005.1,81976.8,453965.8&outputformat=gml3&srsname=EPSG%3A28992&typename=gwsw%3Abeheer_leiding&STARTINDEX=1000 ) with the missing next link is:
SELECT "beheer_leiding"."uri" AS "uri", "beheer_leiding"."geometry" AS "geometry" FROM "beheer_leiding" JOIN "rtree_beheer_leiding_geometry" ms_spat_idx ON "beheer_leiding".ROWID = ms_spat_idx.id AND ms_spat_idx.minx <= 81976.8 AND ms_spat_idx.maxx >= 80034.6 AND ms_spat_idx.miny <= 453965.8 AND ms_spat_idx.maxy >= 452005.1 ORDER BY "beheer_leiding".ROWID LIMIT 1001 OFFSET 1000
This query actually produces 1001 features as expected (other paged requests with more features to come have the same result). So not sure why MapServer decides there are no more results left. The MS_DONE value is returned from here<https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer/blob/dfdda8a18c69f22806c7d6e46bb2bf59f67ed941/mapogr.cpp#L2818> (7.6.2 release) in the MapServer source code.
The problem seems to be caused by an interaction between the data, the requested bbox and a (by me) suspected bug in MapServer. In particul in the code that determines if there are any features left in the result set. Or maybe I am missing something obvious and there is a mistake in the mapfile causing the issue. Did anyone see this behaviour before? Btw when changing the datasource to a GeoJSON file this behaviour does not occur, but it does occur with a PostGIS datasource.
I created a repo (https://github.com/arbakker/debug-ms-bbox-issue) with a minimal example to reproduce the issue. The repo contains the mapfile, docker-compose, test script, data and a README describing steps in more detail to reproduce the issue.
Anton Bakker
Software Engineer
IT | Geo- en Vastgoedinformatie en Advies |PDOK
06-29 73 73 51 | anton.bakker at kadaster.nl<mailto:anton.bakker at kadaster.nl>
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