[mapserver-users] Getting started with mapcache for WMTS...

Carl Godkin cgodkin at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 14:54:49 PDT 2021

Hi again,

Is there a way to search through the mapserver-users mailing list archive
except month-by-month?  If so, I can't find it.  (I usually use my Gmail
archives for GDAL and PROJ since I've subscribed forever to those but I'm a
mapserver newbie.)  Anyway...

I am trying to configure mapcache to serve from my (local and AFAICT fully
working) WMS server on my MS4W 4.0.5 installation.  I am following the
directions at https://mapserver.org/mapcache/index.html as well as the
steps listed from the local MS4W page (#mapcache-apache-module).

I think I understand the basic principles and have added a new source that
looks like this:

   <source name="faa" type="wms">

and a new tileset that looks like this:

   <tileset name="faa">
      <metatile>5 5</metatile>
(This is the same as the "test" tileset with a different source.)

But how do I test this? The query


lists my new source as a layer.  The docs say


   Test your MapCache configuration by following steps in the
associated MapCache
   testing docs

but that seems to be about testing the mapcache/demo.  I don't see how to
add something to the mapcache/demo if that's possible.  What am I

Thanks a lot,
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