[mapserver-users] Point query from Mapserver raster

Carl Godkin cgodkin at gmail.com
Fri Oct 29 16:09:57 PDT 2021

Now that I have my WMS and WCS servers working well (thanks, list!!), I
have one more thing I would like to figure out how to do.

I want to do point queries on [Lat,Lon] points for their elevation from the
terrain layer I have.

I have done some searching and come across various ideas such as Raster
Query (https://mapserver.org/input/raster.html#raster-query) and a query
template  (
but haven't found enough information for either to implement it.

I came up with a solution that works fine, but might be considered as going
"All Around the Barn"   What works is to add an ASCII output format to my
map file that serves terrain like this:

      NAME XYZ
      MIMETYPE "text/plain"
      EXTENSION "txt"

and then use GetCoverage on a small rectangle whose lower-left corner
is the point whose elevation I want:


and then take the first line of the returned output file.

What would Mapserver best practice be for a problem like this?

Thanks very much,

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