[mapserver-users] Mapserver: get map config file from remote url?

Jörg Thomsen (WhereGroup) joerg.thomsen at wheregroup.com
Wed Apr 20 23:47:23 PDT 2022


as far as i know the mapfile has to be accessible via the file system.
A remote url would be a high security problem.


Am 21.04.22 um 08:38 schrieb Trygve Aspenes:
> Hi
> Is it possible for mapserver to get the map configuration file from a 
> remote url?
> like http://mapserver/map=http://map-file-host/map-file.map
> I have tried to look at the documentation, but could not find any hints 
> that this is possible. I know I can use like vsicurl in the map file 
> itself to get rasters from a remote url.
> Trygve Aspenes
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Jörg Thomsen

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Jörg Thomsen
WhereGroup GmbH
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joerg.thomsen at wheregroup.com

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