[MapServer-users] Possible issue between MapCache WMTS, the new ArcGIS Online Viewer, and the Web App Builder

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Thu Dec 1 06:34:57 PST 2022


I noticed that MapCache WMTS basemaps do not display in ESRI's Web Application Builder when I create the map in the "New Map Viewer."  However, if I create the map with "Map Viewer Classic" then the tiles appear appropriately in the Web Application Builder.  ESRI thinks that this is a possible bug on their end, but it also could be a misconfiguration on my end as well.

Questions and thoughts:

  1.  If other people are having this issue then please try using the Map Viewer Classic and has anyone had success with the new map viewer?
  2.  Please let me know if my configuration below looks appropriate.
  3.  ESRI asked if I would like to continue debugging this issue.  Would any of the developers want to be included in this discussion?


    <grid name="GoogleBingArcGISCompatible">
        <extent>-20037508.3427892480 -20037508.3427892480 20037508.3427892480 20037508.3427892480</extent>
        <size>256 256</size>
               <resolutions>156543.0339280410 78271.51696402048 39135.75848201023 19567.87924100512 9783.939620502561 4891.969810251280 2445.984905125640 1222.992452562820 611.4962262814100 305.7481131407048 152.8740565703525 76.43702828517624 38.21851414258813 19.10925707129406 9.554628535647032 4.777314267823516 2.388657133911758 1.194328566955879 0.5971642834779395 0.29858214173896975 0.149291070869484875 0.074645535434742 0.037322767717371 </resolutions>

Mark Volz, GISP
Lyon County GIS Coordinator
Ph:  (507) 532-8218

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