[MapServer-users] [EXTERNAL] Vector tileindex with connectiontype OGR
Peter Schmitt
pschmitt at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 15:02:29 PST 2022
Hi Jukka,
On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 12:18 PM Rahkonen Jukka <
jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi> wrote:
> “OGR layers can utilize tile indexes in a similar fashion to Shapefile
> based layers. The TILEINDEX keyword should contain the connection string
> for the tile index file. The tile index file may be any supported OGR
> format, including shapefiles.”
> So this is what I used in LAYER and it worked both for WMS and WFS:
TILEINDEX "c:\data\000\mapservertest\tindex.gpkg"
Thanks for your message, it is very helpful! I am now struggling how to
use an SQL query of my choosing when the OGR TILEINDEX is in a Postgis
I can get a TILEINDEX working using the OGR format. Ultimately my
TILEINDEX lives in Postgis. I can make a postgis table and populate it
with items like so:
create table testtable (id int, location text, geom
insert into testtable (id, location, geom) values (1,
'/test_data/test.geojson,0', 'POLYGON((122.01377475333321
29.96355712017804,122.01424752183958 29.915620560607106,122.06927507957919
29.91602043815968,122.0688286928125 29.963957768165944,122.01377475333321
and then reference my Postgis TILEINDEX of vectors in this fashion:
NAME "vector_via_postgis"
TILEINDEX "PG:\"host='localhost' user='postgres' dbname='mydatabase'
password='mypwd' tables=testtable(geom)\""
and now I can query my vector index of tiles:
mapserv -nh
I can query the database with the OGR driver by passing the `-sql` option:
ogrinfo -ro PG:"host='localhost' user='postgres' dbname='mydatabase'
password='mypwd'" -sql 'SELECT * FROM testtable'
but let's say my query was more complicated than `SELECT * FROM
testtable;`. I could make a Postgres view, but I'm hoping there is some
way to override the default SQL query used.
How do I specify such a query using the OGR PG driver as a Mapserver layer
to be used as a TILEINDEX of OGR vector files?
Perhaps this is more of a GDAL question... or how does Mapserver's use of
OGR TILEINDEX of OGR vector files allow custom SQL? Note that as a
TILEINDEX of Rasters the TILEINDEX can point to a Mapserver Layer, so I
/can/ add custom SQL queries in that case. But I don't know how to do it
as a OGR TILEINDEX pointing to OGR vectors.
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