[MapServer-users] Setting up Mapserver 8 on Windows

Kalbermatten Michaël Michael.Kalbermatten at ne.ch
Mon Dec 12 06:22:26 PST 2022

Hi everbody,

I just spend a couple of hours trying to set up Mapserver 8.0 on Windows. To do that, I downloaded the latest stable release from GisInternals.

I am using Apache and FastCGI as webserver.

Everything went smoothly until I tried to make Mapserver load the new needed configuration file. It was just always claiming that it couln't load this file ("msLoadConfig(): Unable to access file."), but I had set "SetEnv MAPSERVER_CONFIG_FILE" in my Apache configuration. Even setting MAPSERVER_CONFIG_FILE in a global system variable did not solve the issue.

After quite a while, I found this issue on Mapserver's issue tracker: https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer/issues/6411

This had not a lot to do with my issue, but I discovered the existence of FcgidInitialEnv. Setting this variable (FcgidInitialEnv MAPSERVER_CONFIG_FILE "C:/whereever/mapserver.conf") solved the issue.

So, is it mandatory to set FcgidInitialEnv when using Mapserver with FastCGI? If yes, wouldn't it be good to add something to the documentation (https://mapserver.org/mapfile/config.html).

Moreover, I spied in the ms4w 5 package. It seemed to me that they were using FastCGI as well, but I could not find anything regarding FcgidInitialEnv, thus my question...

Thanks a lot to anyone who would have some information regarding that.

Best regards


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