[MapServer-users] Failed to download capabilities:Download of capabilities failed: Connection on mapfile with more than 1000 layers

Marcin Niemyjski mniemyjski at cloudferro.com
Tue Dec 20 06:17:49 PST 2022

Great advice, thank you Oskar.

Could you tell me how long it takes to load the WMS into qgis or GetCap with that many layers?
I am also interested in what purpose you are using the WMS with this amount of data. Could you share it? In my case it is daily Sentinel-1 imagery for the whole world from the beginning of 2021.

Merry Christmas to all,

From: MapServer-users <mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Oskar Ravhed <oskar.ravhed at t-kartor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 1:08 PM
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [MapServer-users] Failed to download capabilities:Download of capabilities failed: Connection on mapfile with more than 1000 layers


I have 3234 layers in a service and it works fine. also works fine with
10.000 layers

1 try the getcap in browser
2a if step 1 is success change network timeout in qgis
2b if step 1 does not work change timeouts on server and check mapserver

On 20/12/2022 09:59, Jörg Thomsen (WhereGroup) wrote:
> Hi,
> funny, how you type twelve.
> 1200 are very much and I guess no one has tried this before.
> So to your question: I would say yes.
> I suggest to split it into several services / mapfiles. The
> capability-xml ist very big I think and most clients will habe
> problems with it. The usability is bad, the users have to scroll
> through 1200 Layers, puh. And I don't know whether a getMap with
> http-get will work (is there a current length-limit in http-get?).
> Jörg
>  Am 20.12.22 um 09:42 schrieb Marcin Niemyjski via MapServer-users:
>> Hello,
>> I have a mapfile which constist of 1200 layers. While loading to qgis
>> error "Failed to download capabilities:Download of capabilities
>> failed: Connection" is recived.
>> Does this happen becaues of quantitu of layers in mapfile? Is there
>> any workaround?
>> Best,
>> Marcin
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