[mapserver-users] Stacked Labels

Fons Arts F.Arts at GISArts.nl
Wed Jun 1 01:56:40 PDT 2022

Hi Mark,
You can use  the Label wrap, https://mapserver.org/mapfile/label.html
Something like

             TEXT '[adres] \[bedrijfstype]\Fijnstofemissie kg_jr 
[fijnstofemissie_kg_jr]\Geuremissie [geuremissie_ou_s] ou_s\nh3 emissie 
[nh3_emissie]\Aantal NGE [nh3_emissie]'
             WRAP "\n"

gr Fons

Op 31/05/2022 om 23:30 schreef Mark Volz:
> Hello,
> I would like to label several stacked  tax parcels that share the 
> exact same footprint.  Each parcel includes the Parcel Number, Owner, 
> and Property Address.  Is there any way to label each of the parcels?  
>  Position AUTO is only displaying one of the labels.
> Thanks!
> Sincerely,
> *Mark Volz, GISP***
> *Lyon County GIS Coordinator*
> Ph:  (507) 532-8218
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