[MapServer-users] I want to change Map

Sven Schroeter schroeter at netgis.de
Mon Nov 27 23:16:56 PST 2023


Tile-based maps are provided in a predefined tileset. In the case of 
Google or OSM, for example, this is usually in EPSG 3857 and is defined 
in a grid with corresponding resolutions for the different zoom levels 
(always based on an extent): 
A WMS is usually used as the data source.
Of course, you can also do this for self-defined tilesets with other 
resolutions and extents, as in the case of the Korean institute.
With MS4W and the Mapcache software it contains, you can define and 
create such a tileset yourself.

Greetings from Germany

Am 28.11.2023 um 02:00 schrieb 최종호 via MapServer-users:
> Hello everyone.!
> Good morning.
> I'm Choi and I'm Korean.
> I'm trying to load and manage a map.
> 1. I found mapwingis for C#
> 2. I found video for sample
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBu9XgrfZfM
>     In this video, he gets map images with SAS.planet program and 
> supplies maps with ms4w.
>     After, he loaded the maps in C# project with axmap.
> 3. I did the sample and it works well.
> 4. It will take about 200 days to get 20 level's maps with SAS.planet 
> program for some area)
> 5. So, I got new maps about 4TB from https://www.ngii.go.kr/ is 
> Korea's National Geographic Information Institute
> 6. But, I failed to load the new map in sample c# project
>     // Source code used in video C# project
>     providers.Add(providerid, "map", "{zoom}/ 
> <{zoom}/>*{y}/{x}*.png", 
> tkTileProjection.SphericalMercator, 0, 13);
>     // Modified Source code
>     providers.Add(providerid, "map", "{zoom}/ 
> <{zoom}/>*{x}/{y}*.png", 
> tkTileProjection.SphericalMercator, 0, 13);
> 7. After I found some differences.
>     - Sample's map is Google map based EPSG:4326 and file's array is 
> {zoom}{y}{x} and image's size 256*256 pixels
>     - But my new maps are based EPSG:5179 and files array is 
> {zoom}[x]{y} and image's size
> 512*512 pixels
> If someone knows the way to load my new maps with ms4w
> Please, let me know.
> Thank you!
> Best regards
> Choi.
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