[MapServer-users] Inconsistent support for template substitution

Andrew Harfoot ajph at geodata.soton.ac.uk
Thu Oct 19 06:50:34 PDT 2023

Hi list,

I am setting up a WMS server using Mapserver 7.6.2 and want to return a 
html response to a GetFeatureInfo request where the response contains 
the coordinates of the GFI click. The WMS supports multiple coordinate 
systems, so ideally I'd like to have the coordinates in a CRS that I can 

I have a test template file as follows:

<!-- MapServer Template -->
Map X/Y : [mapx],[mapy]<br>
Map LL : [maplon],[maplat]

If I configure an 'old style' TEMPLATE in the map file, directly 
referencing the html template as follows:

   TEMPLATE "coord_comp.html"

With a GFI request specifying a CRS of EPSG:27700:


the output of is as follows:

Map X/Y : 390428.846605,68589.162768
Map LL : 50.516415,-2.135015

When a similar requests are made specifying a CRS of EPSG:4326:


the output is as follows:

Map X/Y : 50.514437,-2.120136
Map LL : [maplon],[maplat]

The maplat and maplon templates are not substituted.

Mapserver has been compiled with PROJ support and a PROJECTION has been 
defined for the layer in the map file.

The CRS of the source data is EPSG:27700

I was hoping that the maplat and maplon templates would provide me with 
a consistent source of coordinate information, independent of the 
request CRS. Can anybody shed any light on the observed behaviour?



Andy Harfoot

Skype: gdi_ajph
Teams:ajph at soton.ac.uk
Phone: +44 2380 590566

GeoData Institute
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ

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