[MapServer-users] Is there a way to add columns returned from a postgis connection
Richard Greenwood
richard.greenwood at gmail.com
Tue Aug 13 14:27:31 PDT 2024
On Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 8:09 AM Trygve Aspenes via MapServer-users <
mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
CONNECTION "user=pgselectonly password=pgSelectOnly dbname=fremontwy
host=localhost port=6543"postgis
> I struggle to find a good subject, but here we go.
> I have a layer using a virtual sql call, returning various columns from
> a postgis db. These are used to plot the data and to style the data
> (using expressions) pending the values return from the db.
> However I can not make this call filter using BBOX from the request.
> The call looks like this:
> # <OGRVRTDataSource>
> # <OGRVRTLayer name='the_data'>
> # <SrcDataSource>PG:dbname=mapserver host=mapserver
> user=$PGSQ_USERNAME password=$PGSQ_PASSWORD port=5432</SrcDataSource>
> ZONE) as lxepoch,extract(epoch from '%time%'::timestamp) as
> request_time,latitude,longitude FROM the_table where time between
> '%time%'::timestamp - interval '300 seconds' and '%time%'</SrcSQL>
> # <GeometryField encoding='PointFromColumns' x='longitude'
> y='latitude'/>
> # <LayerSRS>WGS84</LayerSRS>
> # <GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType>
> # </OGRVRTLayer>
> # </OGRVRTDataSource>"
> # DATA "the_data"
> So I try a postgis connection as this uses BBOX as default like this:
> DATA "geom from (select id,time,geom,EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM time::TIMESTAMP
> WITH TIME ZONE) as lxepoch from the_table where time between
> '%time%'::timestamp - interval '600 seconds' and '%time%') as subquery
> using unique id using srid=4326"
> Now, this returns only the geom and id columns.
Why don't you think lxepoch is being returned by the DATA statement above?
> So my question is: Is there a way to make this call return a lxepoch
> column also?
Maybe you should share your layer definition.
I don't understand what you're doing with the OGRVRTDataSource and the
"virtual sql call". Would something like this work for you:
TYPE point
# appropriate validation for '%time%'
CONNECTION "user= password= dbname= host=localhost"
DATA "geom from (select id,time,geom,EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM time::TIMESTAMP
WITH TIME ZONE) as lxepoch from the_table where time between
'%time%'::timestamp - interval '600 seconds' and '%time%') as subquery
using unique id using srid=4326"
CLASSITEM "lxepoch" # this get lxepoch so that you can use it in CLASS
EXPRESSION # some expression that uses lxepoch
EXPRESSION # another expression that uses lxepoch
> Testing with map2img I see
> msPostGISParseData: unique_column=id, srid=4326, geom_column_name=geom,
> table_name=(select id,time,geom,EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM time::TIMESTAMP WITH
> TIME ZONE) as lxepoch from the_table where time between
> '2024-07-10T10:35:00Z'::timestamp - interval '600 seconds' and
> '2024-07-10T10:35:00Z') as subquery
> msPostGISBuildSQL called.
> msPostGISBuildSQLItems called.
> msPostGISBuildSQLItems: 0 items requested.
> msPostGISBuildSQLFrom called.
> msPostGISReplaceBoxToken called.
> msPostGISBuildSQLWhere called.
> msPostGISBuildSQLSRID called.
> msPostGISBuildSQLSRID: SRID provided (4326)
> msPostGISBuildSQLBox called.
> msPostGISLayerWhichShapes query: SELECT ST_AsBinary(("geom"),'NDR') as
> geom,"id"::text FROM (select id,time,geom,EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM
> time::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) as lxepoch from the_table where time
> between '2024-07-10T10:35:00Z'::timestamp - interval '600 seconds' and
> '2024-07-10T10:35:00Z') as subquery WHERE ST_Intersects("geom",
> ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-180 -134.887218045113,-180
> 134.887218045113,180 134.887218045113,180 -134.887218045113,-180
> -134.887218045113))',4326))
> Copy/pasting the last line into my postgis I get as expected:
> geom | id
> ----------------------------------------------+----
> \x010100000066666666666624400000000000c04640 | 1
> (1 row)
> And if I add to the select (in the same copy/paste as above) the lxepoch
> in by db I get:
> geom | id | lxepoch
> ----------------------------------------------+----+-------------------
> \x010100000066666666666624400000000000c04640 | 1 | 1720607700.000000
> (1 row)
> So is it possible to configure the mapserver postgis data query to get
> this result?
> I had a look at the code, and a see from the log this function is called
> https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer/blob/main/src/mappostgis.cpp#L1651,
> but the logs says 0 items. I can't read from the code if it is possible
> to add other items.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Trygve Aspenes
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Richard W. Greenwood
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