[MapServer-users] 8.2.0 released !

Seth G sethg at geographika.co.uk
Thu Jul 18 05:57:55 PDT 2024

Thanks Jeff for handling the release. 

I gave a lightning talk this month at FOSS4G Europe in Tartu on the highlights of the 8.2 release. 
The slides are at https://geographika.github.io/mapserver-state-2024/ if anyone wants a high-level overview of new features.


web:https://geographika.net & https://mapserverstudio.net
twitter: @geographika

On Wed, Jul 10, 2024, at 8:56 PM, Jeff McKenna via MapServer-users wrote:
> How could I leave out the fun part of a release: celebrate 24 years of 
> speed with MapServer, through a video! https://vimeo.com/982129089
> -Team MapServer
> On 2024-07-08 6:41 p.m., Jeff McKenna via MapServer-users wrote:
>> The MapServer team is thrilled to announce the release of MapServer 8.2.0
>> Details of the new features, changelog, migration instructions, and 
>> download links can be found on the dedicated announcement page at 
>> https://mapserver.org/development/announce/8-2.html .  Also included is 
>> an updated 1,163 page PDF of documentation, and of course an updated & 
>> maintained (so important) demo server of various OGC instances at 
>> https://demo.mapserver.org
>> Thanks for all of your feedback and passion for MapServer.
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