[MapServer-users] mapserver.conf question

Just van den Broecke justb4 at gmail.com
Tue May 28 05:37:26 PDT 2024

Coincidence? Just today I upgraded from MapServer 7.x.y to 8.0.0 in the 
Docker Image I provide [1] and found that the configuration conventions 
have changed as per the docs.

Indeed MAPSERVER_CONFIG_FILE env var should point to a global config 
file, which in turn points to .map file(s). There are many ways to set 
an environment variable dependent on your context, but if it is 
available where MapServer is invoked, like with CGI that should work. I 
don't think there is a single solution. /etc/environment is very global 
unless the machine is dedicated or personal.

In my case running MapServer via Docker, which I can recommend, 
MAPSERVER_CONFIG_FILE can be set with an -e option or as an env var in a 
Compose file.

The Docker Image uses Lighttp to invoke MS with CGI, which IMHO is a 
more lightweight solution than using Apache or nginx. Especially if you 
run multiple services behind a single frontend server (I use e.g. Traefik).

[1] https://github.com/justb4/docker-mapserver


Just van den Broecke

On 28/05/2024 08:50, Richard Duivenvoorde via MapServer-users wrote:
> I was in the same position :-)
> What I did on my laptop (running apache):
> In apache.conf you can set it by using:
> SetEnv MAPSERVER_CONFIG_FILE /opt/mapserver/mapserver.conf
> If you use Nginx though (which apparently lacks env variables) I used:
> https://gist.github.com/lhammond/f59d8db526101e9896d0c9bdd8f15139
> https://mkliver.github.io/blog/mapserver-ubuntu-nginx
> But maybe others have better solutions...
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
> On 5/28/24 02:52, Brent Wood via MapServer-users wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm coming back to mapserver after many years away & have a question. 
>> Probably more later...
>> I'm setting things up & get the error message:
>> /msLoadConfig(): Unable to access file. See 
>> mapserver.org/mapfile/config.html for more information.
>> /
>> /
>> /
>> I'm running on Linux Mint (Ubuntu) so the default location is 
>> presumably /usr/local/etc/mapserver.conf
>> I have copied/renamed the sample file here & given read access to 
>> www-data. Still get the error message.
>> The docs suggest using the MAPSERVER_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.
>> I entered the following into the /etc/environment file, which I 
>> thought was supposed to work (according to Dr Google),
>> MAPSERVER_CONFIG_FILE="/usr/local/etc/mapserver.conf"
>> I still get the error, and if I open a new shell (as me), the variable 
>> is not set, so that isn't working as I expected.
>> Can anyone suggest how/where the environment variable should be set 
>> for mapserver to find the file?
>> (or any other way to get this working)
>> I think it would be useful to include this info in the docs, as it is 
>> not apparent to me, and perhaps others.
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