[MapServer-users] zoomRectangle error image rectangle maxy >= miny

Fernando Sánchez García nando_gcia at hotmail.com
Tue May 7 01:43:06 PDT 2024

Dear users, my name is Fernando and I work at the University of Córdoba 
in Spain. I have been using mapserver for several years as a user at the 
University together with pmapper. Our old virtual machine has Ubuntu 
Server 18.04 LTS + mapserver 7.2.1 + PHP 5.6.40 + postgres/postgis with 
pmapper 4.3.2. and locally on my computer I have MS4W 3.2.3 with pmapper 
4.3.2. Unfortunately pmapper was discontinued a few years ago and 
although I don't have much programming knowledge, I have started trying 
to make some small changes to the pmapper code to adapt it to PHP 7/8 
(although I know other more up-to-date alternatives such as Openlayers).
I have reached the "Zoom to rectangle" function where Armin implemented 
it like this:

      * Zoom to rectangle
     protected function pmap_zoomrect()
         if (isset($_REQUEST["imgbox"])) {
             $imgbox_str = $_REQUEST["imgbox"];
             if ($imgbox_str != "") {
                 $imgbox_arr = explode(" ", $imgbox_str);
                 // New map extent in image pixel ((0,0) top-left)
                 $pix_minx = $imgbox_arr[0];
                 $pix_miny = $imgbox_arr[1];
                 $pix_maxx = $imgbox_arr[2];
                 $pix_maxy = $imgbox_arr[3];

                 if ($pix_minx == $pix_maxx) $pix_maxx = $pix_maxx + 3;  
## increase max extent if min==max
                 if ($pix_miny == $pix_maxy) $pix_maxy = $pix_maxy - 3;  ##

                 $pixext = ms_newrectObj();

                 // Modified by Thomas RAFFIN (SIRAP)
                 // If the rectangle is not in the same proportions as 
the map,
                 // To leave the coeff Y / X unghanged, we need to made 
$geoNewCoeff = $geo0Coeff...
                 $geo0Coeff = $this->mapheight / $this->mapwidth;
                 $geoNewDeltaX = $pix_maxx - $pix_minx;
                 $geoNewDeltaY = $pix_maxy - $pix_miny;
                 $geoNewCoeff = $geoNewDeltaY / $geoNewDeltaX;
                 if ($geoNewCoeff < $geo0Coeff) {
                     $newDeltaYCorrected = $geo0Coeff * $geoNewDeltaX;
                     $newDeltaYToAdd = ($newDeltaYCorrected - 
$geoNewDeltaY) / 2;
                     $pix_miny -= $newDeltaYToAdd;
                     $pix_maxy += $newDeltaYToAdd;
                 } else {
                     $newDeltaXCorrected = $geoNewDeltaY / $geo0Coeff;
                     $newDeltaXToAdd = ($newDeltaXCorrected - 
$geoNewDeltaX) / 2;
                     $pix_minx -= $newDeltaXToAdd;
                     $pix_maxx += $newDeltaXToAdd;


         // Zoom to full extent when starting
         } else {
             $pixext = ms_newrectObj();
             $pixext->setExtent(0, 0, $this->mapwidth, $this->mapheight);

         $this->map->zoomrectangle($pixext, $this->mapwidth, 
$this->mapheight, $this->geoext0);

In this function Mapscript zoomrectangle is called, which according to 
the old PHP Mapscript documentation 
(https://mapserver.org/mapscript/php/index-5.6.html#mapobj) is like this:

void zoomrectangle(rectObj oPixelExt, int nImageWidth, int nImageHeight, 
rectObj oGeorefExt)
     Set the map extents to a given extents.
     Parameters are :
             oPixelExt (rect object) : Pixel Extents, with (0,0) at the 
top-left The rectangle contains the coordinates of the LL and UR 
coordinates in pixel. (the maxy in the rect object should be < miny value)

             ------- UR (values in the rect object : maxx, maxy)
             |     |
             |     |
             |     |
             LL (values in the rectobject minx, miny)

             Width : width in pixel of the current image.
             Height : Height in pixel of the current image.
             Georef extent (rectObj) : current georef extents.

The pmapper log file shows me the following values when I zoom without 
any problem and the result is satisfactory, that is, it zooms in on my 
map correctly:

P.MAPPER debug info en la función pmap_zoomrect de map.php
$pix_minx 551.97186827847
$pix_miny 86.08332824707031
$pix_maxx 632.19478821567
$pix_maxy 120.08332824707031
$this->geoext0->minx -334.31761006289
$this->geoext0->miny -22
$this->geoext0->maxx 525.31761006289
$this->geoext0->maxy 342

My .map file has the following EXTENT -37 -22 228 334 and "wms_srs" 

I have updated to MS4W 4.0.4 which has MapServer and MapScript 
7.7.0-dev, PHP to 7.2.31 and SWIG support. According to the current SWIG 
MapScript API Reference:

class mapscript.mapObj(*args)

zoomRectangle(poPixRect: rectObj, width: int, height: int, poGeorefExt: 
rectObj, poMaxGeorefExt: rectObj) → int[source]
     Set the map extents to a given extents. Returns MS_SUCCESS or 
MS_FAILURE on error

and I have adapted the code like this:

      * Zoom to rectangle
     protected function pmap_zoomrect()
         if (isset($_REQUEST["imgbox"])) {
             $imgbox_str = $_REQUEST["imgbox"];

             pm_logDebug(3, $imgbox_str, "\$imgbox_str en la función 
pmap_zoomrect de map.php");
             //  642.0833282470703 40.08332824707031 685.0833282470703 

             if ($imgbox_str != "") {
                 $imgbox_arr = explode(" ", $imgbox_str);
                 // New map extent in image pixel ((0,0) top-left)
                 $pix_minx = $imgbox_arr[0];
                 $pix_miny = $imgbox_arr[1];
                 $pix_maxx = $imgbox_arr[2];
                 $pix_maxy = $imgbox_arr[3];

                 if ($pix_minx == $pix_maxx) $pix_maxx = $pix_maxx + 3;  
## increase max extent if min==max
                 if ($pix_miny == $pix_maxy) $pix_maxy = $pix_maxy - 3;  ##

                 // BEFORE:
                 // $pixext = ms_newrectObj();

                 // Modified by Thomas RAFFIN (SIRAP)
                 // If the rectangle is not in the same proportions as 
the map,
                 // To leave the coeff Y / X unghanged, we need to made 
$geoNewCoeff = $geo0Coeff...
                 $geo0Coeff = $this->mapheight / $this->mapwidth;
                 $geoNewDeltaX = $pix_maxx - $pix_minx;
                 $geoNewDeltaY = $pix_maxy - $pix_miny;
                 $geoNewCoeff = $geoNewDeltaY / $geoNewDeltaX;
                 if ($geoNewCoeff < $geo0Coeff) {
                     $newDeltaYCorrected = $geo0Coeff * $geoNewDeltaX;
                     $newDeltaYToAdd = ($newDeltaYCorrected - 
$geoNewDeltaY) / 2;
                     $pix_miny -= $newDeltaYToAdd;
                     $pix_maxy += $newDeltaYToAdd;
                 } else {
                     $newDeltaXCorrected = $geoNewDeltaY / $geo0Coeff;
                     $newDeltaXToAdd = ($newDeltaXCorrected - 
$geoNewDeltaX) / 2;
                     $pix_minx -= $newDeltaXToAdd;
                     $pix_maxx += $newDeltaXToAdd;

                 // BEFORE:

                 // NEW:
                 $pixext = new rectObj($pix_minx, $pix_miny, $pix_maxx, 

         // Zoom to full extent when starting
         } else {
             $pixext = ms_newrectObj();
             $pixext->setExtent(0, 0, $this->mapwidth, $this->mapheight);

         // BEFORE:
         // $this->map->zoomrectangle($pixext, $this->mapwidth, 
$this->mapheight, $this->geoext0);

         // NEW:
         $maxGeoExt = null; // Null o tu valor predeterminado para la 
extensión geográfica máxima
         $this->map->zoomRectangle($pixext, $this->mapwidth, 
$this->mapheight, $this->geoext0, $maxGeoExt);


but the following error is returned:

[06-May-2024 12:49:32 Europe/Paris] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught 
Exception: mapscript::mapObj::zoomRectangle(): General error message. 
image rectangle maxy >= miny in 
Stack trace:
mapobj_zoomrectangle(Resource id #10, Object(rectObj), '1503.166666', 
'351.16666599999...', Object(rectObj), NULL)
mapObj->zoomRectangle(Object(rectObj), '1503.166666', 
'351.16666599999...', Object(rectObj), NULL)
#5 {main}
   thrown in 
C:\ms4w\apps\sig-uco\htdocs\phpmapscriptng-swig\include\mapscript.php on 
line 2908

I have also updated to MS4W 5.0.0 which has MapServer and MapScript 
8.2.0-dev and PHP to 8.2.11 and the error is the same.

How should I solve the problem? Thanks.

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