From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: This is a digest account 7/17/2004 20:15 From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: 7/21/2004 10:42 From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: SYMBOL NAME "test_tt" TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "TTMITC__" FILLED true ANTIALIAS true # Using symbol no 47 from MI transportation: 61440 + 47 =3D 61487 CHARACTER ""=20 END Kind regards =20 Bo Thomsen=20 GeoConsult I/S=20 Denmark -----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: Flavio Hendry [mailto:flavio at TYDAC.CH] Sendt: 19. august 2004 14:51 Til: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Emne: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] true type symbol Hi Zolt=E1n The webdings font is defined as "Microsoft Symbol" and as far as I know not supported by MapServer. What you can do is to change the font to "Microsoft Unicode" using i.e. Font Creator (http://www.high- Open the font, choose Format/Platform Manager, select Microsoft Symbols and click on the button "change", which will switch it to Unicode. Save and go ... Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards Flavio Hendry ---------------------------------------------------------------- TYDAC NEWS ---------------------------------------------------------------- ############ Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards ############ mailto:flavio at ############ TYDAC AG - #### #### Geographic Information Solutions #### #### Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern ############ Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----Original Message----- From: Zolt=E1n Siki To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 05:39:21 -0500 Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] true type symbol > Hi list members, > > I've tried to use true type symbols. But black rectangles are > displayed. > Could you help me? > > Symbol definition: > > SYMBOL > NAME "v" > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT kozmufont > FILLED true > ANTIALIAS true > # CHARACTER 'a' > CHARACTER ' ' > END > > How should I define the character? > > fonts list contains > ... > kozmufont C:/windows/fonts/Webdings.ttf > ... > > part of the map file > > ... > LAYER > NAME "kozmu" > GROUP "kozter" > CONNECTIONTYPE OGR > CONNECTION "kozter/" > STATUS ON > TYPE POINT > MAXSCALE 501 > CLASS > NAME 'K=F6zm=FB' > SYMBOL 'v' > SIZE 12 > COLOR 0 0 0 > END > END > ... > > c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\cgi-bin>mapserv -v > MapServer version 4.2.1 OUTPUT=3DGIF OUTPUT=3DPNG OUTPUT=3DJPEG = OUTPUT=3DWBMP > OUTPUT=3DPDF OUTPUT=3DSWF SUPPORTS=3DPROJ SUPPORTS=3DFREETYPE > SUPPORTS=3DWMS_SERVER > SUPPORTS=3DWMS_CLI ENT SUPPORTS=3DWFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=3DWFS_CLIENT > INPUT=3DPOSTGIS > INPUT=3DOGR INPUT=3DGDAL INPUT=3DSHAPEFILE From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: [Fri Sep 03 17:42:45 2004] [error] [client] malformed header from script. Bad header=\x89PNG: mapserv.exe, referer: http://fuji- Now the Itasca demo works fine - so I'm pretty sure that the installation is ok. The problem comes when I try to look at my own shape file. I'd be very grateful if someone could tell me what I'm getting wrong. I am new to Mapserver - so apologies if I'm doing some really silly. Cheers, Ben From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: suggested that SegFault problem could be traced to mapserver's shp2img, so we tried shp2img and did get that segfault crash. When we tried using gdb to 'debug' the shp2img util with the same mapfile, we found it crashed on tif_read, here is the message before it died, ########################################################################## (gdb) run -m /var/www/html/zoom2it_mapserver/map_file/ Starting program: /root/build/mapserver-4.0.1/shp2img -m/var/www/html/zoom2it_mapserver/map_file/ (no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)...[Thread debugging using libthread_dbenabled] [New Thread -1084655424 (LWP 5180)] Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to Thread -1084655424 (LWP 5180)]0x00a036ad in TIFFFillStrip (tif=0x8863628, strip=1) at tif_read.c:252252 bytecount = td->td_stripbytecount[strip]; ########################################################################## I hope i have explained my problem clearly. Any help/hint will be greatly appreciated! By the way, almost all mapserver versions above 4.0.1 have been triedwith the same configs as below and failed exactly the same way. Here is my mapserver config: ########################################################################## MapServer version 4.0.1 OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=PDFOUTPUT=SWF SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVERSUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT INPUT=JPEGINPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE ##################################################################################### And here is the wms map file:(without vector layers) ##################################################################################### MAP NAME DURHAM_WMS_TEST SIZE 490 440 STATUS ON EXTENT 523522 4824701 712474 4963303 #simcoe UNITS METERS SHAPEPATH "/var/www/data/zoom2it_mapserver/" FONTSET "/var/www/html/zoom2it_mapserver/map_symbols/fonts.txt" SYMBOLSET "/var/www/html/zoom2it_mapserver/map_symbols/symbols.sym" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE PNG24 PROJECTION "init=EPSG:26917" END # NOT WORKING #OUTPUTFORMAT #not sure if this is really necessary # NAME GTiff # DRIVER "GDAL/GTiff" # MIMETYPE "image/tiff" # IMAGEMODE RGB # EXTENSION "tif" # #TRANSPARENT FALSE #END WEB MINSCALE 1500 MAXSCALE 700001 TEMPLATE durham_data_wms.html IMAGEPATH "/var/www/html/zoom2it_mapserver/map_images/" IMAGEURL "map_images/" METADATA WMS_TITLE "durham data served via wms" WMS_ABSTRACT "WMS server compliant data service for durham area" WMS_ACCESSCONSTRAINTS none WMS_ONLINERESOURCE "" WMS_SRS "EPSG:26917" END END #LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # testing tiff NAME durham_tile STATUS ON DATA /var/www/data/zoom2it_mapserver/256/simcoe_10k_6m/ORTH175640485302002FBS.tif" TYPE RASTER METADATA WMS_TITLE "Durham Ortho Photo(50cm - Tile)" WMS_ABSTRACT "ortho_lro_40_50cm_wms test tile" #WMS_SRS "epsg:26917" END PROJECTION "init=EPSG:26917" END END END ##################################################################################### From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: suggested that SegFault problem could be traced to mapserver's shp2img, so we tried shp2img and did get that segfault crash. When we tried using gdb to 'debug' the shp2img util with the same mapfile, we found it crashed on tif_read, here is the message before it died, ######################################################################## ## (gdb) run -m /var/www/html/zoom2it_mapserver/map_file/ Starting program: /root/build/mapserver-4.0.1/shp2img -m/var/www/html/zoom2it_mapserver/map_file/ (no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)... (no debugging symbols found)...[Thread debugging using libthread_dbenabled] [New Thread -1084655424 (LWP 5180)] Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to Thread -1084655424 (LWP 5180)]0x00a036ad in TIFFFillStrip (tif=3D0x8863628, strip=3D1) at tif_read.c:252252 bytecount =3D td->td_stripbytecount[strip]; ######################################################################## ## I hope i have explained my problem clearly. Any help/hint will be greatly appreciated! By the way, almost all mapserver versions above 4.0.1 have been triedwith the same configs as below and failed exactly the same way. Here is my mapserver config: ######################################################################## ## MapServer version 4.0.1 OUTPUT=3DPNG OUTPUT=3DJPEG OUTPUT=3DWBMP OUTPUT=3DPDFOUTPUT=3DSWF SUPPORTS=3DPROJ SUPPORTS=3DFREETYPE SUPPORTS=3DWMS_SERVERSUPPORTS=3DWMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=3DWFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=3DWFS_CLIENT INPUT=3DJPEGINPUT=3DPOSTGIS INPUT=3DOGR = INPUT=3DGDAL INPUT=3DSHAPEFILE ######################################################################## ############# And here is the wms map file:(without vector layers) ######################################################################## ############# MAP NAME DURHAM_WMS_TEST SIZE 490 440 STATUS ON EXTENT 523522 4824701 712474 4963303 #simcoe UNITS METERS SHAPEPATH "/var/www/data/zoom2it_mapserver/" FONTSET "/var/www/html/zoom2it_mapserver/map_symbols/fonts.txt" SYMBOLSET "/var/www/html/zoom2it_mapserver/map_symbols/symbols.sym" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE PNG24 PROJECTION "init=3DEPSG:26917" END # NOT WORKING #OUTPUTFORMAT #not sure if this is really necessary # NAME GTiff # DRIVER "GDAL/GTiff" # MIMETYPE "image/tiff" # IMAGEMODE RGB # EXTENSION "tif" # #TRANSPARENT FALSE #END WEB MINSCALE 1500 MAXSCALE 700001 TEMPLATE durham_data_wms.html IMAGEPATH "/var/www/html/zoom2it_mapserver/map_images/" IMAGEURL "map_images/" METADATA WMS_TITLE "durham data served via wms" WMS_ABSTRACT "WMS server compliant data service for durham area" WMS_ACCESSCONSTRAINTS none WMS_ONLINERESOURCE "" WMS_SRS "EPSG:26917" END END #LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # testing tiff NAME durham_tile STATUS ON DATA /var/www/data/zoom2it_mapserver/256/simcoe_10k_6m/ORTH175640485302002FBS .tif" TYPE RASTER METADATA WMS_TITLE "Durham Ortho Photo(50cm - Tile)" WMS_ABSTRACT "ortho_lro_40_50cm_wms test tile" #WMS_SRS "epsg:26917" END PROJECTION "init=3DEPSG:26917" END END END ######################################################################## ############# From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: The demo can be found at: David. David J. Fawcett MN Office of Environmental Assistance >>> Ike Brian 09/24/04 5:06 PM >>> Hello, I am very new to the software and learning how to use it.I have congifured my *.map file and I really dont know how to publish it in http or better still to query the map for viewing.Please could anyone help me how to do that? Thank you very much Ike --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages! From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: The demo can be found at: David. David J. Fawcett MN Office of Environmental Assistance >>> Ike Brian 09/24/04 5:06 PM >>> Hello, I am very new to the software and learning how to use it.I have congifured my *.map file and I really dont know how to publish it in http or better still to query the map for viewing.Please could anyone help me how to do that? Thank you very much Ike --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages! --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers! --0-1705879100-1096161519=:28418 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Thank you very much for the reply.I have downloaded the demo as u said and have followd all the necessary steps.
When I clicked on intialise the page the opened did not show the following
  • the map
  • legend
  • scale

But all other things showed up.I would like to know if there is something else that I should do to show up the above mentioned objects.

I think that image type is the problem.Hoping to hear from you.


done as you said.

David Fawcett <David.Fawcett at> wrote:

I recommend that you downloat the demo and get that up and running.
From there, you can modify it and include your own data.

The demo can be found at:


David J. Fawcett
MN Office of Environmental Assistance
>>> Ike Brian 09/24/04 5:06 PM >>>
I am very new to the software and learning how to use it.I have
congifured my *.map file and I really dont know how to publish it in
http or better still to query the map for viewing.Please could anyone
help me how to do that?
Thank you very much

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages!

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers! --0-1705879100-1096161519=:28418-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: The demo can be found at:=20 David. David J. Fawcett MN Office of Environmental Assistance >>> Ike Brian 09/24/04 5:06 PM >>> Hello, I am very new to the software and learning how to use it.I have congifured my *.map file and I really dont know how to publish it in http or better still to query the map for viewing.Please could anyone help me how to do that? Thank you very much Ike --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages! _____ =20 Do you Yahoo!? HYPERLINK "*http:/ new _mail/static/efficiency.html"Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers! --- Incoming mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.768 / Virus Database: 515 - Release Date: 2004-09-22 --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.768 / Virus Database: 515 - Release Date: 2004-09-22 =20 ------=_NextPart_000_000F_01C4A473.D7603FA0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



To get the Mapserver demo working, = you must at least:


1-       Have a working installation of Apache with CGI support

2-       Have a working installation of Mapserver CGI

3-       Change variables = of the Map file (SHAPEPATH, TEMPLATE and WEB block particularly) according to = your system

4-       Change variables = of the HTML files according to your system


You can verify your Mapserver CGI installation by sending a test URL to your server (see the doc from = Mapserver web site).=A0 I recommend you take a look at this tutorial which will = guide you through the installation and testing process:



Otherwise, you can use the = DMSolutions Maplab product:



Best regards,


Skweda = O'Bomsawin


-----Message = d'origine-----
De : UMN MapServer = Users List [mailto:
MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la part de Ike Brian
Envoy=E9 : 25 = septembre 2004 21:19
=C0 : =
Objet : = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Query not showing Map/Scale/Legend


Thank you very = much for the reply.I have downloaded the demo as u said and have followd all the necessary steps.

When I clicked = on intialise the page the opened did not show the = following

=B7         the map

=B7         legend

=B7         scale

But all other things showed up.I would like = to know if there is something else that I should do to show up the above mentioned objects.

I think that image type is the problem.Hoping = to hear from you.


done as you = said.

David Fawcett <David.Fawcett at> = wrote:


I recommend that you downloat the demo and get that up and running.
From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID:
The demo can be found at:


David J. Fawcett
MN Office of Environmental Assistance
>>> Ike Brian 09/24/04 5:06 PM = >>>
I am very new to the software and learning how to use it.I have
congifured my *.map file and I really dont know how to publish it in
http or better still to query the map for viewing.Please could = anyone
help me how to do that?
Thank you very much

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages!

Do you = Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.768 / Virus Database: 515 - Release Date: = 2004-09-22

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.768 / Virus Database: 515 - Release Date: 2004-09-22

------=_NextPart_000_000F_01C4A473.D7603FA0-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: The demo can be found at: David. David J. Fawcett MN Office of Environmental Assistance >>> Ike Brian 09/24/04 5:06 PM >>> Hello, I am very new to the software and learning how to use it.I have congifured my *.map file and I really dont know how to publish it in http or better still to query the map for viewing.Please could anyone help me how to do that? Thank you very much Ike --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages! --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers! --- Incoming mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.768 / Virus Database: 515 - Release Date: 2004-09-22 --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.768 / Virus Database: 515 - Release Date: 2004-09-22 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around --0-1366611327-1096430532=:65841 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
I have PHP/Mapscript *.phtml files but dont know how to access them.These data are from the mapserver web they are already programmed files but want to know how to access *.phtml files.These are the USA files from
Could anyone in how I can display the map using these files.I am only used to html files.

Skweda O'Bomsawin <sobomsawin at KASSINI.COM> wrote:



To get the Mapserver demo working, you must at least:


1-       Have a working installation of Apache with CGI support

2-       Have a working installation of Mapserver CGI

3-       Change variables of the Map file (SHAPEPATH, TEMPLATE and WEB block particularly) according to your system

4-       Change variables of the HTML files according to your system


You can verify your Mapserver CGI installation by sending a test URL to your server (see the doc from Mapserver web site).  I recommend you take a look at this tutorial which will guide you through the installation and testing process:


Otherwise, you can use the DMSolutions Maplab product:


Best regards,


Skweda O'Bomsawin


-----Message d'origine-----
De : UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:
MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la part de Ike Brian
Envoy? : 25 septembre 2004 21:19
? :
Objet : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Query not showing Map/Scale/Legend


Thank you very much for the reply.I have downloaded the demo as u said and have followd all the necessary steps.

When I clicked on intialise the page the opened did not show the following

?         the map

?         legend

?         scale

But all other things showed up.I would like to know if there is something else that I should do to show up the above mentioned objects.

I think that image type is the problem.Hoping to hear from you.


done as you said.

David Fawcett <David.Fawcett at> wrote:


I recommend that you downloat the demo and get that up and running.
From there, you can modify it and include your own data.

The demo can be found at:


David J. Fawcett
MN Office of Environmental Assistance
>>> Ike Brian 09/24/04 5:06 PM >>>
I am very new to the software and learning how to use it.I have
congifured my *.map file and I really dont know how to publish it in
http or better still to query the map for viewing.Please could anyone
help me how to do that?
Thank you very much

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages!

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.768 / Virus Database: 515 - Release Date: 2004-09-22

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.768 / Virus Database: 515 - Release Date: 2004-09-22

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around --0-1366611327-1096430532=:65841-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: The demo can be found at:=20 David. David J. Fawcett MN Office of Environmental Assistance >>> Ike Brian 09/24/04 5:06 PM >>> Hello, I am very new to the software and learning how to use it.I have congifured my *.map file and I really dont know how to publish it in http or better still to query the map for viewing.Please could anyone help me how to do that? Thank you very much Ike --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages! _____ =20 Do you Yahoo!? HYPERLINK "*http:/ new _mail/static/efficiency.html"Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers! --- Incoming mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.768 / Virus Database: 515 - Release Date: 2004-09-22 =20 --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.768 / Virus Database: 515 - Release Date: 2004-09-22 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around=20 --- Incoming mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.770 / Virus Database: 517 - Release Date: 2004-09-27 --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.770 / Virus Database: 517 - Release Date: 2004-09-27 =20 ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01C4A611.3B46FF60 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



You can run your phtml like any = other html file from your web server. =A0To do that, you just have to set the type = in your httpd.conf file (if you are using Apache of course):

AddType application/x-httpd-php = .php .phtml

AddType application/x-httpd-php-cgi = .php .phtml=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 # If you want to run = php as cgi

Action application/x-httpd-php-cgi = /cgi-bin/php433=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 # Where is your php cgi application


Of course, you must have compiled = Apache and PHP to work together (see or search Google for an installation adapted to your = OS).


This way, you will be able to call = your application as phtml


P.S. These USA demo files have = to be edited to your settings before you can run them…=A0 See the = Mapserver installation and PHP/Mapscript documentation.




Skweda = O'Bomsawin


-----Message = d'origine-----
De : UMN MapServer = Users List [mailto:
MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la part de Ike Brian
Envoy=E9 : 29 = septembre 2004 00:02
=C0 : =
Objet : = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Help In Accessing/Displaying Mapscripts



I have = PHP/Mapscript *.phtml files but dont know how to access them.These data are from the mapserver web they are already programmed files but want to know how to = access *.phtml files.These are the USA files from http://www.mobilegeo=

Could anyone = in how I can display the map using these files.I am only used to html files.

Skweda = O'Bomsawin <sobomsawin at KASSINI.COM> wrote:



To get the Mapserver demo working, you must at least:


1-       = Have a working installation of Apache with CGI = support

2-       = Have a working installation of Mapserver = CGI

3-       = Change variables of the Map file (SHAPEPATH, TEMPLATE and = WEB block particularly) according to your system

4-       = Change variables of the HTML files according to your = system


You can verify your Mapserver CGI installation by sending a test URL to your = server (see the doc from Mapserver web site).  I recommend you take a look = at this tutorial which will guide you through the installation and testing process:



Otherwise, you can use the DMSolutions Maplab product:



Best regards,


Skweda O'Bomsawin


-----Message = d'origine-----
De : UMN MapServer = Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la part de Ike Brian
Envoy=E9 : 25 = septembre 2004 21:19
Objet : = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Query not showing Map/Scale/Legend


Thank you very = much for the reply.I have downloaded the demo as u said and have followd all the necessary steps.

When I clicked = on intialise the page the opened did not show the = following

=B7        = ; the map

=B7        = ; legend

=B7        = ; scale

But all other things showed up.I would like = to know if there is something else that I should do to show up the above mentioned objects.

I think that image type is the problem.Hoping = to hear from you.


done as you = said.

David Fawcett <David.Fawcett at> = wrote:


I recommend that you downloat the demo and get that up and running.
From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID:
The demo can be found at:


David J. Fawcett
MN Office of Environmental Assistance
>>> Ike Brian 09/24/04 5:06 PM = >>>
I am very new to the software and learning how to use it.I have
congifured my *.map file and I really dont know how to publish it in
http or better still to query the map for viewing.Please could = anyone
help me how to do that?
Thank you very much

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages!

Do you = Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.768 / Virus Database: 515 - Release Date: = 2004-09-22


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.768 / Virus Database: 515 - Release Date: = 2004-09-22

______________________________________________= ____
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.770 / Virus Database: 517 - Release Date: = 2004-09-27

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.770 / Virus Database: 517 - Release Date: 2004-09-27

------=_NextPart_000_000C_01C4A611.3B46FF60-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: > > 1./ Does http://localhost/maps/mywms give you the MapServer message: > > "No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but empty." > > 2./ Try double quoting your request url? i.e.: > > SetEnvIf Request_URI "/maps/mywms" MS_MAPFILE=C:/maps/ ... > > 2./ > > Does SetEnvIfNoCase work? i.e.: > > SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "/cgi-bin/ms_ogc_workshop" > MS_MAPFILE=/ms4w/apps/ms_ogc_workshop/service/ > > This works for me under Apache on WinXP as expected. > > ..Tom > > > > > > _________________________________________________________ > > Do You Yahoo!? > > Informaci?n de Estados Unidos y Am?rica Latina, en Yahoo! > > Noticias. Vis?tanos en > > > _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Informaci?n de Estados Unidos y Am?rica Latina, en Yahoo! Noticias. Vis?tanos en From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: QGIS (or mapserver?) as a background for overlaying the vector data. I have done some prototyping, & it certainly works, the only issue is data volume. I can't see Lizardtech donating MrSid to the cause, even with the SuSE chameleon on-side :-) A web map server using OS tools to demo this is somewhere on my to-do list, hence struggling with mapserver evenings & weekends! Thanks everyone for your help. It prob won't be my last mayday msg.... Brent Wood From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: le? - thanks. #Joseph Norris (Perl - what else is there?/Linux/CGI/Mysql) print @c=map chr $_+100,(6,17,15,16,-68,-3,10,11,16,4,1,14,-68,12,1,14,8,-68,4,-3,-1,7,1,14,- 68,-26,11,15,1,12,4,-68,-22,11,14,14,5,15,-90); From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: map' where each dot represents a certain number of the teachers in that ZipCode, but where the dots do not represent the actual locations of the teachers or a real point on the earth. I don't believe that this can be done with standard MapServer, especially if you want the ability to query the dots. Even it there is a way to represent the dots on a map, at that point, they are just symbols, not data. If you can't (or don't want to) store actual locations for teachers, I would recommend that you symbolize the polygons using a chloropleth scheme using classes in your map file. The user could then query (click on) the ZipCode Polygon and get a list of the teachers with associated data). I suppose that with mapscript, you could query out the records for teachers within a polygon from your teachers database (if you have a zip field in your db), and using an algorithm that you write, create a point for each teacher in your recordset, distribute the the points within the boundaries of that polygon (following your own buffering and conflict resolution algorithms), and then write them to a temporary shapefile that the user could query. ****note, this is purely conceptual and probably quite resource intensive to do on the fly. Of course, my feeling is that even if you can pull this off, it isn't going to be very intuitive to the user. Since the locations of the points have no real meaning, how would the user find the record that they were interested in? Do they play 'Mine Sweeper' or 'Husker Du (game, not band)'? Even if you use labels, once the density of dots gets great enough, not all points will be labeled. My guess is that the user is either looking for a specific teacher based on name (or other attribute) or a list of all of the teachers. FWIW, I find that dot density maps tend to confuse people leading them to conclude that the dots actually do represent a point on the earth. I am not trying to be critical, just trying to conceptually think this through so you can apply the appropriate MapServer methodologies. David. David J. Fawcett MN Office of Environmental Assistance >>> Joseph Norris 11/24/2004 10:53:30 AM >>> Eric Thanks for the help so far. What am I trying to accomplish? 1) 1) Learn how to do simple data display from my Mysql database to a map - This I have achieved by coloring the polygons which represent where certain teachers are by their zip code within California 2) Add zoom capability to my map so that users can zoom into a polygon ( or zoom out ) - I have also achieved this 3) When user zooms into a colored polygon - I would like to put an ellipse for each teacher in that polygon - This I have not achieved and I am having no end of problems trying to achieve Since this whole deal is a proof of concept type project so that we will get the go-ahead for more advanced projects utilizing mapserver, I would like to do it as simply as possible. I have been more-or-less working on my own time to do this because I feel that it will be of great benefit to my shop. I am very familiar with ArcView and ArcIMS from installation to modification and extension and I have found it be a bit painful to use - little or no support for LAMP environments and very windows-centric and very very costly. I hope I have clarified my situation. As far as data goes - I have shape files of California with zip code data for the zip region polygons. Thanks again for putting up with me. #Joseph Norris (Perl - what else is there?/Linux/CGI/Mysql) print @c=map chr $_+100,(6,17,15,16,-68,-3,10,11,16,4,1,14,-68,12,1,14,8,-68,4,-3,-1,7,1,14,- 68,-26,11,15,1,12,4,-68,-22,11,14,14,5,15,-90); -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at]On Behalf Of Eric Bridger Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 5:50 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] ok - got zoom to work - another question On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 17:15, Joseph Norris wrote: > Thanks Eric - so as I understand you: > > MAP > NAME CalMap > STATUS ON > EXTENT 5890870.385 -192053.200 8943310.847 3226086.749 > IMAGETYPE GIF > SIZE 600 600 > SHAPEPATH > "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ > " > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > TEMPLATEPATTERN "map" > > SYMBOL > NAME 'circle' > TYPE ELLIPSE > POINTS 1 1 END > FILLED TRUE > END > > > LAYER > NAME "cal_zp_st" > TYPE POLYGON > DATA "cal_zp_st" > STATUS DEFAULT > CLASSITEM "ZCTA" > > CLASS > EXPRESSION > /94087|90408|94107|95118|94530|74580|95404|93711|94904|92030|94121|91042|961 > 01|94523|95548|95658|92057|92503/ > STYLE > SYMBOL 'circle' > SIZE 2 > COLOR 255 102 102 > END > > END > > CLASS > EXPRESSION /./ > OUTLINECOLOR 204 204 204 > END > END > LAYER > NAME "poly_minscale" > TYPE POLYGON > DATA "cal_zp_st" > STATUS DEFAULT > MINSCALE ???? > CLASS > SYMBOL 'circle' > SIZE 2 > COLOR 255 102 102 > END > END > LAYER > NAME "poly_maxscale" > TYPE POLYGON > DATA "cal_zp_st" > STATUS DEFAULT > MAXSCALE???? > I don't know what the class would be if any > END > > > END # end map from header > > How do I determine the minscale and maxscale? > > Thanks > > #Joseph Norris (Perl - what else is there?/Linux/CGI/Mysql) print @c=map chr > $_+100,(6,17,15,16,-68,-3,10,11,16,4,1,14,-68,12,1,14,8,-68,4,-3,-1,7,1,14,- > 68,-26,11,15,1,12,4,-68,-22,11,14,14,5,15,-90); > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at]On > Behalf Of Eric Bridger > Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 9:53 AM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] ok - got zoom to work - another question > > At 08:39 AM 11/22/2004 -0800, Joseph Norris wrote: > >Everyone, > > > >I have my zoom working but now I would like to tackle something else. I am > >putting an ellipse in the zip polygons if there is a 1-more teachers there. > >For each zip there maybe a max of 10 teachers. I would like an ellipse or > >symbol for each one so that when the user zooms into the polygon they can > >see a symbol for each teacher. Can I do this within the class? If so how > or > >would be the best way to handle this? > > > You can do this in the map file by creating two layers and using MAXSCALE, > MINSCALE. > Layer 1 has one ellipse per zip wherever there are 1-10 teachers. > MINSCALE is set so that it won't appear when you are zoomed in. > Layer 2 has one ellipse for each teacher and has MAXSCALE set so that it > turns on when Layer 1 is turned off. > > Of course if you are using Perl Mapscript you will need to calculate the > scale yourself and turn on and off the layers yourself. > Here's and example: > > my $current_scale = calculateScale($map, $imgext[0], $imgext[2]); > # From mapserver3.6.4: mapscale.c msCalculateScale(). This is not a > precision thing. We don't worry about > # msAdjustExtent() since in all our maps, image SIZE has same aspect ratio > as the map EXTENT. > # $minx and $maxx are optional in which case the current extent of the map > is used. > > # Be careful about the current map's extent. zoomMap() changes the extents. > > sub calculateScale{ > my ($map, $minx, $maxx) = @_; > if(!$minx){ > $minx = $map->{extent}->{minx}; > $maxx = $map->{extent}->{maxx}; > } > my @inchesPerUnit = (1, 12, 63360.0, 39.3701, 39370.1, 4374754); > my $width = $map->{width}; > my $units = $map->{units}; # index into unitsPerUnit array > my $resolution = $map->{resolution}; > my $md = $width / ($resolution * $inchesPerUnit[$units]); > my $gd = $maxx - $minx; > return($gd/$md); > } Joseph, I'm not exactly sure what your data looks like or what you are trying to achieve. But by using two layers you can control what exactly is displayed via different CLASS and EXPRESSION's at different scales. The scale is determined by the current map's extents, (AFTER any zooming in which you calculated new extents based on the zoom direction. (Actually this call: my $current_scale = calculateScale($map, $imgext[0], $imgext[2]); gets the scale of the map which was just submitted, based on: @imgext = split(' ', $q->param('imgext')); where imgext is the extent just submitted with the form.) Typically you'd want to call $scale = calculateScale($map) (after your zoom calculations have changed the map's extents. What MIXSCALE, MAXSCALE to use in your map file must be determined by trail and error. HTH. Eric From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: map' where each dot represents a certain number of the teachers in that ZipCode, but where the dots do not represent the actual locations of the teachers or a real point on the earth. I don't believe that this can be done with standard MapServer, especially if you want the ability to query the dots. Even it there is a way to represent the dots on a map, at that point, they are just symbols, not data. If you can't (or don't want to) store actual locations for teachers, I would recommend that you symbolize the polygons using a chloropleth scheme using classes in your map file. The user could then query (click on) the ZipCode Polygon and get a list of the teachers with associated data). I suppose that with mapscript, you could query out the records for teachers within a polygon from your teachers database (if you have a zip field in your db), and using an algorithm that you write, create a point for each teacher in your recordset, distribute the the points within the boundaries of that polygon (following your own buffering and conflict resolution algorithms), and then write them to a temporary shapefile that the user could query. ****note, this is purely conceptual and probably quite resource intensive to do on the fly. Of course, my feeling is that even if you can pull this off, it isn't going to be very intuitive to the user. Since the locations of the points have no real meaning, how would the user find the record that they were interested in? Do they play 'Mine Sweeper' or 'Husker Du (game, not band)'? Even if you use labels, once the density of dots gets great enough, not all points will be labeled. My guess is that the user is either looking for a specific teacher based on name (or other attribute) or a list of all of the teachers. FWIW, I find that dot density maps tend to confuse people leading them to conclude that the dots actually do represent a point on the earth. I am not trying to be critical, just trying to conceptually think this through so you can apply the appropriate MapServer methodologies. David. David J. Fawcett MN Office of Environmental Assistance >>> Joseph Norris 11/24/2004 10:53:30 AM >>> Eric Thanks for the help so far. What am I trying to accomplish? 1) 1) Learn how to do simple data display from my Mysql database to a map - This I have achieved by coloring the polygons which represent where certain teachers are by their zip code within California 2) Add zoom capability to my map so that users can zoom into a polygon ( or zoom out ) - I have also achieved this 3) When user zooms into a colored polygon - I would like to put an ellipse for each teacher in that polygon - This I have not achieved and I am having no end of problems trying to achieve Since this whole deal is a proof of concept type project so that we will get the go-ahead for more advanced projects utilizing mapserver, I would like to do it as simply as possible. I have been more-or-less working on my own time to do this because I feel that it will be of great benefit to my shop. I am very familiar with ArcView and ArcIMS from installation to modification and extension and I have found it be a bit painful to use - little or no support for LAMP environments and very windows-centric and very very costly. I hope I have clarified my situation. As far as data goes - I have shape files of California with zip code data for the zip region polygons. Thanks again for putting up with me. #Joseph Norris (Perl - what else is there?/Linux/CGI/Mysql) print @c=map chr $_+100,(6,17,15,16,-68,-3,10,11,16,4,1,14,-68,12,1,14,8,-68,4,-3,-1,7,1,14,- 68,-26,11,15,1,12,4,-68,-22,11,14,14,5,15,-90); -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at]On Behalf Of Eric Bridger Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 5:50 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] ok - got zoom to work - another question On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 17:15, Joseph Norris wrote: > Thanks Eric - so as I understand you: > > MAP > NAME CalMap > STATUS ON > EXTENT 5890870.385 -192053.200 8943310.847 3226086.749 > IMAGETYPE GIF > SIZE 600 600 > SHAPEPATH > "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ > " > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > TEMPLATEPATTERN "map" > > SYMBOL > NAME 'circle' > TYPE ELLIPSE > POINTS 1 1 END > FILLED TRUE > END > > > LAYER > NAME "cal_zp_st" > TYPE POLYGON > DATA "cal_zp_st" > STATUS DEFAULT > CLASSITEM "ZCTA" > > CLASS > EXPRESSION > /94087|90408|94107|95118|94530|74580|95404|93711|94904|92030|94121|91042|961 > 01|94523|95548|95658|92057|92503/ > STYLE > SYMBOL 'circle' > SIZE 2 > COLOR 255 102 102 > END > > END > > CLASS > EXPRESSION /./ > OUTLINECOLOR 204 204 204 > END > END > LAYER > NAME "poly_minscale" > TYPE POLYGON > DATA "cal_zp_st" > STATUS DEFAULT > MINSCALE ???? > CLASS > SYMBOL 'circle' > SIZE 2 > COLOR 255 102 102 > END > END > LAYER > NAME "poly_maxscale" > TYPE POLYGON > DATA "cal_zp_st" > STATUS DEFAULT > MAXSCALE???? > I don't know what the class would be if any > END > > > END # end map from header > > How do I determine the minscale and maxscale? > > Thanks > > #Joseph Norris (Perl - what else is there?/Linux/CGI/Mysql) print @c=map chr > $_+100,(6,17,15,16,-68,-3,10,11,16,4,1,14,-68,12,1,14,8,-68,4,-3,-1,7,1,14,- > 68,-26,11,15,1,12,4,-68,-22,11,14,14,5,15,-90); > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at]On > Behalf Of Eric Bridger > Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 9:53 AM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] ok - got zoom to work - another question > > At 08:39 AM 11/22/2004 -0800, Joseph Norris wrote: > >Everyone, > > > >I have my zoom working but now I would like to tackle something else. I am > >putting an ellipse in the zip polygons if there is a 1-more teachers there. > >For each zip there maybe a max of 10 teachers. I would like an ellipse or > >symbol for each one so that when the user zooms into the polygon they can > >see a symbol for each teacher. Can I do this within the class? If so how > or > >would be the best way to handle this? > > > You can do this in the map file by creating two layers and using MAXSCALE, > MINSCALE. > Layer 1 has one ellipse per zip wherever there are 1-10 teachers. > MINSCALE is set so that it won't appear when you are zoomed in. > Layer 2 has one ellipse for each teacher and has MAXSCALE set so that it > turns on when Layer 1 is turned off. > > Of course if you are using Perl Mapscript you will need to calculate the > scale yourself and turn on and off the layers yourself. > Here's and example: > > my $current_scale = calculateScale($map, $imgext[0], $imgext[2]); > # From mapserver3.6.4: mapscale.c msCalculateScale(). This is not a > precision thing. We don't worry about > # msAdjustExtent() since in all our maps, image SIZE has same aspect ratio > as the map EXTENT. > # $minx and $maxx are optional in which case the current extent of the map > is used. > > # Be careful about the current map's extent. zoomMap() changes the extents. > > sub calculateScale{ > my ($map, $minx, $maxx) = @_; > if(!$minx){ > $minx = $map->{extent}->{minx}; > $maxx = $map->{extent}->{maxx}; > } > my @inchesPerUnit = (1, 12, 63360.0, 39.3701, 39370.1, 4374754); > my $width = $map->{width}; > my $units = $map->{units}; # index into unitsPerUnit array > my $resolution = $map->{resolution}; > my $md = $width / ($resolution * $inchesPerUnit[$units]); > my $gd = $maxx - $minx; > return($gd/$md); > } Joseph, I'm not exactly sure what your data looks like or what you are trying to achieve. But by using two layers you can control what exactly is displayed via different CLASS and EXPRESSION's at different scales. The scale is determined by the current map's extents, (AFTER any zooming in which you calculated new extents based on the zoom direction. (Actually this call: my $current_scale = calculateScale($map, $imgext[0], $imgext[2]); gets the scale of the map which was just submitted, based on: @imgext = split(' ', $q->param('imgext')); where imgext is the extent just submitted with the form.) Typically you'd want to call $scale = calculateScale($map) (after your zoom calculations have changed the map's extents. What MIXSCALE, MAXSCALE to use in your map file must be determined by trail and error. HTH. Eric From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: might be a better show if I could just put a label of the number of teachers that would appear within the polygon when the user zooms into it. The min/max scale thing is still a point of contention - especially when the phrase "trial and error" is used. With what number to I start? With what number to I finish? So that I might get something within the trial and error boundaries at least to make some change. Thanks again. #Joseph Norris (Perl - what else is there?/Linux/CGI/Mysql) print @c=map chr $_+100,(6,17,15,16,-68,-3,10,11,16,4,1,14,-68,12,1,14,8,-68,4,-3,-1,7,1,14,- 68,-26,11,15,1,12,4,-68,-22,11,14,14,5,15,-90); -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at]On Behalf Of Eric Bridger Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 9:30 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] ok - got zoom to work - another question On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 11:53, Joseph Norris wrote: > > > 3) When user zooms into a colored polygon - I would like to put an ellipse > for each teacher in that polygon - This I have not achieved and I am having > no end of problems trying to achieve > This is still not clear to me. Sounds like the only shape files you have are zip code polygons. But an ellipse is a point. To put an ellipse (POINT) on the map you will need coordinates for each teacher. Doesn't sound to me like you have that data. There could be a number of ways to handle this. Pick some lat/lon within the polygon as a starting point, then increment the longitude or the CLASS OFFSET property for each succeeding point => OOOOO or O O O O Drawing the points after the polygons or putting your point layer after your polygon layer in the map file means the ellipses will appear over the polygon. Since you are using mapscript I'm sure it is solvable. Eric From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: I got following link and it was exactly what I was looking for thanks = Sean. I Hope it might helps to you as well. Karel. Howard Butler has a pre-compiled mapscript for windows and the 1.5 =20 runtime. You may want to try that to get started. ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Nikolaj Kamstrup=20 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU=20 Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 4:08 PM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer with SLD support Dear list members=20 I'm currently evaluating a few map engines including MapServer. = However, I'm having some problems of finding af compiled version of = MapServer for Windows that supports SLD. I have previously downloaded = the windows binaries 4.2 version and recently the 4.4 version from the = MapServer homepage but both of them throw an exception when trying to = make a WMS request that includes SLD. Exception is something like = "MapServer supports only default styles and is expecting an empty string = for the STYLES parameter....".=20 I would appreciate if someone could direct me to a downloadable = compiled version of MapServer for windows that supports SLD. I would = prefer a version compiled with OracleSpatial input support but it's not = a must.=20 Thanks=20 Nikolaj Kamstrup --- Odchoz=ED zpr=E1va neobsahuje viry. Zkontrolov=E1no antivirov=FDm syst=E9mem AVG ( Verze: 6.0.811 / Virov=E1 b=E1ze: 552 - datum vyd=E1n=ED: 13.12.2004 ------=_NextPart_000_0021_01C4E429.1C113BA0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
From Sean Gillies
I got following = link and it was exactly what I was looking for = thanks=20 Sean.
I Hope it might helps to you as = well.
Howard Butler has a pre-compiled mapscript for windows and the = 1.5 =20

   h= ttp://

= You=20 may want to try that to get started.
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Nikolaj Kamstrup =
Sent: Thursday, December 16, = 2004 4:08=20 PM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] = MapServer=20 with SLD support

Dear list members =

I'm currently evaluating  a few map = engines=20 including MapServer. However, I'm having some problems of finding af = compiled=20 version of MapServer for Windows that supports SLD. I have previously=20 downloaded the windows binaries 4.2 version and recently the 4.4 = version from=20 the MapServer homepage but both of them throw an exception when trying = to make=20 a WMS request that includes SLD. Exception is something like = "MapServer=20 supports only default styles and is expecting an empty string for the = STYLES=20 parameter....".

I = would appreciate=20 if someone could direct me to a downloadable compiled version of = MapServer for=20 windows that supports SLD. I would prefer a version compiled with=20 OracleSpatial input support but it's not a must.


Nikolaj Kamstrup

Odchoz=ED zpr=E1va = neobsahuje=20 viry.
Zkontrolov=E1no antivirov=FDm syst=E9mem AVG (
Verze: = 6.0.811 /=20 Virov=E1 b=E1ze: 552 - datum vyd=E1n=ED:=20 13.12.2004
------=_NextPart_000_0021_01C4E429.1C113BA0-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: are in mapsurfer/shapes/geotiff. Then I used the ogr utility to build to build my tile index shape file, which resides above the geotiff dir in the mapsurfer/shapes directory. My indexed shape "location" field has: geotiff/*.tif Then all I needed was the following in my map file. SHAPEPATH "mapsurfer/shapes" LAYER NAME "orthos" TILEINDEX "geoindex.shp" TILEITEM "location" STATUS ON TYPE RASTER MINSCALE 700 MAXSCALE 3000 END LAYER NAME "orthoindex" DATA "geoindex.shp" STATUS ON TYPE POLYGON CLASS STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 58 255 71 COLOR -1 -1 -1 END END END One note, I am on Linux. Hope this helps. Paul ---- Original message ---- >Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 14:39:34 +0100 >From: Stefan Schwarzer >Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problems Displaying GeoTIFF >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > >Hi there, > >seems to be a dump question. But I tried to find the solution in older >threats, but nothing solved my problem. So hope to find the solution to >- I guess - a simple question here: > >I need to display three-channel GeoTiffs with PHP-Mapscript. But it >doesn't display anything. Is it the IMAGEMODE? Or perhaps a compilation >issue (I use the Win-Binaries)? Any advice? > >Thanks a lot, > >Stef > > > _______________________________________ > > Stefan Schwarzer > GIS & Data Management > > UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva > Chemin des Anemones 11 > CH - 1219 Chatelaine > Switzerland > > Tel: (+41) 22.917.83.49 > Fax: (+41) 22.917.80.29 > > Internet: > _______________________________________ From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: finds the layer, and FALSE if it doesn't. I'm getting FALSE AND a warning message. =20 code snippit: =20 //returns the layer object ok. $oLayer =3D $oMap->getLayerByName("validlayername"); =20 //retuns FALSE and error $oLayer =3D $oMap->getLayerByName("notvalidlayer"); =20 Warning: getLayerByName failed for : notvalidlayer in ... =20 Thanks, =20 Liz Godwin ------_=_NextPart_001_01C5031B.41A89D68 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message
I've = been trying to=20 use getLayerByName function and it's returning a warning when I use=20 it.  I just want to verify if I am doing something wrong, = before I=20 file a bug, if it's a bug.  I've tried this on 4.2, 4.4 and = CVS from a=20 week ago, all yield the same warning.
From = what I=20 understand, the function returns the layer object if it finds the layer, = and=20 FALSE if it doesn't.  I'm getting FALSE AND a = warning=20 message.
code=20 snippit:
//returns the layer=20 object ok.
$oLayer =3D=20 $oMap->getLayerByName("validlayername");
//retuns FALSE and=20 error
$oLayer =3D=20 $oMap->getLayerByName("notvalidlayer");
 Warning:=20 getLayerByName failed for : notvalidlayer in = ...
Liz = Godwin
------_=_NextPart_001_01C5031B.41A89D68-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: Number: Datum: Area: Ellipsoid: 1001 Pulkovo 1942 Germany Krassovsky You will have to look up the EPSG code for your particular map projection that uses this datum. Brent Fraser ----- Original Message ----- From: Jose Luis Gonzalez To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:13 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] relation between .tab and .map Does anyone know any web page were indicates the posible values that the parameters of the coordsys earth projection can have in a .tab file? Does anyone know any web page were indicates the posible values that the parameters of the projection of a .map file can have? All I want is to put the parameters of the projection from my .tab file to my .map file, but it doesn't work. For example the "datum" in the corrdsys earth projection is 1001 but in the map file I do not know what it corresponds to (NAD27,WG83,...) Thank you Jose Luis From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: tags around your select element. You will need to remove those. (Perhaps that's why moving the select element makes it work now?) Adding an onchange event should work fine. As for re-selecting the chosen quick zoom after the page has refreshed, there are many ways to do it, I just build the option list in php. Something like this: *************************************** $aszOpList = array('7120999,827999,7599999,1119999'=>'Lake Ontario', '7200000,833270,7291840,894520'=>'Niagara (ON)'); $szOpList = ''; foreach ( $ aszOpList as $key=>$szOp ) { // determine selected $szTmpSelect = ( isset( $HTTP_FORM_VARS['ViewRegion'] ) && $HTTP_FORM_VARS [' ViewRegion '] == $key ) ? ' selected' : ''; // add next option $szOpList.= ''; } ***************************************** That will build your list (be sure to add all the items) each time and select an item if you have zoomed to that extent. I do foresee another problem that you will have, that is each time you refresh the page, it will attempt to do a quick zoom because there will always be a value selected. Add a hidden textbox to signal a quick zoom request: In your onChange function set the value: document.forms[0].doQuickZoom.value = 1; document.forms[0].submit(); Then back in PHP only execute the quick zoom when doQuickZoom is set to 1: If ( isset( $HTTP_FORM_VARS['doQuickZoom']) && $HTTP_FORM_VARS['doQuickZoom'] == 1 ) { ..... } HTH Bill ______________________________ William A. Bronsema, C.E.T. Applications and Software Development, DM Solutions Group Inc. > -----Original Message----- > From: Kevin Grootendorst [mailto:kgrootendorst at BAIRD.COM] > Sent: January 26, 2005 11:36 AM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU; William Bronsema > Subject: Re: Zoom to custom extent - PHP > > Hi Bill, > The quick zoom seems to be working now, but the ROSA tools do not respond, > nor does the legend/layer list. I moved the code in the 'contents.php' > to 'higher up' in the file (no longer at bottom). Once I select the > region > from the dropdown list, and click refresh, the map zooms to where it > should. However, the list defaults back to the first option. It would > also be nice to implement an 'onchange' event, so that I don't have to use > the refresh button to zoom to the region (I'm wondering when things do > work, if adding a layer and refreshing will automatically zoom to the > first > extent in the 'View Region' drop down list). > > Kevin > > > On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 07:29:44 -0500, William Bronsema > wrote: > > >Kevin, > > > >The javascript error is not preventing your map from zooming, something > else > >is. There is likely some other PHP code that is resetting the extents > after > >your quick zoom code. > > > >The javascript error you are getting occurs because the function you > listed > >cannot find the hidden textbox called "QueryString". Did you happen to > >remove it or move it outside of the form called "main"? > > > >Send me your app off-list and I will take a quick look. > > > >Bill > >________________________________________________ > >William A. Bronsema, C.E.T. > >Applications and Software Development, > >DM Solutions Group Inc. > > > > > >> -----Original Message----- > >> From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] > On > >> Behalf Of Kevin Grootendorst > >> Sent: January 25, 2005 2:52 PM > >> To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > >> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Zoom to custom extent - PHP > >> > >> I've implemented the code, and now I'm even convinced it should work. > But > >> no such luck yet. The debugging works just as it should, but when it > >> should 'quick zoom now', the map still draws to the project's max > extents. > >> However, I do receive a windows js error box indicating a problem in > the > >> app.phmtl file: > >> > >> 'document.main.QueryString.value' is null or not an object. > >> > >> > >> Here is my javascript from the .phtml file: > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> Could this somehow be preventing my php code from working? From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: mapserver version, input, output and support). but when i try to access the map from url (/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=[some_map]) it get me 500 internal server error Have a look at and I compiled the mapserver with gd=static,/path/to/gd2 Help me please From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: "Annotation means that a label point will be calculated for the features, but the feature itself will not be drawn although a marker symbol can be optionally drawn." Best regards, Bart > Hi List, > > I want to draw an polygon shapefile as a pointlayer, each polygon one > point > in the center of it. Below my mapfile snippet. What I get is still a > polygonlayer with a dashed outline (little red points). What's wrong? > > thanks! > Richard > > LAYER > NAME "mypolygons" > TYPE POINT > CLASSITEM mp > DATA mp > STATUS ON > UNITS meters > TEMPLATE "templates/mypolygons.html" > CLASS > STYLE > COLOR 255 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 > END > END > METADATA > WMS_TITLE "My polygons" > WMS_ABSTRACT "My polygons" > WMS_SRS "epsg:28992" > END > END > From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: "Make sure you use a libfcgi.dll built against the same runtime library as your mapserv.exe (and possibly libmap_fcgi.dll) or you will suffer a world of pain! Different runtime libraries have different "environ" variables (as well as their own stdio and heaps). You can check that everything is using MSVCRT.DLL (or all using MSVCRTD.DLL) using the MS SDK Dependency Walker." Thanks again Frank, I would never have figured this one out without this hint ... Best regards, Bart On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 17:01:23 +0100, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: >Hello list, > >after all compiling issues have been solved, I am trying to run Mapserver >as a fastcgi on win32 but am running into some problems. I have followed >all the instructions in the Wiki so far. > >When I run mapserv.fcgi (just http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.fcgi) from >a browser I get an Internal Server (500 error) and the following is in the >Apache error log (incomplete headers): > >The fastcgi FAQ says that in those cases the application did not terminate >the headers properly: > > > >[Mon Jan 03 17:01:29 2005] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server >"C:/ms4w/cgi-bin/bart/mapserv.fcgi" started (pid 3704) >[Mon Jan 03 17:01:30 2005] [error] [client] FastCGI: >incomplete headers (114 bytes) received from server >"C:/ms4w/cgi-bin/bart/mapserv.fcgi" >[Mon Jan 03 17:01:30 2005] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server >"C:/ms4w/cgi-bin/bart/mapserv.fcgi" (pid 3704) terminated with exit with >status '0' >[Mon Jan 03 17:01:34 2005] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server >"C:/ms4w/cgi-bin/bart/mapserv.fcgi" restarted (pid 4008) > >The problem is not that a dll is missing, since if I rename one of my >dll's I get something like: > >[Mon Jan 03 16:59:35 2005] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server >"C:/ms4w/cgi-bin/bart/mapserv.fcgi" has failed to remain running for 30 >seconds given 3 attempts, its restart interval has been backed off to 600 >seconds > >which means the process cannot even start probably. > >Any ideas on what is going on? > >Thanks in advance. > >Best regards, >Bart From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: problem with pyramiding with WMS is that all the layers in map file are reported and available to the client app (we gotta fix this!). See Brent Fraser ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff de La Beaujardiere" To: Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 11:32 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] grouping raster tiles for mapserv WMS > Suppose I have a large TIFF image cut into tiles forming a > multi-resolution pyramid (each tile is a separate TIFF, not > a tiled TIFF). I would like to have mapserv access the > lowest-resolution tile that covers the area of interest at > the user-requested size. > > I created a single .shp file using gdaltindex referencing > all of my tiles, in order from lowest to highest resolution, > but mapserv does not seem to be taking advantage of that > TILEINDEX (that is, mapserv quickly renders high-res local images > but is slow to create a global overview). Have I misunderstood > how a .shp file is supposed to be created and used? > > I would like to have a separate TILEINDEX at each resolution, > with appropriate MINSSCALE and MAXSCALE, but I don't see how > to group those in a single WMS LAYER since CLASS can contain > MINSCALE and MAXSCALE but cannot contain TILEINDEX (i.e., it > seems only 1 TILEINDEX is permitted for each LAYER). > > Confused, > Jeff DLB > mapserv newbie > > P.S. Also, the expected units of MIN/MAXSCALE do not seem to be > documented - is it coordinate units per pixel or what? My > input data are in lon-lat. From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: c:\......\mapserve.exe See if it produces error messages. If it does then you need to place all the mapserver dll's into your windows\system32\ folder or else make sure that the location where you have them is listed in the PATH environmental variable. Cheers, Ken Lord Vancouver BC On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 13:04:02 -0600, V P wrote: > Thanks. Your solution worked. My problem now is, when I hit > the 'Initialize' button it spits out a dialog box stating.. > > Mapserv.exe - App Error > The instruction at '0x77f88216' referenced memory at '0x00000010'. The > memory could not be 'written'. Click on Ok to terminate or Cancel to debug. > > After I hit okay, I get the > > 'CGI error message.'The specified CGI application misbehaved by not > returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: > > I'm not sure what this problem is now. could it have something to do with > the /tmp file?.. or where it's trying to write to? I set the security of > the tmp folder for anonymous users to read/write.. etc. I'm stumped once > again. Could someone help? Thanks. > From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: problems with threads, and can still easily bring down Tomcat even with the thread compile option is set. Please correct me if I am wrong. What I did was I synchronized the class that does the map processing, and now my test app can survive benchmarking with JMeter. Here are my results as compared with a simillar PHP CGI program: 4 threads (requests) per second, repeated 25 times PHP Mapscript 1.8 to 1.9 pages per second Java Mapscript 2.3 to 2.5 pages per second I was honestly surprised with the result and it is encouraging me to work with Java Mapscript even in a synchronized mode. mario yokohama,japan --- Joseph Miller wrote: > Umberto, > > 1)I don't think I compiled specifically with > multi-threading because it > wasn't an option listed in the nmake.opt for > Microsoft Visual C++ options > file??? The last I heard multithreading was not > even on the horizon for > mapserver and yet I see it in the Unix build options > file? What do I need > to do this? > > 2)I tried both options you mentioned, I had the > problem when passed the > same mapObj from request to request and stored it in > the session and when I > set it to null after every request and instantiated > it and assigned > attributes based on other variables stored in the > requests and sessions? > I'm assuming the latter is preferred? > > Thanks, > Joe Miller > > On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 09:44:21 +0100, Umberto > Nicoletti > wrote: > > >Did you enable threads support? > >Java, and especially servlets, are definitely > highly concurrent > >environment, so you have to enable thread support > when compiling > >mapserver and mapscript. One very problematic spot > with regards to > >threads is in fact the parser of .map files. > > > >Do you attempt to reuse the same mapObj across > multiple requests or just > >create one and dispose as soon as you are done > within a single request? > > > >HTH, > >Umberto > > > > > >On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 00:53 -0500, Miller Joseph > wrote: > >> Hi, > >> I'm having a baffling problem with a nightly > build of Java Mapscript > >> from about a month ago that I am running on > Windows 2000 with Tomcat > >> 5.5.4. > >> > >> The symptom I see is that I can generate the > default image but after the > >> fourth or fifth time that I pass a new envelope > to change the extent of > >> the image I get the following error: > >> > >> The relevant part of the stack trace: > >> java.lang.UnknownError: Failed to draw layer > named 'world'. > >> at > edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapscriptJNI.mapObj_draw(Native > Method) > >> at > edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapObj.draw( > >> > >> Occasionally I'll get a flex scanner error or > tomcat will crash with an > >> Exception_Access_Violation memmove error similar > to the one referred to > >> here: > >> > > >> dID=286832 > >> > >> All of this happens whether I instatiate new > instances of the mapObj and > >> set everything to null or if I use the same > mapObj throughout and only > >> after a few passes, suggesting to me that there > is a memory issue > >> somewhere. I can pass on some specific code, but > all I am really doing > >> is creating new envelopes to store extents and > then assigning them to > >> the mapObj or extracting the corner coordinates > and setting the extent > >> with them. > >> > >> I've been fighting this for a frustrating week > now. Does anyone have > >> any advice? > >> > >> Thanks, > >> Joe Miller > >-- > >Umberto Nicoletti > At that point it > will > >+390415701366 unicoletti at > compile, but segfault, as > it should.. > >Prometeo S.R.L. The Software Experience > > Umberto, > > 1)I don't think I compiled specifically with > multi-threading because it > wasn't an option listed in the nmake.opt for > Microsoft Visual C++ options > file??? The last I heard multithreading was not > even on the horizon for > mapserver and yet I see it in the Unix build options > file? What do I need > to do this? > > 2)I tried both options you mentioned, I had the > problem when passed the > same mapObj from request to request and stored it in > the session and when I > set it to null after every request and instantiated > it and assigned > attributes based on other variables stored in the > requests and sessions? > I'm assuming the latter is preferred? > > Thanks, > Joe Miller > __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Sports - Sign up for Fantasy Baseball. From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: "This program builds a shapefile with a record for each input raster file, an attribute containing the filename, and a polygon geometry outlining the raster. This output is suitable for use with UMN MapServer as a raster tileindex." -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Yar Doroshenko Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 3:13 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] gdaltindex in DOS Hi, I need help on using gdaltindex command in DOS on my Windows machine. I have 78 shape files for each county in the state of Oklahoma. I want to make them load fast as I zoom into a specific portion of the map. I used these instructions But, I can't seem to get it working. All of my shape files are in C:\its\Apache2\htdocs\statewide\shape_files\tile folder My gdaltindex utility is in C:\its\GDAL\125\bin folder My first question is - What's the difference between "tileindex shape file" and "shptree index" ? I can see that I need to first create tileindex shape file and only then shptree index. I tried the following command: for %f in (C:\its\Apache2\htdocs\statewide\shape_files\tile*.shp) do gdaltindex index.shp %f - I found this comand on the forum. I didn't get any eror messages, but at the same time my shape files did not change and no new files were created. Could anyone please tell me what are the steps and syntaxis that I should use to create tileindex in DOS environment? I really appreciate your help!!! Feel free to email numerous at Thank you! From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: /usr/local/bin/php phpinfo_mapscript.phtml > test.html and test.html shows that the MapScript is loaded. Other test also seem = to work from the command line. However when I try to run this file through a browser I get the = following error: [Mon Mar 21 11:42:14 2005] [error] [client] PHP Warning: = dl(): Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php4/' - = /usr/lib/php4/ failed to map segment from shared = object: Permission denied in /var/www/html/phpinfo_mapscript.phtml on = line 21 To set the web server up for php I did the following: created a new php.conf file with only these two lines: AddHandler phtml-script .phtml Action phtml-script /cgi-bin/ in my cgi-bin directory, contains the following: #!/bin/bash export SCRIPT_FILENAME=3D$PATH_TRANSLATED /usr/bin/php Any ideas? Thanks Troy From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: /usr/local/bin/php phpinfo_mapscript.phtml > test.html and test.html shows that the MapScript is loaded. Other test also seem to work from the command line. However when I try to run this file through a browser I get the following error: [Mon Mar 21 11:42:14 2005] [error] [client] PHP Warning: dl(): Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php4/' - /usr/lib/php4/ failed to map segment from shared object: Permission denied in /var/www/html/phpinfo_mapscript.phtml on line 21 To set the web server up for php I did the following: created a new php.conf file with only these two lines: AddHandler phtml-script .phtml Action phtml-script /cgi-bin/ in my cgi-bin directory, contains the following: #!/bin/bash export SCRIPT_FILENAME=3D$PATH_TRANSLATED /usr/bin/php Any ideas? Thanks Troy From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: maps we serve to our general customer base are 80% imagery or a static layer set and most users browse around quite a bit. If I can meet the needs of 80% of my user base with pre-generated tiles then I can concentrate my development efforts on the other 20% who want things like real-time weather overlays, database integration, etc... > This is a mayor problem and we should not add new problems by sticking > to predefined scales and ignoring the joys of interoperability (as Chris > Holmes pointed out when we were discussing Wikimaps). We should definitely not ignore significant developments by large, well funded companies employing serious brain power. -Mike From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: "branding" were very confusing. I don't think they would hassle someone about it, but I didn't know what I would technically be required to do to be considered compliant with the requirement. The other issue is that it includes the fairly common "US Export Control" requirement. You aren't allowed to send MrSID software to evil nations like N. Korea or Iraq. I believe it is typically considere= d sufficient for you to have a click though license verifying that folks aren= 't from any of these Evil Nations (tm). Luckily these folks are apparently=20 willing to adhere to such click through restrictions. =20 In all fairness, this restrictions isn't Lizardtech's fault. It is somethi= ng applied to many US software packages. A bit of a drag on US industry if you ask me.=20 >I thought it looked OK > to build it into open source software for binary distribution (ie > GDAL). I hadn't heard about their close-minded view of Mapserver > though. Maybe I should remove it from my GIS Libs package (which is > used by my separate MapServer package) for Mac OS X? I wouldn't take this "close-minded view of MapServer" to literally.=20 I know lots of folks using MrSID with MapServer and in many cases Lizardtech has put in some effort to help support them. Likewise, while the free ECW SDK license does restrict use of the SDK on "servers" in their free GPL-like option, it is their intention that it be usable with MapServer, and as Howard says they are working on revising the license.=20 I personally hope that companies promoting technologies like MrSID and ECW will see the confusion and "drag" on adoption=20 from complex licenses and consider streamlining them. But it isn't necessarily due to ill will on their part. It is the nature of the folks who write software licenses to make them very lop-sided because in the normal shrink-wrapped software world everyone just says "I agree" and goes on. I would like to think that that redistributors of software (such as Howard or I), do try to be more concientious in adhering to license restrictions which can cause problems. That is one of the reasons I tried to pick the most string-free license for GDAL I could find.= =20 Best regards, --=20 ---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------= --- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.c= om light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: are raw photos, and that what you want to know is how to orthorectify them so they can be easily used as "plain" pictures (aka orthophotos).=20 If you are looking for airphoto orthorectification capabilities, then I=20 think you will find it exists in GRASS though I have never tried to=20 use this capability. =20 Best regards, --=20 ---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------= --- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.c= om light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: whatever map projection you use to "proj=latlong"... I think that would work for the most part, but it might be off if your map projection is different from the projection your data was using and you don't have the proper projection set in your layer definition... but since you don't know anything about the projection your data is using, I don't think this can be helped. If you are using data downloaded off the internet check the site for metadata about the shapefile. There is a pretty good chance that the data is unprojected, just in "latlong". It seems like nearly everything I've found on the net is just "latlong". -Jeff ----- Original Message ----- From: "Giridhar Manepalli" To: Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 8:17 PM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Inverse Projection Hello All, When the user clicks on the map image, I calculated the Latitude/Longitude using javascript. This pretty much assumes linear transformation of image points to lat/long which obviously will be erroneous. The deviation from the actual lat/long will depend on the "projection" i have used for my shapefile. Currently, I dont have any information of the projection system used. Is it possible to identify more accurately the lat/long of the mouse click without knowing the projection system? If I know the projection system used, is it right to say that I can accurately calculate the lat/long of the mouse click? If so, how? I appreciate if anyone can throw some light on these issues! Thanks Giridhar From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: thickness w/ image-based output (PNG, etc) is to create a circle symbol and set the size of it in the appropriate layer's class. However, this doesn't seem to work w/ SWF output. Does anyone know how to change line size in SWF? Thanks, Chris From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: to 4.4.1 or 4.4.2. Drew. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at]On Behalf Of Nick Floersch Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2005 7:45 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Perl Mapscript "issues" Hi All, I recently posted a long bit about my problems getting a newer version of Perl mapscript to work with a perl mapscript app we have here. The question has changed. NOW, I need to know this: Why, when I try to instantiate a map object with any map file other than "" do I get a segfault? v---snip--- #!/usr/bin/perl -w use mapscript; use XBase; my $mapObjFull = new mapscript::mapObj(""); warn "Got Here 2.5"; ^---snip--- This gives me a segfault. The file is the one found in the mapserver demo "workshop." If I call new mapscript::mapObj with no map, it works fine: v---snip--- #!/usr/bin/perl -w use mapscript; use XBase; my $mapObjFull = new mapscript::mapObj(); warn "Got Here 2.5"; ^---snip--- Will produce the message "Got Here 2.5 at line 6" or something like that. It works fine. Just to rule out the idea that had a layer or something that it couldn't access (though it works fine in the workshop demo), I made a copy of it and commented out ALL layers. It still segfaults. In desperation I used the helloworld map from the tutorials thinking I could avoid any issues with non-existent data layers etc. It still segfaults. Someone mentioned looking for libmap.a and see if it is an old version. I don't have libmap.a in any library path. Yet, the old files for perl mapscript work perfectly. It's the new ones that don't. What am I missing here? It isn't the map files. It's something about the perl mapscript build. I am trying to do all of this with Mapserver 4.4.1 or 4.4.2. Neither version has worked right yet (with mapscript at least - everything else works fine). -Nick --- Nicholas E. Floersch (pr. Floorsh) IT Group Manager Direct / 802.229.1872 Cell / 802.249.2516 E-Mail / nfloersch at Stone Environmental, Inc. 535 Stone Cutters Way, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 Tel / 802.229.4541 Fax / 802.229.5417 Web Site / From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: PROJCS["Albers Conical Equal Area (Florida Geographic Data Library)", GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983_HARN",DATUM["D_North_American_1983_HARN", SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0], UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Albers"], PARAMETER["False_Easting",400000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0], PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-84.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",24.0], PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_2",31.5],PARAMETER["Central_Parallel",24.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]] From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: PROJCS["NAD27 Florida State Planes, Western Zone, US Foot", GEOGCS["North_American_Datum_1927",DATUM["D_North_American_1927", SPHEROID["Clarke - 1866",6378206.4,294.9786982139006]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"], PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",24.3333333333333],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-82], PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9999411765],PARAMETER["false_easting",500000], PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["Foot_US",0.3048006]] Thanks Bill From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: is not a name/value pair like the other parameters. = Instead, most of the GetMap request parameters that generated the original map are = repeated. Two are omitted because GetFeatureInfo provides its own values: VERSION and = REQUEST. The remainder of the GetMap request shall be embedded contiguously in the = GetFeatureInfo request. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera-ITSolutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> "Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH" = 04/25/05 05:38pm >>> All, Why is the LAYERS paremeter part of the WMS GetFeatureInfo request = required? I think from looking at the WMS spec that it is optional, although this is based on just a quick look through the specs. Right now, ArcGIS WMS does = not send the LAYERS parameter and therefore can't query a Mapserver WMS map. = Is Mapserver being overly restrictive or ArcGIS not fully following the spec? Mike Smith GIS Specialist/Physical Scientist/Oracle Developer Remote Sensing/GIS Center of Expertise Army Engineer Research & Development Center=20 Hanover, NH (603) 646-4765 michael.smith at From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: PROJCS["Albers Conical Equal Area (Florida Geographic Data Library)", GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983_HARN",DATUM["D_North_American_1983_HARN" , SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0], UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Albers"], PARAMETER["False_Easting",400000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0], PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-84.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",24.0 ], PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_2",31.5],PARAMETER["Central_Parallel",24.0] ,UNIT["Meter",1.0]] From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: PROJCS["NAD27 Florida State Planes, Western Zone, US Foot", GEOGCS["North_American_Datum_1927",DATUM["D_North_American_1927", SPHEROID["Clarke - 1866",6378206.4,294.9786982139006]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"], PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",24.3333333333333],PARAMETER["central_meri dian",-82], PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9999411765],PARAMETER["false_easting",500000] , PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["Foot_US",0.3048006]] Thanks Bill From jochen at INGENIEURTEAM2.COM Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: jochen at INGENIEURTEAM2.COM (jochen) Date: Sun, 3 May 0105 14:38:58 +03D00 Subject: Clipping of symbols at the boundary of maps Message-ID: Hello list, how can I control that symbols and labels are drawn, even if the definition point is not inside the map extent. From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: see any way to do this. Current config below. Cheers M SCALEBAR IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 LABEL COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE large END outlinecolor 0 0 0 STYLE 1 SIZE 450 05 COLOR 255 255 255 UNITS kilometers INTERVALS 4 STATUS on END From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: military project? The Army standard is WGS84 UTM for all land mapping. Most municipal and civillian mapping at the local level (statewide or smaller) uses "State Plane" which can be any number of projections depending on where your project is. Try googling the state plane for your target area to find information on things like projection, datum, ellipsoid, units, central meridian etc.. You can plug these values into the projection object in a .map file. On 5/24/05, Owens, Ryan J NWD02 CONTRACTOR wrote: >=20 >=20 > Hello Map Server Listserv, >=20 > I have a question on projection. I understand the definition and concept= of > projections. But, how do you know what to use? I don't quite grasp the > idea of how to choose the variables to put into the projection object. >=20 > Ryan Owens From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: =20 and the layer template like in the test suite. In the initial html I change= d=20 to mode=3Ditemnquery, and that's all. Anyone has an example of itemNquery to follow? --=20 Llu=EDs Garcia i Mestres, lluisgm at lluisgm at ------=_Part_1729_31922389.1117120561094 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline
Hi list,
I was following the example in Mapserver Test Suite with sucess in ite= mquery, but when I changed to itemNquery an error appears with the dbf= . From itemquery to itemNquery, I implemented the footer and header templat= es and the layer template like in the test suite. In the initial html I cha= nged to mode=3Ditemnquery, and that's all.
Anyone has an example of itemNquery to follow?

Llu=EDs Garcia i Mestres,

lluisgm at
lluisgm at
------=_Part_1729_31922389.1117120561094-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: military project? The Army standard is WGS84 UTM for all land mapping. Most municipal and civillian mapping at the local level (statewide or smaller) uses "State Plane" which can be any number of projections depending on where your project is. Try googling the state plane for your target area to find information on things like projection, datum, ellipsoid, units, central meridian etc.. You can plug these values into the projection object in a .map file. On 5/24/05, Owens, Ryan J NWD02 CONTRACTOR wrote: >=20 >=20 > Hello Map Server Listserv, >=20 > I have a question on projection. I understand the definition and = concept of > projections. But, how do you know what to use? I don't quite grasp = the > idea of how to choose the variables to put into the projection object. >=20 > Ryan Owens From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: such excellent binaries! -Mike On 6/4/05, William K wrote: > Just one version change (Postgres). Here is a summary: >=20 > - Minimum Mac OS 10.3.9 (Tiger compatible, tho the old installers > worked on Tiger). >=20 > - MapServer v4.4.2, for PHP as Apache DSO, and CGI. Now has Postgres > linked static, so if you never use Postgres you don't need to install > it just to get libpq. (This is how MySQL has always worked, since > the official binaries only include static libraries.) >=20 > - PHP 4.3.11 as Apache DSO. Now has Postgres linked static. >=20 > - PostgrteSQL 8.0.3 + PostGIS 1.0.1. (new version) >=20 > - GIS Libs. OGR now has Postgres linked static. Dropped MrSID due > to lack of GCC 4 support. >=20 > - Graphics Libs. Removed libz 1.2.2 as it is included (finally) in > Tiger. Tho on 10.3.9 it will now use the older 1.1.3. >=20 > - all built with GCC 4 (Tiger) >=20 > - all installers now have dependency checking, so you don't forget > something. >=20 >=20 > Feedback welcome. enjoy. >=20 > I haven't had a chance to look at any of the MS 4.6 betas yet. > Unless the final release comes out first, I'll see about an installer > for the beta 4.6. There will certainly be a 4.6 installer when it's > final, and I'll try to do it before the OSG conference. >=20 > PS. oh yeah - new domain name! >=20 > ----- > William Kyngesburye > >=20 > All generalizations are dangerous, even this one. > From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: via the function because they are not used. I posted a question previously regarding this but with everyone busy preparing for the conference nobody has had a chance to answer yet. Most of this was taken directly from the howto doc. HTH Lowell ----------------------- processtemplate.cgi -------------------------- !/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use mapscript; use CGI qw(:standard *table); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser set_message); # # Set variables. $|=1; my $minx = 2164714.53870837; my $miny = 527860.008639881; my $maxx = 2179450.00584917; my $maxy = 542595.475780681; my $mapname = ''; my @names = ("map","imgext"); my @values = ("","$minx $miny $maxx $maxy"); # # Send html header. print header(); $ENV{MS_ERRORFILE} = "../html/tmp/mapserver.log"; # # Open map using default map file. my $map = new mapscript::mapObj("$mapname") or die('Unable to Open Default MapFi le!'); # # Set map legend template. $map->{legend}->{template} = "legend.html"; # # Create html file. #my $htmlpage = $map->processTemplate(1,\@names,\@values); my $htmlpage = $map->processLegendTemplate(\@names,\@values); # # Didn't get this to work yet - not because the typemap doesn't work # but rather creating a map of query results from inside a cgi that can # manipulate the map directly to create a map of query results from a # set of results it could query is confusing at the moment. #my $htmlpage = $map->processQueryTemplate(\@names,\@values); # # Pipe out the html file. print $htmlpage; ---------------------- legend.html --------------------------------- [leg_header_html] Legend.html [/leg_header_html] [leg_layer_html] [/leg_layer_html] [leg_class_html] [/leg_class_html] [leg_footer_html]
[metadata name=title]
[/leg_footer_html] From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: between using a TIFF+worldfile vs. using a real GeoTIFF file.=20 The main benefit of using GeoTIFF files is with other applications that will look in the GeoTIFF file for coordinate system information which MapServer will currently ignore.=20 Best regards, --=20 ---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------= --- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.c= om light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: between using a TIFF+worldfile vs. using a real GeoTIFF file. The main benefit of using GeoTIFF files is with other applications that will look in the GeoTIFF file for coordinate system information which MapServer will currently ignore. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------+------ I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: between using a TIFF+worldfile vs. using a real GeoTIFF file.=20 The main benefit of using GeoTIFF files is with other applications that will look in the GeoTIFF file for coordinate system information which MapServer will currently ignore.=20 Best regards, --=20 ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------+------ I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: between using a TIFF+worldfile vs. using a real GeoTIFF file.=20 The main benefit of using GeoTIFF files is with other applications that will look in the GeoTIFF file for coordinate system information which MapServer will currently ignore.=20 Best regards, --=20 ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------+------ I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: '$variable = $class->{styles}' and styles does not exist under class in 4.4 - you're upgrading from 4.0 is my guess.? The reply to Steve had nothing to do with alterring but rather that the docs had/have a typo. Lowell From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: '$variable =3D $class->{styles}' and styles does not exist under class in 4.4 - you're upgrading from 4.0 is my guess.? The reply to Steve had nothing to do with alterring but rather that the docs had/have a typo. Lowell ************************************************************************ The information in this e-mail together with any attachments is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any form of review, disclosure, modification, distribution and/or publication of this e-mail message is prohibited. =20 If you have received this message in error, you are asked to inform the sender as quickly as possible and delete this message and any copies of this message from your computer and/or your computer system network. =20 ************************************************************************ From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: specific. You say "How I can display shapefiles, (not images in jpg) through the jbox.jar". ?, A Map Server (like MapServer) generates images from various vector formats (and raster) ... I suppose it would be better for you to display images without applet. IF this works, and jBox works with a static image, then something like this (in ASP.NET): If you use template file directly, then you should have [mapwidth], [img] ecc. instead of <%=mapwidth%> ecc. Piero From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: de our data via WCS as well as WMS and WFS - but that will come down to whe= ther our users' clients (ArcExplorer, ArcMap, and similar) are able to make= use of it. =20 =20 Thanks again for the info - looks like I've got some thinking to do! =20 =20 Cheers, =20 =20 Bonnie =20 __________________________________ Bonnie Stewart Research Officer Satellite Remote Sensing Services Information Access Division Department of Land Information 65 Brockway Road, FLOREAT WA 6014 Ph. (08) 9387 0342 | Fx. (08) 9383 7142 bonnie.stewart at ________________________________ From: Brent Fraser [mailto:bfraser at] Sent: Mon 11/07/2005 11:09 PM To: Bonnie Stewart; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [Maybe SPAM] Re: Organizing large temporal datasets (WAS: Increasi= ng Maxlayers limit - anyone have spare Windows binaries? :)) Bonnie, You may want to look into the TILEINDEX capability of MapServer. A tileindex is a vector datasource (shapefile, PostGIS database, etc) of outlines of other data, either raster or vector. Typically it's used to show and entire county of mosaicked and clipped airphotos or Census planimetric mapping vectors. In those cases MapServer does a spatial query to select the data files to read for rendering into the output graphic file. A tileindex could be used to represent data divided by time (as well as geography) such as satellite imagery. A recent enhancement (v4.?) allows the TILEINDEX to be a separate layer form the underlying data, and because of that can handle a user-specified query on attributes stored in the tileindex (e.g. satellite id, acquisition time, etc). So one possibility might be to have two layers (one for the data and one for the tileindex) per each of your 10-15 products. Then query the tileindex based on the product name/id and the date range. I'm not sure how to get the query from the WMS client to the server, so you may have to look into that... Since your data is relatively dynamic, you may want to use a PostGIS database as the format for your tileindex to avoid any file locking problems with shapefiles. Brent Fraser ----- Original Message ----- From: Bonnie Stewart To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 12:05 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Increasing Maxlayers limit - anyone have spare Windows binaries? :) Hi all, I'm working on a way to make a large amount of our vector and raster data available via WMS and WFS, and I've come up against the MAXLAYERS setting (200 in our install I think). I'm already trying to get around the need for having so many layers in a single mapfile by reducing the granularity available as you get to mapfiles which cover a larger time period - let me see if I can explain what I mean without rambling on too much. At the lowest level of granularity, we're providing access to raster and vector files which are derived from satellite passes - and there may be 10-40 passes per day, depending on the product. I've already set up a process to automatically generate a mapfile containing the last 5 days worth of data, using the GROUP parameter to group them according to the day. This is jolly nifty for those customers who need to look at the recent info on a pass by pass basis. However, if I try to give people access to the entire archive (several years worth, and 10-15 different products, at 10-40 passes per day) on a pass by pass basis, the number of layers involved will be horrendous, so I'm trying to reduce the granularity at which archival data is available. My current plan is to (programmatically) create a series of weekly mapfiles, structured in the same way as mentioned above, with individual satellite passes grouped by day. I would have 52 of those for each year, and then to wrap them up so that people could have an overview of what's available, I'm planning to create some mapfiles (either yearly or monthly, maybe both), which connect to these weekly mapfiles via WMS, and pull in each daily group from the 52 weekly mapfiles, and define them as a single layer. So I think I would end up with a mapfile for each year, with a group for each week, and under each group, 7 individual layers - one for each day. Hopefully then there are two options: 1) People's clients are able to pull apart the vector data, and maybe do a query (for instance) to only display the lightning data from one particular satellite pass - although having used ArcMap and ArcExplorer for testing I'm not too hopeful about this; 2) Specific file naming conventions could allow users to find the week they're interested in in the yearly mapfile, and then work out what the mapfile name/URL for that week's lower level mapfile would be. So, now I'm finally going to get to my point - even using this structure, a MAXLAYERS setting of 200 is too low for me - I can do about 5 or 6 days of satellite passes in 200 layers, but to get to a whole week I would need to increase the MAXLAYERS parameter. To have a layer for each day in my yearly mapfile, I'd need a MAXLAYERS of around 370. I gather it's relatively easy to change the parameter and recompile Mapserver, but as I have very little experience in this area (and I've seen so many emails on this list seeking help with compiling mapserver!) I was hoping somebody might possibly have already done this, and might have Windows binaries compiled with a higher MAXLAYERS that they would be willing to share. Alternatively, if the structure I described above sounds silly or you can think of something more effective, please let me know :) We do have another approach in mind for the vector data, which is to produce an ongoing concatenated shapefile which contains all the features for that product (for instance, as a new pass's worth of lightning data becomes available, it is automatically added in to one big Lightning shapefile), and then to use classes to colour them up a bit according to the time that each event occurred. It's a nice theory for the vector info, but I'd still need to do something about the raster info. Any advice (or binaries!) would be very much appreciated :) Thanks, Bonnie __________________________________ Bonnie Stewart Research Officer Satellite Remote Sensing Services Information Access Division Department of Land Information 65 Brockway Road, FLOREAT WA 6014 Ph. (08) 9387 0342 | Fx. (08) 9383 7142 bonnie.stewart at This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended only for the use= of the addressee(s). It may contain information that is confidential and = privileged. If you are not an intended recipient, any use, interference wi= th, disclosure, distribution or copying of this material is unauthorised an= d prohibited. If you receive this in error, please notify the author by Ret= urn email to the sender. Information in this message not relating to the of= ficial business of DLI shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by= it. While every care is taken, it is recommended that you scan any attach= ments for viruses. DLI liability is limited to re-supplying affected attach= ments. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C5868E.29CF746E Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable =0A=0A=0A= =0A=0A=0A[Maybe SPAM] Re: Organizing large temporal datasets (WAS: I= ncreasing Maxlayers limit - anyone have spare Windows binaries? :))= =0A=0A=0A
Hi Brent,
= =0A
Thanks! I had no idea that TILEINDEXing= =0Acould be used for time-variant data as well as spatial-variant =0Adata.=
I've been doing some googl= ing trying to =0Afind out more information on this (no experience whatsoeve= r with TILEINDEX thus =0Afar), and this is the best I've come up with:
<= FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>The section which covers "Spatio/Temporal =0AInd= exes" in the first document is I believe the methodology you're referring t= o, =0Aand while it's very helpful, I still have a few questions.=0A
1) So far I have only read about temp= oral =0Atimeindexing with respect to serving WCS (Web Coverage Service) rat= her than WMS =0Aor WFS. Is it possible to use the same methodology but serv= e WMS or =0AWFS layers? I don't know much about WCS and I'm not sure w= hat clients (off =0Athe shelf - we are not going to be developing any clien= t interface for our =0Ausers) can access it.
2) Does anybody know of any =0Aadditional= documentation/tutorials/examples using TILEINDEX for raster and =0Avector = data which is spatially nonvariant and temporally variant? =0A:)=0A
= From what I've seen of WCS, it's very =0Anifty,= and I hope to be able to provide our data via WCS as well as WMS and WFS = =0A- but that will come down to whether our users' clients (ArcExplorer, Ar= cMap, =0Aand similar) are able to make use of it.
Thanks again for the info - looks like =0AI've got some= thinking to do!
&nb= sp;
= =0A
= =0A
= Bonn= ie =0AStewart
Research =0AOfficer
Satellite Remote =0ASensing Service= s
Informa= tion =0AAccess Division
Department =0Aof Land Information
65 Brockway =0ARoad, FLOREAT WA 6014
Ph. (08) 9387 0342 = =0A| Fx. (08) 9383 7142
bon= nie.stewart at

=0AFrom: Brent Fraser =0A[mailto:bfraser at]Sent: Mon 11/07/2005 11:09 =0APM
Subject: [Maybe SPAM] Re: Organizin= g =0Alarge temporal datasets (WAS: Increasing Maxlayers limit - anyone have= spare =0AWindows binaries? :))



  You may want to look into the TILEINDEX =0Acapa= bility of MapServer.  A
tileindex is a vector datasource (shapefile= , =0APostGIS database, etc) of
outlines of other data, either raster or = =0Avector.  Typically it's used to
show and entire county of mosaic= ked and =0Aclipped airphotos or Census
planimetric mapping vectors. = ; In those cases =0AMapServer does a spatial query
to select the data fi= les to read for rendering =0Ainto the output graphic file.
A tileindex c= ould be used to represent data =0Adivided by time (as well as
geography)= such as satellite imagery.  A =0Arecent enhancement (v4.?) allows
= the TILEINDEX to be a separate layer form =0Athe underlying data, and becau= se
of that can handle a user-specified query on =0Aattributes stored in = the
tileindex (e.g. satellite id, acquisition time, =0Aetc).

&nbs= p; So one possibility might be to have two layers (one for the =0Adata and = one
for the tileindex) per each of your 10-15 products.  Then =0Aqu= ery the
tileindex based on the product name/id and the date range. = =0AI'm not sure how
to get the query from the WMS client to the server,= so you =0Amay have to look
into that...

  Since your data i= s relatively =0Adynamic, you may want to use a PostGIS
database as the f= ormat for your =0Atileindex to avoid any file locking problems
with shap= efiles.

Brent =0AFraser

----- Original Message -----
F= rom: Bonnie Stewart
Sent: Monday= , July 11, 2005 12:05 =0AAM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Increasing Ma= xlayers limit - anyone =0Ahave
spare Windows binaries? :)

Hi = all,

I'm working on a =0Away to make a large amount of our vector an= d raster data
available via WMS =0Aand WFS, and I've come up against the= MAXLAYERS setting
(200 in our install I =0Athink).

I'm already t= rying to get around the need for having so many =0Alayers in a
single ma= pfile by reducing the granularity available as you get =0Ato mapfiles
wh= ich cover a larger time period - let me see if I can explain =0Awhat I mean=
without rambling on too much.

At the lowest level of =0Agranular= ity, we're providing access to raster and
vector files which are =0Aderi= ved from satellite passes - and there may be
10-40 passes per day, =0Ade= pending on the product. I've already set up a
process to automatically = =0Agenerate a mapfile containing the last 5 days worth
of data, using th= e GROUP =0Aparameter to group them according to the day. This
is jolly n= ifty for those =0Acustomers who need to look at the recent info on a
pas= s by pass =0Abasis.

However, if I try to give people access to the e= ntire archive =0A(several years
worth, and 10-15 different products, at = 10-40 passes per day) =0Aon a pass by
pass basis, the number of layers i= nvolved will be horrendous, so =0AI'm trying
to reduce the granularity a= t which archival data is =0Aavailable.

My current plan is to (progra= mmatically) create a series of =0Aweekly mapfiles,
structured in the sam= e way as mentioned above, with =0Aindividual satellite
passes grouped by= day. I would have 52 of those for each =0Ayear, and then to
wrap them u= p so that people could have an overview of =0Awhat's available, I'm
plan= ning to create some mapfiles (either yearly or =0Amonthly, maybe both),
= which connect to these weekly mapfiles via WMS, and =0Apull in each daily g= roup
from the 52 weekly mapfiles, and define them as a =0Asingle layer.<= BR>
So I think I would end up with a mapfile for each year, =0Awith a gr= oup for
each week, and under each group, 7 individual layers - one =0Afo= r each day.
Hopefully then there are two options:
1) People's clients= =0Aare able to pull apart the vector data, and maybe do a
query (for in= stance) =0Ato only display the lightning data from one particular
satell= ite pass - =0Aalthough having used ArcMap and ArcExplorer for testing I'mnot too hopeful =0Aabout this;
2) Specific file naming conventions cou= ld allow users to find the =0Aweek
they're interested in in the yearly m= apfile, and then work out what =0Athe
mapfile name/URL for that week's l= ower level mapfile would be.

So, =0Anow I'm finally going to get to = my point - even using this structure, =0Aa
MAXLAYERS setting of 200 is t= oo low for me - I can do about 5 or 6 days =0Aof
satellite passes in 200= layers, but to get to a whole week I would need =0Ato
increase the MAXL= AYERS parameter. To have a layer for each day in my =0Ayearly
mapfile, I= 'd need a MAXLAYERS of around 370.

I gather it's =0Arelatively easy = to change the parameter and recompile
Mapserver, but as I =0Ahave very l= ittle experience in this area (and I've seen
so many emails on =0Athis l= ist seeking help with compiling mapserver!) I was
hoping somebody might = =0Apossibly have already done this, and might have
Windows binaries comp= iled =0Awith a higher MAXLAYERS that they would be willing
to =0Ashare.<= BR>
Alternatively, if the structure I described above sounds silly or = =0Ayou can
think of something more effective, please let me know :) We d= o have =0Aanother
approach in mind for the vector data, which is to prod= uce an =0Aongoing
concatenated shapefile which contains all the features= for that =0Aproduct (for
instance, as a new pass's worth of lightning d= ata becomes =0Aavailable, it is
automatically added in to one big Lightn= ing shapefile), and =0Athen to use
classes to colour them up a bit accor= ding to the time that each =0Aevent
occurred. It's a nice theory for the= vector info, but I'd still need to =0Ado
something about the raster inf= o.

Any advice (or binaries!) =0Awould be very much appreciated = =0A:)



_________________________= _________
Bonnie =0AStewart
Research Officer
Satellite Remote Sens= ing Services
Information =0AAccess Division
Department of Land Inform= ation
65 Brockway Road, FLOREAT =0AWA 6014
Ph. (08) 9387 0342 | Fx. (= 08) 9383 =0A7142
bonnie.stewart at


This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended only for the use= of the addressee(s). It may contain information that is confidential and = privileged. If you are not an intended recipient, any use, interference wi= th, disclosure, distribution or copying of this material is unauthorised an= d prohibited. If you receive this in error, please notify the author by Ret= urn email to the sender. Information in this message not relating to the of= ficial business of DLI shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by= it. While every care is taken, it is recommended that you scan any attach= ments for viruses. DLI liability is limited to re-supplying affected attach= ments.
=0A ------_=_NextPart_001_01C5868E.29CF746E-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: display in mapserver. layer GROUP slp NAME something DEBUG ON DATA ak2s TYPE LINE STATUS ON class color 200 200 0 end end layer GROUP slp NAME label_slp DATA ak2s LABELITEM elev TYPE ANNOTATION CLASS LABEL POSITION CC SIZE TINY COLOR 0 0 0 END END end So, that is the basic hack. To do: * allow the user to control the contour interval, color, ... - allow variation of contours - dashed lines? * control annotation the values 1004 vs 1004.000 (cleanup through PostGIS) * properly identify the values -- its not just heights anymore... Now you can contour any parameter you want: sea level pressure, heights, temperature, .... or about anything gridded in the oceanographic /meteorologic world. For all the weather winnies of the world... Sample image: Sea level pressure map as produced from NCEP's Global Forecast System on a 1/2 deg x 1/2 deg grid. If there is an easier way, please send it my way. Happy Maphacking! Rob -- Rob Cermak : 907-474-7948 : FAX 907-474-7204 : PGP = 0x75869A6E Alaska Ocean Observing System : Data Management School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences : University of Alaska Fairbanks cermak at : fnjrc1 at ED9U1M7P01 at : cermak at From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: version 9.2, but will in fact be enhanced.=20 More information about ESRI's plans is available here: =20 l The new format they are creating, the 'file-based geodatabase' is=20 advertised as being very similar in function to the old geodatabase, but it= =20 is something quite different in structure. The rumours I've heard are that= =20 it is not just a departure from an MS Access backbone, but involves semanti= c=20 networks for storing and linking data instead of an RDBMS.=20 Basic information about semantic networks can be found here: In fact the file size limit ESRI mentions of MS Access may soon be moot as= =20 MS is changing to a SQL Server engine for Access which won't have the limit= .=20 Any limit remaining will be on ESRI's side. My very very small knowledge (and great ignorance) of semantic networks=20 tells me that the new format may require a lot of effort to setup from=20 scratch for a new dataset, and that at the least the old geodatabases will= =20 still be used as an easier pathway to get data into the new format. Besides= ,=20 didnt they say coverages were dead when geodatabases came out?=20 One of our employees is currently at an ESRI conference in San Diego, and= =20 is trying to find out more for us about which way the 800 pound gorilla wil= l=20 jump. Please respond if you are still interested in seeing development of a=20 MapServer personal geodatabase connection go ahead. If enough parties are= =20 willing to contribute to the funding it will be cheap enough that we won't= =20 need to be concerned about the new format. Cheers, Ken Lord BGC Engineering Inc Vancouver BC ------=_Part_10425_33328463.1122398366596 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline
Hi List,
I'm back from my holidays ... with many bottles of BC Okanagen wine, a= nd a wicked farmer's tan.
I would like to know if interest has increased or waned for the idea o= f developing a way for MapServer to read from ESRI personal geodatabases.
From what I understand, the ESRI personal geodatabase will not die wit= h version 9.2, but will in fact be enhanced.
More information about ESRI's plans is available here:
The new format they are creating, the 'file-based geodatabase' is adve= rtised as being very similar in function to the old geodatabase, but it&nbs= p;is something quite different in structure.  The rumours I've heard&n= bsp;are that it is not just a departure from an MS Access backbone, but inv= olves semantic networks for storing and linking data instead of a= n RDBMS. =20
Basic information about semantic networks can be found here:
In fact the file size limit ESRI mentions of MS Access may soon b= e moot as MS is changing to a SQL Server engine for Access which won't have= the limit. Any limit remaining will be on ESRI's side.
My very very small knowledge (and great ignorance) of semantic network= s tells me that the new format may require a lot of effort to setup from sc= ratch for a new dataset, and that at the least the old geodatabases wi= ll still be used as an easier pathway to get data into the new format. Besi= des, didnt they say coverages were dead when geodatabases came out?=20
One of our employees is currently at an ESRI conference in San Diego, = and is trying to find out more for us about which way the 800 pound gorilla= will jump.
Please respond if you are still interested in seeing development of a = MapServer personal geodatabase connection go ahead.  If enough pa= rties are willing to contribute to the funding it will be cheap enough= that we won't need to be concerned about the new format.
Ken Lord
BGC Engineering Inc
Vancouver BC
------=_Part_10425_33328463.1122398366596-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: postgis I get: msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'province2000_proj'. prepare_database(): Query error. Error executing POSTGIS DECLARE (the actual query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(geom)),'NDR'),gid::text from province2000_proj WHERE geom && setSRID('BOX3D(92.71 mapserv -v is: MapServer version 4.6.0 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=THREADS SUPPORTS=GEOS INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE Any ideas? Thanks! From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TRANSPARENCY [integer|alpha] Sets the transparency level of all classed pixels for a given layer. The value can either be an integer in the range (0-100) or the named symbol "ALPHA". Although this parameter is named "transparency", the integer values actually parameterize layer opacity. A value of 100 is opaque and 0 is fully transparent. The "ALPHA" symbol directs the mapserver rendering code to honor the indexed or alpha transparency of pixmap symbols used to style a layer. This is only needed in the case of RGB output formats, and should be used only when necessary as it is expensive to render transparent pixmap symbols onto an RGB map image. ++++++++++++++++++++ The complexitity of your pixmap symbol is not really important. Why do not you replace it by a truetype symbol. Do you know that you can use any truetype symbol from any trutype file for symbolization with mapserver. A+ ;-) Bernd -------><---------- Bernd Deckert 01MAP - la carte vecteur d'information 35, all?e d'Irlande 34080 Montpellier -------><---------- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andr? M. Winter -" To: Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 11:06 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] transparent color on PIXMAP in JPG output > hello, > > new to maperserver i am playing around with different WMS sources. till > now i used a GIF output because it best handled the DEMIS source. adding > some satellite image sources i am missing to much colors and i switched > to JPG (also tried PNG). > > the problem: i do have PIXMAPs used for SYMBOL definintion that have a > transparent color defined. with JPG output this is no more the case and > i get such a result: > > (remaining green sqares). the symbols should look link this: > > (wrong extension, this is a GIF) or but here we see the missing colors > in the background satellite image... > > PNG output doesn't help > . > using PNG instead of GIF PIXMAP doesn't change anything. > > is this a GD or a mapserver problem? > > fyi here are my OUTPUTFORMAT dedinitions > > #OUTPUTFORMAT > # NAME mapformat > # DRIVER "GD/GIF" > # MIMETYPE "image/gif" > # IMAGEMODE PC256 > # EXTENSION "gif" > #END > > #OUTPUTFORMAT > # NAME mapformat > # DRIVER "GD/JPEG" > # FORMATOPTION QUALITY=80 > # MIMETYPE "image/jpeg" > # IMAGEMODE RGB > # EXTENSION "jpg" > #END > > and that's the way i define symbols > > SYMBOL > NAME "gp_icon_plus" > TYPE PIXMAP > IMAGE "gp_icon_plus.gif" > TRANSPARENT 1 > END > > > > thank you for information hereon, > > > -- > ___________________________________________________________________ > andre m. winter, > cartography for internet and multimedia applications > a6091 goetzens, tyrol, austria > tel.: ++43.5234.32732 > email: > > SVG consulting and development > online cartography focusing on SVG > print and online touristic map solutions > > From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: --with-jpeg=DIR Include JPEG support (DIR is LibJPEG's install dir). --with-gd=[static,]DIR Specify which version of GD to use (DIR is GD's install dir). I believe in your case you would want to use: /home/water/a/watergen for both. --- Ed Cooley Strategy Systems, Inc. > -----Original Message----- > From: ABE Water Research Account [mailto:watergen at ECN.PURDUE.EDU] > Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2005 12:40 PM > Subject: MapServer4.6 install:can't find gd.h and jpeg > > Hi, all, > I 've spent three days worth of time to get all the latest version of > tools for MS4.6 and compiled/install them with no error and updated > LD_LIB... env, then MapServer configure kept saying it can't find my > gd.h and libgd... and neither can it find jpeglib.h and libjpeg.*. > > Due to system restriction, we like to install on local user account, > you > know, not the /usr/local defaul locations, and I have the bin/ lib/ > include/ share/ etc all set up nicely and all the files are there... > > so I configure it like: > > ./configure --prefix=$HOME \ > --enable-debug \ > --with-sde=/home/water/a/watergen/lib/sde/sdeexe83 \ > --with-sde-version=83 \ > --with-zlib==/home/water/a/watergen/lib \ > --with-freetype=/home/water/a/watergen/bin/freetype-config > \ > --with-jpeg=/home/water/a/watergen/lib \ > --with-png=/home/water/a/watergen/lib \ > --with-ogr=/home/water/a/watergen/bin/gdal-config \ > --with-gdal=/home/water/a/watergen/bin/gdal-config \ > --with-pdf=/home/water/a/watergen/bin/pdflib-config \ > --with-tiff=/home/water/a/watergen/lib \ > --with-curl-config=/home/water/a/watergen/bin/curl-config \ > --with-proj=/home/water/a/watergen/lib \ > --with-gd=/home/water/a/watergen/bin/gdlib-config \ > --with-threads > > and I get back: > > configure: checking where Zlib is installed... > checking for zlibVersion in -lz... yes > using libz from system libs. > configure: checking where PNG is installed... > using libpng from -L/home/water/a/watergen/lib -lpng > configure: checking whether we should include JPEG support... > using libjpeg from system -L/home/water/a/watergen/lib -ljpeg > configure: checking where libXpm is installed... > checking for XpmFreeXpmImage in -lXpm... yes > using libXpm from system libs. > configure: checking where libiconv is installed... > checking for iconv_open in -lc... yes > checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... yes > using libiconv from system libs. > libiconv found. Enabling internationalization (-DUSE_ICONV) > configure: checking for GD 2.0.16 or higher... > checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... no > configure: checking whether GD needs libiconv... > checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... no > configure: error: Could not find gd.h or libgd.a/ in > /home/danpatch/a/watergen/bin/gdlib-config. Make sure GD 2.0.16 or higher > is compiled before calling configure. You may also get this error if you > didn't specify the appropriate location for one of GD's dependencies > (freetype, libpng, libjpeg or libiconv). > > > our system specs: > Machine hardware: sun4u > OS version: 5.8 > Processor type: sparc > Hardware: SUNW,Ultra-4 > > Then when our collected hair on our heads all pulled out, I just > configure it without any --with, it passed. So I guess this new version or > previous version(s) just need to get things from default places. > I still hold out hope that we can still put things locally, please let > us know any suggestions, > Best, > Baldy From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: # NAD 1983 StatePlane New York Long Island FIPS 3104 Feet <102718> +proj=lcc +lat_1=40.66666666666666 +lat_2=41.03333333333333 +lat_0=40.16666666666666 +lon_0=-74 +x_0=300000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +to_meter=0.3048006096012192 no_defs <> ----- Original Message ----- From: Chris Hackel Date: Monday, August 29, 2005 12:11 pm Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Calling all PROJ4 genuises > I'm having trouble with coordinate conversion (latlong > to Lambert/lcc). > > I'm using cs2cs in the following way, drawing data > from orginfo (below): > cs2cs +proj=latlong +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +to > +proj=lcc +datum=NAD83 +units=ft +lon_0=-74.0 > +lat_0=40.16666 +lat_1=40.1666666 +lat_2=41.033333 > +x_0=984250.0 +y_0=0 > -73.994992 40.717690 > 3230554.89 200744.22 0.00 > > These numbers are definitely not what I'm looking for. > (Extent of data: (910057.005249, 120827.652033) - > (1067494.180516, 274629.837850)) > > Please help! Thank you! > -Chris > > > > PROJCS["NAD_1983_StatePlane_New_York_Long_Island_FIPS_3104_Feet", > GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983", > DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983", > > SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]], > PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0], > UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]], > PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP"], > PARAMETER["False_Easting",984250.0], > PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0], > PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-74.0], > > PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",40.66666666666666], > > PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_2",41.03333333333333], > PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",40.16666666666666], > UNIT["Foot_US",0.3048006096012192]] > From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: Do you have any suggestion? Thanx Thip Quoting Matthew Perry : > Thip, > > On 9/7/05, Thip wrote: > > > > Does anyone know which website that I can download package of mapserver > > with > > postgis and postgresql for Fedora Linux? > > I use FGS but it is not included postgressql. > > > If you're using FGS, you can install the FGS postgresql package. For postgis > (the spatial data extension to postgresql) you'll also need geos. These > three commands should do it if fgs is running properly: > > fgs install postgresql-server:8.0.3 > fgs install geos-lib:1.0.0 > fgs install postgis-lib:1.0.2 > > Check the fgs website for more docs and a list of all the avialable > packages. > -- > Matt Perry > perrygeo at > > ---------------------------------------------------------- This mail sent through AIT WebMail : From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: perform high enough for my needs. What I DON'T want is to be fighting fires due to problematic 64bit issues. Can I get some input on what others out there are using for their server needs? Does anyone have a running list of Opteron issues in the GIS arena? Any help would be appreciated. I have a Nov. 10 drop-dead date to have these up and running so I'm not exactly dying, but I'd really appreciate the input up front. Thanks! Bill From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: problems from any of the core open source GIS apps. (Please correct me if I'm wrong on that impression). I will start with a 64-bit Linux, and rebuild my core apps 64-bit. That would give me from my purchase date (probably about 2 weeks out) through my development (until Nov 10) and through my testing cycles (through Jan 1) to find and fix as many 64-bit issues as I can. If I find it's unstable for my purposes, I will fall back to 32-bit Linux and 32-bit apps. Assuming I take this route, I would be happy to provide SSH access to all of the core developers of the systems I'm using (GDAL, Mapserver, PostGIS, etc.) if they would like to test on that platform (hint, hint, Frank). I am making the assumption that all of the core apps are 80-90% working on 64-bit systems. I'm willing to be guinea pig and bug-hunter for the remaining 10-20% given the situation I'm in and the potential benefit of running 64-bit (and much faster from the annecdotal feedback I've gotten). Again, thanks for the input, Bill From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: GD-libraries. While we compiled with "--with-gd" (no explicit dir) and use the bundled GD-lib ("bundled (2.0.28 compatible)") with php (4.3.11 by the way), our colleague uses "2.0 or higher". But he insists that he compiled php AND mapserver with a pointer to the same directory. Is it possible that the build was carried out with header files that differ from the binaries? Or am I completely wrong and there is another reason? But it must have to do with GD, mustn't it? Thanks Andreas -- -- Dr. Andreas M?ller Medien und Umwelt Alfredstra?e 51 45130 Essen Tel.: 0201-185355-0 Fax : 0201-185355-1 Breite Stra?e 21 53111 Bonn Tel.: 0228-9738390 Fax: 0228-9738391 andreas.mueller at From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: not valid (but I might be wrong). Have you validated the geometry with the validation procedure from Oracle? The sdo_geometry of 2003 suggests a single polygon, but you Eleminfo does not. Try updating your sdo_geometry type to 2007 (multipolygon). Hope this helps, Gerjan _____ Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] Namens Francesco Sozzi Verzonden: maandag 26 september 2005 12:09 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] problems with some Oracle polygons Hi Fernando, How are you?... In some cases I have polygon defined with a code "5" instead of "1005". In this case mapserver does not recognize the polygon format and it displayes an error: Warning: [MapServer Error]: msDrawShape(): Only polygon shapes can be drawn using a POLYGON layer definition. in... Here you are a sample polygon definition that gives me problems: SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 5, 2, 2, 13, 2, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(717393.311, 96290.2075, 717393.843, 96286.1065, 717300.032, 96279.4307, 717301.79, 96281.1715, 717303.764, 96282.6628, 717305.79, 96283.6852, 717307.995, 96284.2265, 717309.425, 96284.41, 717352.296, 96287.4608, 717387.403, 96289.9591, 717393.311, 96290.2075)) Any suggestions?... Best regards Francesco ------_=_NextPart_001_01C5C28F.D5B40830 Content-Type: text/html Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 PGh0bWwgeG1sbnM6dj0idXJuOnNjaGVtYXMtbWljcm9zb2Z0LWNvbTp2bWwiIHhtbG5zOm89InVy bjpzY2hlbWFzLW1pY3Jvc29mdC1jb206b2ZmaWNlOm9mZmljZSIgeG1sbnM6dz0idXJuOnNjaGVt YXMtbWljcm9zb2Z0LWNvbTpvZmZpY2U6d29yZCIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnL1RS L1JFQy1odG1sNDAiPg0KDQo8aGVhZD4NCjxNRVRBIEhUVFAtRVFVSVY9IkNvbnRlbnQtVHlwZSIg Q09OVEVOVD0idGV4dC9odG1sOyBjaGFyc2V0PXVzLWFzY2lpIj4NCg0KDQo8bWV0YSBuYW1lPUdl bmVyYXRvciBjb250ZW50PSJNaWNyb3NvZnQgV29yZCAxMSAoZmlsdGVyZWQgbWVkaXVtKSI+DQo8 IS0tW2lmICFtc29dPg0KPHN0eWxlPg0Kdlw6KiB7YmVoYXZpb3I6dXJsKCNkZWZhdWx0I1ZNTCk7 fQ0Kb1w6KiB7YmVoYXZpb3I6dXJsKCNkZWZhdWx0I1ZNTCk7fQ0Kd1w6KiB7YmVoYXZpb3I6dXJs KCNkZWZhdWx0I1ZNTCk7fQ0KLnNoYXBlIHtiZWhhdmlvcjp1cmwoI2RlZmF1bHQjVk1MKTt9DQo8 L3N0eWxlPg0KPCFbZW5kaWZdLS0+DQo8c3R5bGU+DQo8IS0tDQogLyogRm9udCBEZWZpbml0aW9u cyAqLw0KIEBmb250LWZhY2UNCgl7Zm9udC1mYW1pbHk6VGFob21hOw0KCXBhbm9zZS0xOjIgMTEg 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OnA+PC9vOnA+PC9zcGFuPjwvZm9udD48L3A+DQoNCjwvZGl2Pg0KDQo8ZGl2Pg0KDQo8cCBjbGFz cz1Nc29Ob3JtYWw+PGZvbnQgc2l6ZT0zIGZhY2U9IlRpbWVzIE5ldyBSb21hbiI+PHNwYW4gc3R5 bGU9J2ZvbnQtc2l6ZToNCjEyLjBwdCc+Jm5ic3A7PG86cD48L286cD48L3NwYW4+PC9mb250Pjwv cD4NCg0KPC9kaXY+DQoNCjwvZGl2Pg0KDQo8L2JvZHk+DQoNCjwvaHRtbD4NCg== ------_=_NextPart_001_01C5C28F.D5B40830-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: are returned as layers. Is it true that data from the tables cannot be selected by criteria? If not, where can I find more information and perhaps examples. Agneta Schick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Agneta Schick Bundesanstalt fuer Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Stilleweg 2 D- 30655 Hannover Tel.: +49 511 643 3136 GERMANY FAX.: +49 511 643 3663 schick at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: tables=20 are returned as layers. Is it true that data from the tables cannot=20 be selected by criteria? If not, where can I find more information and perhaps examples. Agneta Schick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Agneta Schick =20 Bundesanstalt fuer Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Stilleweg 2 D- 30655 Hannover Tel.: +49 511 643 3136 GERMANY FAX.: +49 511 643 3663 schick at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ =20 From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: file the map will be drawn accordingly but after a bit of experimentation with various projections, the map is always drawn the same... I'm I doing something obviously wrong with this approach ? Thanks, Dave. -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.362 / Virus Database: 267.12.7/159 - Release Date: 02/11/2005 From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: geometry pointer in the shape obj but i didn't get any further. If there is anything else i can provide or if some testing is required i'd be happy to help... Thanks for your attention ----mapscript/java/examples/ import edu.umn.gis.mapscript.*; public class Query { public static void usage() { System.err.println("Usage: Query {mapfile} {outfile}"); System.exit(-1); } public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length != 2) usage(); try { System.loadLibrary("mapscript"); } catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError ule) { System.err.println(ule); System.exit(-1); } mapObj map = new mapObj(args[0]); map.getImagecolor().setRGB(153, 153, 204); styleObj st = map.getLayer(1).getClass(0).getStyle(0); st.getColor().setHex("#000000"); imageObj img = map.draw(); System.out.println("The map will be drawn to:"+args[1]); layerObj layer = map.getLayerByName("POLYGON"); layer.setTemplate("dummy.template"); layer.queryByPoint(map,new pointObj(0.10,51.4,0), mapscriptConstants.MS_MULTIPLE,-1); resultCacheObj results = layer.getResults();; for (int i=0;i the geometry pointer in the shape obj but i didn't get any further. If there is anything else i can provide or if some testing is required i'd be happy to help... Thanks for your attention ----mapscript/java/examples/ import edu.umn.gis.mapscript.*; public class Query { public static void usage() { System.err.println("Usage: Query {mapfile} {outfile}"); System.exit(-1); } public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length !=3D 2) usage(); try { System.loadLibrary("mapscript"); } catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError ule) { System.err.println(ule); System.exit(-1); } mapObj map =3D new mapObj(args[0]); map.getImagecolor().setRGB(153, 153, 204); styleObj st =3D map.getLayer(1).getClass(0).getStyle(0); st.getColor().setHex("#000000"); imageObj img =3D map.draw(); System.out.println("The map will be drawn to:"+args[1]); layerObj layer =3D map.getLayerByName("POLYGON"); layer.setTemplate("dummy.template"); layer.queryByPoint(map,new pointObj(0.10,51.4,0), mapscriptConstants.MS_MULTIPLE,-1); resultCacheObj results =3D layer.getResults();; for (int i=3D0;i extentFromScale(x, y, scale, width, height) { cellsize =3D (scale/PixelsPerInch)/InchesPerMapUnit; minx =3D x - cellsize*width/2.0; miny =3D y - cellsize*height/2.0; maxx =3D x + cellsize*width/2.0; maxy =3D y + cellsize*height/2.0; } Now just plug the extent values into the main map extent (note scale is a = value of, say, 50000). For the CGI just initialize the application using mapxy and scale = parameters and be done with it. Steve >>> Peter Kingsbury 11/29/05 7:36 PM >>> In my mapping application, I'd like to have a default scale to be used=20 when the page first loads. I've attempted to set this in the map file (e.g. SCALE value in the = root=20 object) as well as MAXSCALE, however it seems to default to a certain=20 aggravating value. I've also tried twiddling with the map extents, however this just = causes=20 the scale to bump up away from my target scale. :) Any help is appreciated! - P From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: MapServer. There is a component called "MyGIS" which MapServer can be built with, which works on a non-spatial MySQL table (see: Having said this, I tried getting MapServer working with MySQL, and it seems the easiest way is via Bart's suggestions. I'm not sure what the current state of affairs is w.r.t. MySQL in MapServer (Attila may have comments here). For me, I ended up going w/ PostGIS because of the support for sorts of spatial stuff via MapServer. IMHO, if you have a choice and need a DB, go with PostGIS. If you have an existing MySQL RDBMS, go with Bart's suggestions for simple points in a MySQL table. ..Tom > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List=20 > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at] On Behalf Of Adam > Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 1:54 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mysql? >=20 >=20 > I was reading in "Web Mapping Illustrated" that MySQL "lacks=20 > many of the spatial functions found in PostGIS". >=20 > Anyone have an idea what features it lacks? >=20 > Which MySQL or PostGIS does anyone prefer? >=20 > I'm just starting to implment a spatial database and wonder=20 > which one to use. > ----- Original Message -----=20 > From: "Paolo Cavallini" > To: > Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 12:15 PM > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mysql? >=20 >=20 > > Hi all. > > I have seen on the home page that MapServer supports MySQL=20 > tables via=20 > > OGR, which however does not have support for spatial data. Could=20 > > someone point > out > > a resource to understand this better, or give us a brief=20 > overview of=20 > > MySQL support in UMN MS? Thanks a lot. > > pc > > --=20 > > Paolo Cavallini > > email+jabber: cavallini at > > > > Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy Tel:=20 > (+39)348-3801953 > > >=20 From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: -the TEMPLATE "countytemplate.html" contains: =20 3D"[NAME]" -the HEADER "countyimagemapheader.html" contains: -the FOOTER "countyimagemapfooter.html" contains: I call the imagemap with the URL: http://myurl/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=3Dc:/mypath/maps/testmap/newimagemap= t Here is the resulting imagemap with all but two of the polygon elements snipped out for brevity: 3D"Lake3D"Kittson" Essentially, I am just doing a query (nquery), using the query templates (header, template, footer) to build an imagemap instead of a html table. You can see in the TEMPLATE, that I am using [NAME] and [COUNTY_FIP], which are field names in my shapefile dbf to put the values in to the imagemap elements. =20 In addition to the imagemap that is generated, you will want to hit mapserver to generate the map image associated with your imagemap. =20 I plan to write this up as a HowTo or FAQ as soon as I get a little time. =20 David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Bob Basques Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 2:25 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scrolling over a point to view attributes I should have probably added that I used the CGI version of MapServer=20 since I was most comfortable with that approach. bobb Bob Basques wrote: >Jennifer, > >I originally put together our first version of this capability for our=20 >internal developers here at the City. > >This is how I got started, it's not the only way:=20 > > >Once you have a Webpage working with aboveLIB, then the next step is to >make a TEMPLATE that MapServer can use for Attribute Output from the=20 >SHP files. to generate Imagemap Just read up on: > > >I can't seem to find too much on the Mapserver pages about ImageMap=20 >generation, (is there something obvious some place that I'm missing?).=20 >I'm try to find an example of a IMAGEMAP from MapServer Template, but=20 >not find anything specfically like this. > >Anyone else know of an example that generate straight from the=20 >MapServer Template (Using SHPXY?) > >bobb > > > >Jennifer A Bennett wrote: > > =20 > >>This is a multipart message in MIME format. >>--=3D_alternative 00628F4B862570DF_=3D >>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3D"US-ASCII" >> >>Thank You for your response Bobb, >>I was wondering if you could flesh out your answer a little for me; I >>am >>still kind of new to mapserver and web design and don't know javascript=20 >>really well. Do you know of any documentation that could explain the=20 >>process of creating an IMAGEMAP and displaying necessary attribute fields=20 >>when scrolling over a point? Can you direct me to your website, so I can=20 >>see an example of a mapserver imagemap? Do you know of any other websites=20 >>that use mapserver generated imagemaps? >> >>Thanks, >>Jennifer >>--=3D_alternative 00628F4B862570DF_=3D >>Content-Type: text/html; charset=3D"US-ASCII" >> >> >>
Thank You for your response=20 >>Bobb,
I was wondering if = you >>could flesh out your answer a little for me;  I am still kind of=20 >>new to mapserver and web design and don't know javascript really well. >>Do you know of any documentation that could explain the process of=20 >>creating an IMAGEMAP and displaying necessary attribute fields when=20 >>scrolling over a point?  Can you direct me to your website, so I=20 >>can see an example of a mapserver imagemap?  Do you know of any=20 >>other websites that use mapserver generated imagemaps?
=20 >>
>face=3D"sans-serif">Jennifer --=3D_alternative=20 >>00628F4B862570DF_=3D-- >> >>=20 >> >> =20 >> > > =20 > From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: ERROR: relation "geometry_columns" does not exist And from my http error_log: msPOSTGISLayerClose -- layerinfo is NULL I do have a geometry_columns table with the appropiate f_table_name and f_geometry_column fields. Any ideas of what I'm missing? Best regards, Frank Fica From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: interested in the Oracle/Mapserver/Java/Tomcat. Therfore I'd like to share experiences I made with using Connection-Pooling of Oracle-Connections inside Java/Tomcat. Testenvironment: Mapserver 4.6.2; Suse-Linux; Tomcat 4.1.31; Sun-Java 1.4.2 Simulating 5 Browsers, which produce maps, query features, make selections, query-legend-pics frequently. - After using synchronized "enough" I didn't have crashes of Tomcat. - Big memory leak: Between the first 5 requests and the next 100 requests the Tomcat-process became about 400MB bigger. (I use "top" for watching memory-footprint.) - Cleaning the Connection-Pool "by hand". This means: Opening the function msConnPoolCloseUnreferenced in mappool.c for use in Java and call it after every request. - After this I still have memory leaks: About 100MB for 30.000 requests. (I also made a test: 25.000 requests without Connection pooling. Memory increased and decreased as expected in this case.) - Performancecomparison in my testcase: Without use of connection-pooling: ~ 50 Request per minute With use of connection-pooling: ~75 Request per minute As a result I have the following encouragements: - Making msConnPoolCloseUnreferenced availabe for mapscript via swig. (I made a hack by directly editing mapscript/java/mapscript_wrap.c and Java-Files in mapscript/java/edu/umn/gis/mapscript.) I think this function could be part of the mapscript-Object? - Investigations on the memory leaks. Both leaks shouldn't occure. (I'll do this, if I find time. but ...) - Fernando Simon: What about using OCI-Connection-Pooling for oracle instead the mappool.c? (If you don't have time, I maybe could help coding. But would it become part uf Mapserver?) Happy new year to everybody Benedikt Rothe --=_alternative 003919A6C12570EA_= Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
Hi list members,

From former threads I got the impression, that there are some folks
interested in the Oracle/Mapserver/Java/Tomcat.

Therfore I'd like to share experiences I made with using Connection-Pooling of
Oracle-Connections inside Java/Tomcat.

Testenvironment: Mapserver 4.6.2; Suse-Linux; Tomcat 4.1.31; Sun-Java 1.4.2
Simulating 5 Browsers, which produce maps, query features, make selections,
query-legend-pics frequently.

- After using synchronized "enough" I didn't have crashes of Tomcat.

- Big memory leak: Between the first 5 requests and the next 100 requests
   the Tomcat-process became about 400MB bigger.  (I use "top" for
   watching memory-footprint.)

- Cleaning the Connection-Pool "by hand". This means:
  Opening the function msConnPoolCloseUnreferenced in mappool.c
  for use in Java and call it after every request.

- After this I still have memory leaks:  About 100MB for 30.000 requests.
  (I also made a test: 25.000 requests without Connection pooling. Memory increased
    and decreased as expected  in this case.)

- Performancecomparison in my testcase:
  Without use of connection-pooling: ~ 50 Request per minute
  With use of connection-pooling: ~75 Request per minute  

As a result I have the following encouragements:
- Making msConnPoolCloseUnreferenced  availabe for mapscript via swig.
  (I made a hack by directly editing mapscript/java/mapscript_wrap.c and
   Java-Files in mapscript/java/edu/umn/gis/mapscript.) I think this
  function could be part of the mapscript-Object?

- Investigations on the memory leaks. Both leaks shouldn't occure. (I'll do
  this, if I find time. but ...)

- Fernando Simon: What about using OCI-Connection-Pooling  for oracle instead the mappool.c?
  (If you don't have time, I maybe could help coding. But would it become part uf Mapserver?)

Happy new year to everybody
Benedikt Rothe --=_alternative 003919A6C12570EA_=-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: using driver `ODBC' successful. 1: PROPERTY_VIRTUAL C:\Program Files\FWTools1.0.0a7>ogrinfo ODBC:parcel_test PROPERTY_VIRTUAL INFO: Open of `ODBC:parcel_test' using driver `ODBC' successful. Layer name: PROPERTY_VIRTUAL Geometry: Unknown (any) Feature Count: 1 Layer SRS WKT: (unknown) OBJECTID: Integer (10.0) STATUS: String (20.0) UTM_X: Real (0.0) UTM_Y: Real (0.0) AREA: Real (0.0) SHAPE_Length: Real (0.0) SHAPE_Area: Real (0.0) HERITAGE: String (20.0) PAR_UPDATE: String (10.0) UPDATE_DATE: String (20.0) CREATE_DATE: String (20.0) UPDATE_SOURCE: String (50.0) AREA_ACRE: Real (0.0) PID: Integer (10.0) AREA_HECTARE: Real (0.0) OGRFeature(PROPERTY_VIRTUAL):0 OBJECTID (Integer) = 2 STATUS (String) = Active UTM_X (Real) = 501405.687500125 UTM_Y (Real) = 4801949.24999883 AREA (Real) = 229.843703627485 SHAPE_Length (Real) = 77.3317483960398 SHAPE_Area (Real) = 229.843703627485 HERITAGE (String) = PART V PAR_UPDATE (String) = (null) UPDATE_DATE (String) = (null) CREATE_DATE (String) = (null) UPDATE_SOURCE (String) = (null) AREA_ACRE (Real) = 0.0567943791663515 PID (Integer) = 42385 AREA_HECTARE (Real) = 0.0229843703627485 Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have several polygon layers to publish this way, ultimately from an Oracle database. Thanks in advance, ------------------------------ Mark Adams Senior Analyst & Project Manager Cuesta Systems (DPRA Canada) 5230 South Service Road Burlington, ON L7L 5K2 Phone: 905-333-4544 x14 Fax: 905-333-0455 Email: mark.adams at On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 00:10:06 -0600, Frank Fica wrote: >Hello, > >I've been trying to map a non-spatial postgre table with ogr via ODBC but no success. There must >be a simple solution to what I'm missing and I haven't been able to figure it out. My other layers >do render but my Virtual layer doesn't. When I test in ogrinfo I can connect but when I try to map >in mapserver the image is blank, only my mapinfo layer renders. > >Does someone has any suggestions on what I'm missing? > >Here are is my ovf file: > > > > ODBC:@PostgreSQL,sorento > sorento > wkbPoint > > > > >and map file: > >MAP > IMAGETYPE PNG > EXTENT -90.760314 14.252771 -90.210352 14.937117 > SIZE 640 480 > UNITS METERS > > SYMBOL > NAME "circle" > TYPE ELLIPSE > POINTS > 1 1 > END > FILLED TRUE > END > > LAYER > NAME "ciudad" > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE OGR > CONNECTION "/var/www/html/guatemala/data/" > STYLEITEM "AUTO" > CLASS > NAME "Ciudad" > END > END > > LAYER > NAME "sorento" > TYPE POINT > CONNECTIONTYPE OGR > CONNECTION "virtual.ovf" > DATA "sorento" > STATUS DEFAULT > CLASS > STYLE > SYMBOL 'circle' > SIZE 30 > COLOR 255 0 0 > END > END > END >END From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: using driver `ODBC' successful. 1: PROPERTY_VIRTUAL C:\Program Files\FWTools1.0.0a7>ogrinfo ODBC:parcel_test PROPERTY_VIRTUAL INFO: Open of `ODBC:parcel_test' using driver `ODBC' successful. Layer name: PROPERTY_VIRTUAL Geometry: Unknown (any) Feature Count: 1 Layer SRS WKT: (unknown) OBJECTID: Integer (10.0) STATUS: String (20.0) UTM_X: Real (0.0) UTM_Y: Real (0.0) AREA: Real (0.0) SHAPE_Length: Real (0.0) SHAPE_Area: Real (0.0) HERITAGE: String (20.0) PAR_UPDATE: String (10.0) UPDATE_DATE: String (20.0) CREATE_DATE: String (20.0) UPDATE_SOURCE: String (50.0) AREA_ACRE: Real (0.0) PID: Integer (10.0) AREA_HECTARE: Real (0.0) OGRFeature(PROPERTY_VIRTUAL):0 OBJECTID (Integer) = 2 STATUS (String) = Active UTM_X (Real) = 501405.687500125 UTM_Y (Real) = 4801949.24999883 AREA (Real) = 229.843703627485 SHAPE_Length (Real) = 77.3317483960398 SHAPE_Area (Real) = 229.843703627485 HERITAGE (String) = PART V PAR_UPDATE (String) = (null) UPDATE_DATE (String) = (null) CREATE_DATE (String) = (null) UPDATE_SOURCE (String) = (null) AREA_ACRE (Real) = 0.0567943791663515 PID (Integer) = 42385 AREA_HECTARE (Real) = 0.0229843703627485 Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have several polygon layers to publish this way, ultimately from an Oracle database. Thanks in advance, ------------------------------ Mark Adams Senior Analyst & Project Manager Cuesta Systems (DPRA Canada) 5230 South Service Road Burlington, ON L7L 5K2 Phone: 905-333-4544 x14 Fax: 905-333-0455 Email: mark.adams at On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 00:10:06 -0600, Frank Fica wrote: >Hello, > >I've been trying to map a non-spatial postgre table with ogr via ODBC but no success. There must >be a simple solution to what I'm missing and I haven't been able to figure it out. My other layers >do render but my Virtual layer doesn't. When I test in ogrinfo I can connect but when I try to map >in mapserver the image is blank, only my mapinfo layer renders. > >Does someone has any suggestions on what I'm missing? > >Here are is my ovf file: > > > > ODBC:@PostgreSQL,sorento > sorento > wkbPoint > > > > >and map file: > >MAP > IMAGETYPE PNG > EXTENT -90.760314 14.252771 -90.210352 14.937117 > SIZE 640 480 > UNITS METERS > > SYMBOL > NAME "circle" > TYPE ELLIPSE > POINTS > 1 1 > END > FILLED TRUE > END > > LAYER > NAME "ciudad" > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE OGR > CONNECTION "/var/www/html/guatemala/data/" > STYLEITEM "AUTO" > CLASS > NAME "Ciudad" > END > END > > LAYER > NAME "sorento" > TYPE POINT > CONNECTIONTYPE OGR > CONNECTION "virtual.ovf" > DATA "sorento" > STATUS DEFAULT > CLASS > STYLE > SYMBOL 'circle' > SIZE 30 > COLOR 255 0 0 > END > END > END >END From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: using either "target=3D_blank" or via JavaScript, and have that window display your result. If that doesn't answer your question, please ask the question on the list, providing clear details of your problem (include names and versions of software you are using, if applicable). I am sure you will get a helpful answer very quickly. For further clarity, I am including below the thread that you linked above.= .. > afaik, you can't tell the server to "push" two windows. However, you can > readily tell the client to spawn an additional window that "pulls" the > correct script from the server. > > attach a window spawning function to any client-side object that fires > either by user interaction or by onload. > > pk/ > > >> -----Original Message----- >> From: Hankley, Chip [mailto:Chip.Hankley at GASAI.Com] >> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 12:14 PM >> To: MapServer List (E-mail) >> Subject: [mapserver-users] PHP, HOW??: Returning Results to Multiple >> Windows >> >> >> Kind of a generic server side processing question. >> >> I'm running a querybypoint operation w/ PHP MapScript. I can >> collect the >> results in an array, highlight the selected records, etc. >> etc., all in the >> same window. BUT, what I want to do is display the selected >> records in a >> table in a NEW window. So... I want the server-side stuff to >> do something >> like this. >> >> Receive Input >> | >> V >> Query Shapefile >> | >> V >> Return Results to Array >> | >> V >> Refresh Map in Existing Window >> (showing selected records) >> | >> V >> Display the Attributes of >> the Selected Records in a >> New Window >> >> It's this last step that I'm having a hard time with...I >> would think it >> should be simple. Thanks for any suggestions! >> >> Cheers! >> >> >> Chip Hankley >> -- Puneet Kishor From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: that you are a newbie to GIS, it seems that MapServer may not really be what you want to tackle. From what you are describing you need, actually Google maps (or Yahoo maps) would be the easiest route for you. You could have a working application picking out points from a db, and putting a point on a street map in less than an hour, and you wouldn't have to worry about hosting it. You do say that the Google detail is insufficient for you. Google and Yahoo street detail is pretty good, but if you want something custom, then you will have to roll your sleeves and start learning all that you are a newbie to thus far. For example, there is no such thing as "image formats (that) support this detail" Sorry, can only be as specific as your query, and not anymore. You might want to rephrase what you really want to do, and your various constraints. -- Puneet Kishor From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: OUTPUTFORMAT NAME png24 DRIVER "GD/PNG" MIMETYPE "image/png" IMAGEMODE rgba EXTENSION "png" TRANSPARENT ON END LAYER NAME "City Streets" METADATA DESCRIPTION "City Streets" wms_title "City_Streets" "RESULT_FIELDS" "street_name" END TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE OGR connection "MapInfo\Cadastre\City_Streets.TAB" LABELITEM "street_name" TRANSPARENCY 50 CLASS name "City Streets" template "dummy.html" color 145 137 103 END end =20 =20 Thanks, Mike Merrett =20 ------_=_NextPart_001_01C63F0A.8A40497E Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
        I = have a=20 queryByAttributes  result which gives me a shapeobj =
       &nbs= p;       =20 -- if I then try to draw that shape it does draw but it is not = transparent like=20 the layer is set to
       &nbs= p;Should=20 it?  (is this a feature or a bug)
Below = is the code I=20 am using ( assume a zoom in to show the features at a scale which show = that it=20 isn't transparent - I cut out that part for clarity)
  $oParcelLayer =3D=20 $gpoMap->getLayerByName("City Streets" );
 $y =3D=20 @$oParcelLayer->queryByAttributes('street_name', $the_street, = MS_SINGLE=20 );   // assume it found one = (real code=20 has an if)
    $oResult =3D=20 $oParcelLayer->getResult(0=20 );
  &n= bsp; $oShape=20 =3D $oParcelLayer->getShape($oResult->tileindex, = $oResult->shapeindex=20 );
    $img =3D=20 $gpoMap->draw();
    $rrr =3D=20 $oShape->draw(  $gpoMap, $oParcelLayer, $img);
From = the map file=20 (relevant parts)

  NAME png24
 =20 MIMETYPE "image/png"
  EXTENSION=20 "png"

  NAME "City=20 Streets"
   DESCRIPTION "City=20 Streets"
   wms_title=20 "City_Streets"
   "RESULT_FIELDS"=20 "street_name"
  connection=20 "MapInfo\Cadastre\City_Streets.TAB"
  LABELITEM=20 "street_name"
   name "City=20 Streets"
   template = "dummy.html"
   color=20 145 137 103
    Mike=20 Merrett
------_=_NextPart_001_01C63F0A.8A40497E-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: OUTPUTFORMAT NAME png24 DRIVER "GD/PNG" MIMETYPE "image/png" IMAGEMODE rgba EXTENSION "png" TRANSPARENT ON END LAYER NAME "City Streets" METADATA DESCRIPTION "City Streets" wms_title "City_Streets" "RESULT_FIELDS" "street_name" END TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE OGR connection "MapInfo\Cadastre\City_Streets.TAB" LABELITEM "street_name" TRANSPARENCY 50 CLASS name "City Streets" template "dummy.html" color 145 137 103 END end =20 =20 Thanks, Mike Merrett =20 From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: Janeks > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > Behalf Of Luca Manganelli > Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 12:44 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver website dead? > > > > give me no response... From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: called 'proxy' can be accessed via http. I have made some changes to the following files to reflect the new directory structure: Apache's httpd.conf's, and chameleon's chameleon.xml. I have also found it necessary to make a copy of chameleon's directory in the proxy directory. The application seems to work to an extent, however mapserver malfunctions. It obviously has somthing to do with the fact that only files in the 'proxy' directory are web accessable. Apoligies for a rather sparse description of what I think is potentially a complex senario. Any suggestions you may have would be great. Thanks Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: Steve Lime [mailto:steve.lime at] Sent: March 10, 2006 1:25 PM To: Jeremy.Sears at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] msFreeHashItems()? Hash tables are used in a number of places, most commonly with fonts but elsewhere too. Might be tricky to debug. What type of a request is generating the error and from what language (or just the CGI?)... Steve >>> "Sears, Jeremy" 03/10/06 10:18 AM >>> Hi all, Im getting the following error in my mapserver app error output: >>msFreeHashItems(): Hash table error. Can't free NULL table\r, referer: ........ I cant seem to find any info about this on the mapserver site nor the list archives .. Can anyone explain what this is all about? Thanks Jeremy From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: RASTER: * Orthophotos * DEMs * Multispectral * Panchromatic * Hyperspectral ... VECTOR: * Air Infrastructure * Rail Infrastructure * Road Infrastructure * Water Infrastructure * Geology * Contour * Admin ... this could go on forever... Then having some way of mapping their spatial locations and locations on disk along with metadata info into PostGIS tables. I'd like to get some feedback from anyone who has had similar experience thanks in advance shoaib From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: ================== The short answer is no, there is no map file keyword to indicate the field to use as the rotation value. The long answer is there are a couple of work-arounds that might work for you: 1. Use LABEL with POSITION CC and LABELANGLEITEM to indicate the field with the rotation - if you want to have a text label along with the "symbol" then you'll to define another LAYER just for that - this will only work for using TrueType fonts for symbols (it won't work for Bitmap or Vector symbols) OR 2. Create different symbols for the different directions, and then use CLASS and EXPRESSION to assign the appropriate symbol for the different values in the field. - We used this method to show ship symbols based on a "heading" attribute: CLASS EXPRESSION ([HEADING]<23 or [HEADING]>337) SYMBOL 'arrowup' SIZE 10 COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END # CLASS CLASS EXPRESSION ([HEADING]>=23 and [HEADING]<67) SYMBOL 'arrowuprt' : In this case we generalized the heading values to eight different symbols representing eight points on a compass. ============================ Brent Fraser ----- Original Message ----- From: "J?rn Vegard R?snes" To: Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 1:46 PM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Arrow for a line > Hi, > > I have a Postgis database with some lines and the heading of them (track of > vessels). > How can I use ANGLEITEM to visualise the heading of the boats, preferrably > with an arrow? > > Here is an example I know doesn't work, maybe close to the solution....: > > SYMBOL > NAME 'dashed1' > TYPE VECTOR > POINTS > 0 0 > 0 1 > -99 -99 > 0 0 > 0.3 0.3 > -99 -99 > 0 0 > -0.3 0.3 > END > FILLED false > END > > LAYER > NAME "ais" > CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS > CONNECTION "user=postgres dbname=havo host=localhost port=5432" > DATA "track from my_ship_track_view" > TYPE line > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4326" > END > LABELITEM "name" > CLASSITEM "name" > CLASS > STYLE > ANGLEITEM 'heading' > SYMBOL "dashed1" > SIZE 20 > COLOR 0 255 0 > END > END > > CLASS > DEBUG ON > LABEL > COLOR 132 31 31 > SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218 > SHADOWSIZE 2 2 > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT arial > SIZE 5 > ANTIALIAS TRUE > POSITION CL > PARTIALS true > MINDISTANCE 10 > BUFFER 4 > END # end of label > COLOR 224 64 0 > END > END > > > cheers > Jorn From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: you need do little more than stick the string in as: POLYGON (( 100000 100000, 200000 500000,500000 500000,500000 200000, 100000 100000)) (Or LINESTRING etc - Other Geom types detaild in second of the 2 links) Best wishes James -----Original Message----- From: Chip Taylor [mailto:work at XWB.COM]=20 Sent: 30 March 2006 19:09 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Defining a line from SQL server using OGR The x,y columns are doubles. Where can I learn about geometry in WKT format? Thanks for all your help! Chip Chip, what are the types of your gpsLongitude columns? Are they array types of some kind? Or perhaps you are hoping that OGR will collect all the rows, and make it into a single linestring features? Basically, this is not supported. If you could do something in the database to prepare an appropriate line geometry in WKT format, you could use the WKT column support in VRT. Best regards, --=20 ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------- ---- -- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF, From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: perspective there are three that trun on and off depending on scale. Thanks Jeremy From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: Spanish!), Lucero is asking for help with his thesis. He wants to draw thematic maps using MapServer, like those with different colors for cities. He wants help, and he wants it urgently. I think Lucero is in the right place, but he might get more directed help if he actually works through the examples on the mapserver website, and then asks more specific questions. Fawcett, David wrote: > Can anyone help out lucero? > > > -----Original Message----- > *From:* lucero ruiz perez [mailto:lrp_2009 at] > *Sent:* Wednesday, April 26, 2006 1:41 PM > *To:* Fawcett, David > *Subject:* ayudaurgente > > hola mi nombre es lucero y necesito de tu ayuda nose si tu me puedes > mandar unos ejemplos de como hacer los mapas tematicos, y manuales lo > quew pasa es que casi no encuentro informacion y me gustaria ver si tu > me puedes ayudar, estoy desarrollando mi tesis y tengo que hacer unos > mapas tematicos utilizando mapserver, y tengo que hacer algo como los > ejemplos que muestran, como pintar de diferente color las ciudades y eso > porfavor ayudame te lo agradecere mucho, gracias. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Prodigy/MSN Hotmail Plus. M?s espacio, m?s funcional Haz clic aqu? > From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: =20 ts/ = =20 =20 Note that you used a colon instead of an equals sign. =20 David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] = On Behalf Of Eduardo Ar=E9valo Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 11:06 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] error en http =09 =09 please help: =09 = / =09 error =09 loadMap(): Web application error. CGI variable "map" is not set. =09 =09 =09 ------_=_NextPart_001_01C66F9D.1F12D98A Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message
From=20 your example, I would try: 4.8.3/tests/
Note=20 that you used a colon instead of an equals sign.

-----Original Message-----
From: UMN = MapServer=20 Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of = Eduardo=20 Ar=E9valo
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 11:06 = AM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] = error=20 en http

please help: i-bin/mapserv?map:/home/earevalo/mapserver-4.8.3/tests/ =3DTesting&mode=3Dmap=20


loadMap(): Web application error. CGI = variable "map"=20 is not set.

------_=_NextPart_001_01C66F9D.1F12D98A-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: consuming... -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at]On Behalf Of Zhonghai Wang Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:09 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] how to speed up MapServer performance? Hi my friends, I am really very thankful for all your information, I am a newbie in MapServer. here is the data amount that I am using for the application: (all the source data is MapInfo format, and what I calculated is the ".MAP" file) 1. boundaries -- 388 KB 2. forests -- 9163 KB 3. lakes -- 26 KB 4. city parks -- 25 KB 5. settlement -- 2279 KB 6. rivers -- 1653 KB 7. road networks -- 56370 KB 8. railway -- 1343 KB 9. train station -- 27 KB 10 bus station -- 2 KB 11. tourist centers -- 9 KB 12. theaters -- 6 KB 13. shopping center -- 7 KB 14. city location -- 9 KB ***** and here is how I am symbolizing the layers, mapfile for all these layers: *** LAYER NAME "Country" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_COUNTRY.TAB" TRANSPARENCY 40 DEBUG ON PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS #NAME "Boundaries" STYLE SYMBOL 0 COLOR 155 155 155 OUTLINECOLOR 155 155 155 BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255 END END END LAYER NAME "lakes" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_LAKE.TAB" DEBUG ON PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "Lake" STYLE COLOR 102 153 255 END END END LAYER NAME "woodland" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_WOODLAND_G.TAB" DEBUG ON PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "woodland" STYLE COLOR 0 185 92 END END END LAYER NAME "woodland" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_WOODLAND.TAB" MAXSCALE 100000 #LABELITEM "Street_Label" #SYMBOLSCALE 50000 #LABELMAXSCALE 80000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "woodland" STYLE COLOR 0 185 92 END END END LAYER NAME "city parks" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_CITY_PARK.TAB" PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "Park" STYLE SYMBOL 0 COLOR 233 254 205 END END END LAYER NAME "settlement" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON #CLASSITEM "Area" CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_BUILT_UP_AREA.TAB" MAXSCALE 800000 #LABELITEM "Street_Label" #SYMBOLSCALE 80000 #LABELMAXSCALE 120000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "settlement" #EXPRESSION ([Area]>20000) STYLE COLOR 207 207 158 END END END LAYER NAME "rivers" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_WATERWYS.TAB" MAXSCALE 800000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "river" STYLE COLOR 102 153 255 END END END LAYER NAME "street50" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_S50.TAB" MAXSCALE 40000 LABELITEM "Street_Label" SYMBOLSCALE 5000 LABELMAXSCALE 20000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "Street 50" LABEL # must be in your FONTSET TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "vera" SIZE 8 MINSIZE 2 MAXSIZE 8 ANGLE AUTO POSITION CC OFFSET 0 0 COLOR 0 0 255 MINFEATURESIZE AUTO BUFFER 0 END STYLE SYMBOL "point" SIZE 8 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 8 COLOR 255 255 255 END END END LAYER NAME "oneway" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_ONEWAY.TAB" MAXSCALE 40000 SYMBOLSCALE 5000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "Oneway" STYLE SYMBOL "oneway" SIZE 8 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 8 COLOR 255 51 0 END END END LAYER NAME "street40" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_S40.TAB" MAXSCALE 100000 LABELITEM "Street_Label" SYMBOLSCALE 15000 LABELMAXSCALE 30000 LABELCACHE ON PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "Street 40" LABEL # must be in the FONTSET TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "vera" SIZE 9 MINSIZE 2 MAXSIZE 9 ANGLE AUTO POSITION CC OFFSET 0 0 COLOR 0 0 255 MINFEATURESIZE 20 BUFFER 0 END STYLE SYMBOL "point" SIZE 10 MINSIZE 3 MAXSIZE 10 COLOR 160 160 160 ANTIALIAS TRUE END STYLE SYMBOL "point" SIZE 8 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 8 COLOR 255 255 255 ANTIALIAS TRUE END END END LAYER NAME "street30" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_S30.TAB" MAXSCALE 250000 LABELITEM "Street_Label" SYMBOLSCALE 40000 LABELMAXSCALE 120000 LABELCACHE ON PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "Street 30" LABEL # must be in your FONTSET TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "vera" SIZE 9 MINSIZE 2 MAXSIZE 9 ANGLE AUTO POSITION CC OFFSET 0 0 COLOR 0 0 255 MINFEATURESIZE 30 #MINDISTANCE 10 BUFFER 0 END STYLE SYMBOL "point" SIZE 10 MINSIZE 3 MAXSIZE 10 COLOR 160 160 160 END STYLE SYMBOL "point" SIZE 8 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 8 COLOR 255 204 51 END END END LAYER NAME "railway" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_RAILRDS.TAB" MAXSCALE 8000 SYMBOLSCALE 4000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "railway" SYMBOL 'point' COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 5 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 5 OVERLAYSYMBOL "dashedline" OVERLAYCOLOR 255 255 255 OVERLAYSIZE 3 OVERLAYMINSIZE 0 OVERLAYMAXSIZE 3 END END LAYER NAME "street20" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_S20.TAB" MAXSCALE 900000 LABELITEM "Street_Label" SYMBOLSCALE 100000 LABELMAXSCALE 430000 LABELCACHE ON PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "Street 20" LABEL # must be in your FONTSET TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "vera" SIZE 9 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 9 ANGLE AUTO POSITION CC OFFSET 0 0 COLOR 0 0 255 MINFEATURESIZE 50 #MINDISTANCE 10 BUFFER 0 END STYLE SYMBOL "point" SIZE 10 MINSIZE 3 MAXSIZE 10 COLOR 160 160 160 END STYLE SYMBOL "point" SIZE 8 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 8 COLOR 247 193 157 END END END LAYER NAME "street10" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_S10_O.TAB" MAXSCALE 1700000 LABELITEM "Street_Label" SYMBOLSCALE 400000 LABELMAXSCALE 500000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "Street 10" LABEL # must be in your FONTSET TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "vera" SIZE 8 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 8 ANGLE AUTO POSITION CC OFFSET 0 0 COLOR 255 0 0 BACKGROUNDCOLOR 153 204 153 MINFEATURESIZE AUTO MINDISTANCE 200 BUFFER 1 END STYLE SYMBOL "point" SIZE 10 MINSIZE 3 MAXSIZE 10 COLOR 255 0 0 END STYLE SYMBOL "point" SIZE 6 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 6 COLOR 255 255 0 END END END LAYER NAME "train station" STATUS OFF TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_TRAIN_STATION.TAB" MAXSCALE 10000 #LABELITEM "Label" SYMBOLSCALE 1000 LABELMAXSCALE 5000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "Train station" LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "vera" SIZE 8 MINSIZE 2 MAXSIZE 8 ANGLE AUTO POSITION UC OFFSET 0 0 END STYLE SYMBOL "triangle" COLOR 153 0 0 SIZE 8 MINSIZE 3 MAXSIZE 8 END END END LAYER NAME "bus station" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_BUS_STATION.TAB" MAXSCALE 10000 LABELITEM "Label" SYMBOLSCALE 1000 LABELMAXSCALE 5000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "bus station" LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "vera" SIZE 8 MINSIZE 2 MAXSIZE 8 ANGLE AUTO POSITION UC OFFSET 0 0 END STYLE SYMBOL "triangle" COLOR 0 153 0 SIZE 8 MINSIZE 3 MAXSIZE 8 END END END LAYER NAME "LOCATIONS0" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_AND_LOCATIONS0.TAB" MAXSCALE 1000000 LABELITEM "Name" SYMBOLSCALE 200000 LABELMAXSCALE 500000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "LOCATIONS0" LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "vera" SIZE 12 MINSIZE 2 MAXSIZE 12 ANGLE AUTO POSITION AUTO OFFSET 0 0 COLOR 0 0 255 END STYLE SYMBOL "star" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 18 MINSIZE 8 MAXSIZE 18 END END END LAYER NAME "LOCATIONS1" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_AND_LOCATIONS1.TAB" MAXSCALE 800000 LABELITEM "Name" SYMBOLSCALE 200000 LABELMAXSCALE 500000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "LOCATIONS1" LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "vera" SIZE 12 MINSIZE 2 MAXSIZE 12 ANGLE AUTO POSITION AUTO OFFSET 0 0 COLOR 0 0 255 END STYLE SYMBOL "point" COLOR 153 153 0 SIZE 8 MINSIZE 3 MAXSIZE 8 END END END LAYER NAME "LOCATIONS2" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_AND_LOCATIONS2.TAB" MAXSCALE 800000 LABELITEM "Name" SYMBOLSCALE 200000 LABELMAXSCALE 500000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "LOCATIONS2" LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "vera" SIZE 10 MINSIZE 2 MAXSIZE 10 ANGLE AUTO POSITION AUTO OFFSET 0 0 COLOR 0 0 255 END STYLE SYMBOL "point" COLOR 153 153 0 SIZE 6 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 6 END END END LAYER NAME "LOCATIONS3" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_AND_LOCATIONS3.TAB" MAXSCALE 400000 LABELITEM "Name" SYMBOLSCALE 200000 LABELMAXSCALE 200000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "LOCATIONS3" LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "vera" SIZE 10 MINSIZE 2 MAXSIZE 10 ANGLE AUTO POSITION AUTO OFFSET 0 0 COLOR 0 0 255 END STYLE SYMBOL "point" COLOR 153 51 153 SIZE 6 MINSIZE 1 MAXSIZE 6 END END END LAYER NAME "Tourist Information" STATUS OFF TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_TOURIST_INFORMATION.TAB" MAXSCALE 10000 LABELITEM "Label" SYMBOLSCALE 1000 LABELMAXSCALE 5000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "Tourist Information" LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "vera" SIZE 8 MINSIZE 2 MAXSIZE 8 ANGLE AUTO POSITION UC OFFSET 0 0 END STYLE SYMBOL "rectangle" COLOR 255 51 0 SIZE 8 MINSIZE 3 MAXSIZE 8 END END END LAYER NAME "Shopping Center" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_SHOPPING_CENTER.TAB" MAXSCALE 10000 LABELITEM "Label" SYMBOLSCALE 1000 LABELMAXSCALE 5000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "shopping center" LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "vera" SIZE 10 MINSIZE 2 MAXSIZE 10 ANGLE AUTO POSITION UC OFFSET 0 0 END STYLE SYMBOL "special" COLOR 255 51 0 SIZE 15 MINSIZE 6 MAXSIZE 15 END END END LAYER NAME "Theater" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "CA_NAV_THEATER.TAB" MAXSCALE 10000 LABELITEM "Label" SYMBOLSCALE 1000 LABELMAXSCALE 5000 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "Theater" LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "vera" SIZE 8 MINSIZE 2 MAXSIZE 8 ANGLE AUTO POSITION UC OFFSET 0 0 END STYLE SYMBOL "triangle" COLOR 255 51 0 SIZE 8 MINSIZE 3 MAXSIZE 8 END END END *********************** is it still possible to speed up my application? **** the system parameters of my application: Windows XP professional MS4W 4.8.1 data source -- MapInfo data *--only CGI parameters are used,since it is a pure static version with HTML, is it possible to develop a pure static application based on MapServer, even in conjunction with PHP/MapScript or Chameleon? thanks for any clues. zhonghai 16.05.2006 On 5/15/06, Steve Lime wrote: We really need more information about the nature of the data. I mean if you've got 20 layers each with a million polygons and are trying to show all of them then 3 seconds might be really fast! Also, the way you are symbolizing features may impact things. In my experience neither 1 or 2 is worth considering... Steve Steve >>> Zhonghai Wang < zhonghaiw at GMAIL.COM> 5/15/2006 9:15:49 AM >>> Hi there, for a special purpose I've developed an static version application based on MapServer CGI, which means I just use pure HTML tages for the GUI, even without JavaScript code snippets to validate forms. I have about 20 map layers to display according to different map scale (ussing the MAXSCALE, SYMBOLSCALE AND LABELMAXSCALE), there are no data classifications within a layer object, the status of all layers are set as default. I've made a test on a standalone MapServer (XP system), every request takes about 3 second. Obvioursly it's not fast enough for a web application, since there may be many users requesting the server at the same time if the application is published on the web. Is MapServer really so slow? can anybody give me some ideas?should I modify the mapfiles? I am wondering whether the following solutions will work: 1. define every layer as a seperate mapfile, and combine them together by request 2. turn off the non-displayed layers off on the fly are these possible to speed up MapServer performance? ------=_NextPart_000_0084_01C678C1.0EA36B90 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
From=20 the peanut gallery, rendering with ANTIALIAS TRUE is more time=20 consuming...
-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer = Users List=20 [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at]On Behalf Of Zhonghai=20 Wang
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:09 AM
Subject: Re: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] how=20 to speed up MapServer performance?

Hi my friends,
I am really very thankful for all your information, I am a newbie = in=20 MapServer.
here is the data amount that I am using for the = application:
(all the source data is MapInfo format, and what I calculated is = the=20 ".MAP" file)
1. boundaries -- 388 KB
2. forests -- 9163 KB
3. lakes -- 26 KB
4. city parks -- 25 KB
5. settlement -- 2279 KB
6. rivers -- 1653 KB
7. road networks -- 56370 KB
8. railway -- 1343 KB
9. train station -- 27 KB
10 bus station -- 2 KB
11. tourist centers -- 9 KB
12. theaters -- 6 KB
13. shopping center -- 7 KB
14. city location -- 9 KB
and here is how I am symbolizing the layers, mapfile for all = these=20 layers:
    NAME "Country"
   =20 CLASS
      #NAME=20 "Boundaries"
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 0
        COLOR 155 155=20 155
        OUTLINECOLOR 155 155 = 155
        BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 = 255 255=20
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME = "lakes"
   =20 CLASS
      NAME=20 "Lake"
     =20 STYLE
        COLOR 102 153=20 255
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME=20 "woodland"
    DEBUG=20 ON
     =20 "init=3Depsg:4326"
   =20 CLASS
      NAME "woodland"=20
     =20 STYLE
        COLOR 0 185=20 92
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME=20 "woodland"
    MAXSCALE=20 100000
    #LABELITEM = "Street_Label"
   =20 #SYMBOLSCALE 50000
    #LABELMAXSCALE=20 80000
     =20 "init=3Depsg:4326"
   =20 CLASS
      NAME "woodland"=20
     =20 STYLE
        COLOR 0 185=20 92
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME "city=20 parks"
   =20 CLASS
      NAME=20 "Park"
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 0
        COLOR 233 254=20 205
    = END
 =20 END 
    NAME=20 "settlement"
    #CLASSITEM "Area"
    MAXSCALE=20 800000
    #LABELITEM "Street_Label" =
   =20 #SYMBOLSCALE 80000
    #LABELMAXSCALE=20 120000
     =20 "init=3Depsg:4326"
   =20 CLASS
      NAME=20 "settlement"
      #EXPRESSION=20 ([Area]>20000)
        COLOR 207 207=20 158
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME = "rivers"
    MAXSCALE 800000
   =20 CLASS
      NAME=20 "river"
     =20 STYLE
        COLOR 102 153=20 255
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME=20 "street50"
    = TYPE=20 LINE
    MAXSCALE = 40000
   =20 LABELITEM "Street_Label"
    SYMBOLSCALE 5000=20
   =20 CLASS
      NAME "Street=20 50"
     =20 LABEL
        # must be in your=20 FONTSET
        TYPE=20 TRUETYPE
        FONT=20 "vera"
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 2
        MAXSIZE=20 8
        ANGLE=20 AUTO
       POSITION=20 CC
       OFFSET 0 0=20
        COLOR 0 0=20 255
        BUFFER 0=20
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "point"
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 1
        MAXSIZE=20 8
        COLOR 255 255=20 255
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME "oneway" =
    MAXSCALE = 40000
   =20 SYMBOLSCALE 5000
   =20 CLASS
      NAME=20 "Oneway"      =
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "oneway"
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 1
        MAXSIZE=20 8
        COLOR 255 51=20 0
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME=20 "street40"
    = TYPE=20 LINE
    MAXSCALE = 100000
   =20 LABELITEM "Street_Label"
    SYMBOLSCALE=20 15000
   =20 CLASS
      NAME "Street=20 40"
     =20 LABEL
        # must be in the = FONTSET=20
        TYPE=20 TRUETYPE
        FONT=20 "vera"
        SIZE=20 9
        MINSIZE=20 2
        MAXSIZE=20 9
        ANGLE=20 AUTO
       POSITION=20 CC
       OFFSET 0 0=20
        COLOR 0 0=20 255
        MINFEATURESIZE 20=20
        BUFFER=20 0
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "point"
        SIZE=20 10
        MINSIZE=20 3
        MAXSIZE=20 10
        COLOR 160 160=20 160
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "point"
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 1
        MAXSIZE=20 8
        COLOR 255 255=20 255
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME "street30"=20
    TYPE=20 LINE
    MAXSCALE = 250000
   =20 LABELITEM "Street_Label"
    SYMBOLSCALE=20 40000
    LABELMAXSCALE 120000 =
   =20 CLASS
      NAME "Street=20 30"
     =20 LABEL
        # must be in your=20 FONTSET
        TYPE=20 TRUETYPE
        FONT "vera"=20
        SIZE=20 9
        MINSIZE=20 2
        MAXSIZE=20 9
        ANGLE=20 AUTO
       POSITION=20 CC
       OFFSET 0 0 =20
        COLOR 0 0=20 255
        MINFEATURESIZE=20 30
        #MINDISTANCE=20 10
        BUFFER 0=20
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "point"
        SIZE=20 10
        MINSIZE=20 3
        MAXSIZE=20 10
        COLOR 160 160=20 160
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "point"
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 1
        MAXSIZE=20 8
        COLOR 255 204=20 51
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME = "railway"
    MAXSCALE = 8000
   =20 SYMBOLSCALE 4000
   =20 CLASS
      NAME=20 "railway"
        SYMBOL 'point' =
        COLOR 0 0=20 0
        SIZE=20 5
        MINSIZE=20 1
        MAXSIZE=20 5
        OVERLAYSYMBOL=20 "dashedline"
        = OVERLAYCOLOR 255=20 255 255
        OVERLAYSIZE=20 3
        OVERLAYMAXSIZE=20 3     
 =20 END
    NAME=20 "street20"
    = TYPE=20 LINE
    MAXSCALE 900000 =
   =20 LABELITEM "Street_Label"
    SYMBOLSCALE=20 100000
    LABELMAXSCALE = 430000
   =20 CLASS
      NAME "Street 20"=20
     =20 LABEL
        # must be in your=20 FONTSET
        TYPE=20 TRUETYPE
        FONT=20 "vera"
        SIZE=20 9
        MINSIZE=20 1
        MAXSIZE=20 9
        ANGLE=20 AUTO
       POSITION=20 CC
       OFFSET 0 0 =20
        COLOR 0 0=20 255
        MINFEATURESIZE=20 50
        #MINDISTANCE=20 10
        BUFFER=20 0
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "point"
        SIZE=20 10
        MINSIZE=20 3
        MAXSIZE 10=20
        COLOR 160 160=20 160
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "point"
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 1
        MAXSIZE=20 8
        COLOR 247 193=20 157
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME=20 "street10"
    = TYPE=20 LINE
    MAXSCALE=20 1700000
    LABELITEM = "Street_Label"
   =20 SYMBOLSCALE 400000
    LABELMAXSCALE=20 500000
     =20 "init=3Depsg:4326"
   =20 CLASS
      NAME "Street=20 10"
     =20 LABEL
        # must be in your=20 FONTSET
        TYPE=20 TRUETYPE
        FONT=20 "vera"
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 1
        MAXSIZE=20 8
        ANGLE=20 AUTO
       POSITION=20 CC
       OFFSET 0 0=20
        COLOR 255 0=20 0
        BACKGROUNDCOLOR 153 = 204=20 153
        MINDISTANCE=20 200
        BUFFER=20 1
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "point"
        SIZE=20 10
        MINSIZE=20 3
        MAXSIZE=20 10
        COLOR 255 0 0=20
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "point"
        SIZE=20 6
        MINSIZE=20 1
        MAXSIZE=20 6
        COLOR 255 255=20 0
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME "train station"=20
    MAXSCALE=20 10000
    #LABELITEM "Label"
   =20 SYMBOLSCALE 1000
     =20 "init=3Depsg:4326"
   =20 CLASS
      NAME "Train=20 station"
     =20 LABEL
        TYPE=20 TRUETYPE
        FONT=20 "vera"
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE 2=20
        MAXSIZE=20 8
        ANGLE=20 AUTO
       POSITION=20 UC
       OFFSET 0=20 0
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "triangle"
        COLOR 153 0=20 0
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 3
        MAXSIZE=20 8
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME "bus=20 station"
    = TYPE=20 POINT
    MAXSCALE = 10000=20
    LABELITEM "Label"
    = SYMBOLSCALE=20 1000
   =20 CLASS
      NAME "bus=20 station"
     =20 LABEL
        TYPE=20 TRUETYPE
        FONT=20 "vera"
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 2
        MAXSIZE=20 8
        ANGLE=20 AUTO
       POSITION=20 UC
       OFFSET 0=20 0
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL "triangle"=20
        COLOR 0 153=20 0
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 3
        MAXSIZE=20 8
    = END
 =20 END
    MAXSCALE=20 1000000
    LABELITEM "Name"   =20
    SYMBOLSCALE 200000
    = LABELMAXSCALE=20 500000
     =20 "init=3Depsg:4326"
   =20 CLASS
      NAME=20 "LOCATIONS0"
     =20 LABEL
        TYPE=20 TRUETYPE
        FONT=20 "vera"
        SIZE=20 12
        MINSIZE=20 2
        MAXSIZE=20 12
        ANGLE=20 AUTO
       OFFSET 0=20 0
       COLOR 0 0=20 255
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "star"
        COLOR 255 0=20 0
        SIZE=20 18
        MINSIZE=20 8
        MAXSIZE=20 18
    = END
 =20 END
    MAXSCALE=20 800000
    LABELITEM "Name"
   =20 SYMBOLSCALE 200000
    LABELMAXSCALE=20 500000
     =20 "init=3Depsg:4326"
   =20 CLASS
      NAME=20 "LOCATIONS1"
     =20 LABEL
        TYPE=20 TRUETYPE
        FONT "vera"=20
        SIZE=20 12
        MINSIZE=20 2
        MAXSIZE=20 12
        ANGLE=20 AUTO
       OFFSET 0=20 0
       COLOR 0 0=20 255
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "point"
        COLOR 153 153=20 0
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 3
        MAXSIZE=20 8
    = END
 =20 END
    MAXSCALE=20 800000
    LABELITEM "Name"
   =20 SYMBOLSCALE 200000
    LABELMAXSCALE=20 500000
     =20 "init=3Depsg:4326"
   =20 CLASS
      NAME=20 "LOCATIONS2"
     =20 LABEL
        TYPE=20 TRUETYPE
        FONT=20 "vera"
        SIZE=20 10
        MINSIZE=20 2
        MAXSIZE=20 10
        ANGLE=20 AUTO
       OFFSET 0=20 0
       COLOR 0 0=20 255
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "point"
        COLOR 153 153=20 0
        SIZE=20 6
        MINSIZE=20 1
        MAXSIZE=20 6
    = END
 =20 END
    MAXSCALE=20 400000
    LABELITEM "Name"
   =20 SYMBOLSCALE 200000
    LABELMAXSCALE=20 200000
     =20 "init=3Depsg:4326"
   =20 CLASS
      NAME=20 "LOCATIONS3"
     =20 LABEL
        TYPE=20 TRUETYPE
        FONT "vera"=20
        SIZE=20 10
        MINSIZE=20 2
        MAXSIZE=20 10
        ANGLE=20 AUTO
       OFFSET 0=20 0
       COLOR 0 0=20 255
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "point"
        COLOR 153 51=20 153
        SIZE=20 6
        MINSIZE=20 1
        MAXSIZE=20 6
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME "Tourist=20 Information"
    = TYPE=20 POINT
    = MAXSCALE=20 10000
    LABELITEM "Label"
   =20 SYMBOLSCALE 1000
     =20 "init=3Depsg:4326"
   =20 CLASS
      NAME "Tourist=20 Information"
     =20 LABEL
        TYPE=20 TRUETYPE
        FONT=20 "vera"
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 2
        MAXSIZE=20 8
        ANGLE AUTO=20
       POSITION=20 UC
       OFFSET 0=20 0
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "rectangle"
        COLOR 255 51 = 0
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 3
        MAXSIZE=20 8
    END =
 =20 END
    NAME "Shopping=20 Center"
    = TYPE=20 POINT
    MAXSCALE = 10000
    LABELITEM "Label"
   =20 SYMBOLSCALE 1000
     =20 "init=3Depsg:4326"
   =20 CLASS
      NAME "shopping=20 center"
     =20 LABEL
        TYPE=20 TRUETYPE
        FONT "vera"=20
        SIZE=20 10
        MINSIZE=20 2
        MAXSIZE=20 10
        ANGLE=20 AUTO
       POSITION=20 UC
       OFFSET 0=20 0
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "special"
        COLOR 255 51=20 0
        SIZE=20 15
        MINSIZE=20 6
        MAXSIZE=20 15
    = END
 =20 END
    NAME = "Theater"
    MAXSCALE 10000
    LABELITEM=20 "Label"
   =20 CLASS
      NAME=20 "Theater"
     =20 LABEL
        TYPE=20 TRUETYPE
        FONT=20 "vera"
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 2
        MAXSIZE=20 8
        ANGLE=20 AUTO
       POSITION=20 UC
       OFFSET 0=20 0
      = END
     =20 STYLE
        SYMBOL=20 "triangle"
        COLOR 255 51=20 0
        SIZE=20 8
        MINSIZE=20 3
        MAXSIZE=20 8
    = END
 =20 END
is it still possible to speed up my application?
the system parameters of my application:
Windows XP professional
MS4W 4.8.1
data source -- MapInfo data
*--only CGI parameters are used,since it is a pure static version = with=20 HTML,
is it possible to develop a pure static application based on = MapServer,=20 even in conjunction with PHP/MapScript or Chameleon?
thanks for any clues.

On 5/15/06, Steve=20 Lime <Steve.Lime at >=20 wrote:=20
We=20 really need more information about the nature of the data. I mean if = you've=20 got
20 layers each with a million polygons and are trying to show = all of=20 them then 3 seconds
might be really fast! Also, the way you are=20 symbolizing features may impact things.

In my experience = neither 1 or=20 2 is worth = considering...



>>>=20 Zhonghai Wang <=20 zhonghaiw at GMAIL.COM> 5/15/2006 9:15:49 AM >>>
Hi=20 there,

for a special purpose I've developed an static version = application based on
MapServer CGI, which means I just use pure = HTML=20 tages for the GUI, even
without JavaScript code snippets to = validate=20 forms.

I have about 20 map layers to display according to = different=20 map scale
(ussing the MAXSCALE, SYMBOLSCALE AND LABELMAXSCALE), = there are=20 no data
classifications within a layer object, the status of all = layers=20 are set as

I've made a test on a standalone = MapServer=20 (XP system), every request takes
about 3 second. Obvioursly it's = not fast=20 enough for a web application, since
there may be many users = requesting=20 the server at the same time if the
application is published on = the=20 web.

Is MapServer really so slow? can anybody give me some=20 ideas?should I modify
the mapfiles?

I am wondering whether = the=20 following solutions will work:
1. define every layer as a = seperate=20 mapfile, and  combine them together by
2. = turn off=20 the non-displayed layers off on the fly

are these possible to = speed=20 up MapServer = performance?

------=_NextPart_000_0084_01C678C1.0EA36B90-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: you might have some experience with this,. I have found the following PHP extension based on Shapelib C Library V1.2(reading and writing to shapefiles) but i have not been able to get it installed properly on a Windows server. I am really kind of lost. I though php extentions were . dll files. Looking at the README from that above link it points to the shapelib files and one is a .dll ( i DL windows version) I placed that into my php extension folder and added it to the php.ini, restarted Apache.. but when i run phpinfo(INFO_MODULES); it does not show up in the listings. So i guess my question is, Has anyone tried to install this php extension before on windows when no having map script installed ? can this php extension be installed on windows ? Hope this is not too confusing.. Thanks, Drew ------=_Part_60798_15068851.1150058536983 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Hello,

I am looking at using a php extension called shaplib on a server that currently does not have MapServer/MapScript installed.

From my readings shapelib is installed in map server, so i though some of you might have some experience with this,.

I have found the following PHP extension based on Shapelib C Library V1.2 (reading and writing to shapefiles)

but i have not been able to get it installed properly on a Windows server.

I am really kind of lost. I though php extentions were . dll files.
Looking at the README from that above link it points to the shapelib files and one is a .dll ( i DL windows version)
I placed that into my php extension folder and added it to the php.ini, restarted Apache..
but when i run phpinfo(INFO_MODULES); it does not show up in the listings.

So i guess my question is, Has anyone tried to install this php extension before on windows when no having map
script installed ?

can this php extension be installed on windows ?

Hope this is not too confusing..


------=_Part_60798_15068851.1150058536983-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: look attached file. But when clicking to f.ex. Documentation than looks nice. Janeks=20 > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] = On > Behalf Of Laurent J=E9gou > Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:24 AM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WebSite documentation language glitch >=20 > Hello, when i access the "documentation" part of the official website > (, plone detects than i use a french > language and automatically gives the french version of the website, > which is empty of documentation. >=20 > I remarked that this morning, before i was able to put the site in > english by returning to the first page and clicking the english flag. > Now that does'nt work anymore. >=20 > What url can i use to force the site in english and have acces to the > whole content ? >=20 > Thanks for your help ! ------=_NextPart_000_0029_01C6905A.61F79630 Content-Type: image/jpeg; name="mapserverHomePage.JPG" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mapserverHomePage.JPG" R0lGODlhggJnA/cAAAAAAIAAAACAAICAAAAAgIAAgACAgICAgMDAwP8AAAD/AP//AAAA//8A/wD/ /////wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMwAAZgAAmQAAzAAA/wAzAAAzMwAzZgAzmQAzzAAz/wBm AABmMwBmZgBmmQBmzABm/wCZAACZMwCZZgCZmQCZzACZ/wDMAADMMwDMZgDMmQDMzADM/wD/AAD/ MwD/ZgD/mQD/zAD//zMAADMAMzMAZjMAmTMAzDMA/zMzADMzMzMzZjMzmTMzzDMz/zNmADNmMzNm ZjNmmTNmzDNm/zOZADOZMzOZZjOZmTOZzDOZ/zPMADPMMzPMZjPMmTPMzDPM/zP/ADP/MzP/ZjP/ mTP/zDP//2YAAGYAM2YAZmYAmWYAzGYA/2YzAGYzM2YzZmYzmWYzzGYz/2ZmAGZmM2ZmZmZmmWZm zGZm/2aZAGaZM2aZZmaZmWaZzGaZ/2bMAGbMM2bMZmbMmWbMzGbM/2b/AGb/M2b/Zmb/mWb/zGb/ /5kAAJkAM5kAZpkAmZkAzJkA/5kzAJkzM5kzZpkzmZkzzJkz/5lmAJlmM5lmZplmmZlmzJlm/5mZ AJmZM5mZZpmZmZmZzJmZ/5nMAJnMM5nMZpnMmZnMzJnM/5n/AJn/M5n/Zpn/mZn/zJn//8wAAMwA M8wAZswAmcwAzMwA/8wzAMwzM8wzZswzmcwzzMwz/8xmAMxmM8xmZsxmmcxmzMxm/8yZAMyZM8yZ ZsyZmcyZzMyZ/8zMAMzMM8zMZszMmczMzMzM/8z/AMz/M8z/Zsz/mcz/zMz///8AAP8AM/8AZv8A mf8AzP8A//8zAP8zM/8zZv8zmf8zzP8z//9mAP9mM/9mZv9mmf9mzP9m//+ZAP+ZM/+ZZv+Zmf+Z zP+Z///MAP/MM//MZv/Mmf/MzP/M////AP//M///Zv//mf//zP///yH5BAEAABAALAAAAACCAmcD AAj/AP/9ozbtH6qDr1C5QpUQoUKGByEubCgRosOJERNivGixIkWNHUF+fDhyo8eMJFGaFKkyZEqO JV2ufHkSZsuYOG/qtMmzpk+WPYH+pCm0KNGjM5PKXJozKFKmO4cqbSp16TSG06hBvJpwWhZqhPqg 6kPIz9iwY1OZ7QrRD7Vo07RN+0NI29tpYtnqRcWV79a/TqdGNSo4MNOscQv+u8r31bRp2RL7m+aP WmV/2i5ntmyZMufLni93Fg2a9OjPp0mH/ry6NOrJpmG/bp2adWzaslXf3j2bt+7ewGNvxqy5uOXh yI0TP648OfPny6M7l968OvTp2K1Tv649O/fv1HGL//dtO3j53+g7P16fav16QtSopZJPf759an7k up/mZ+A/bP7x458f7um3n4EFrpfbeQy6lp6DtiU3HmdyTSaXga/Al5VArjjmmGQgwpYZZSSWVuJo J8KWYomhsWhibi6iCKOKL7ZIo4w2rngjjTnOqOOPPgbZ45A1FomjkTwiGWOSRzbJ5JNLRrmjlEAS 6SSVQio55ZZVatnllVzK9ph+7emnX3+pEJIKKmmu2SYqYCU25jR18ePPP9qk8geedqpp4J/rATrn Y2FaCWWhXlYIoqIXJoYgnAU5dNWkrkxTqYfr8fWYppZO49ilnX7qaaikgmrqqKeKqmqpqLa6aqqs vv/qaqy0wmrrrLfKqmutuPa6a668/uprsMQCa+ywxwqrbLHINrtqY6RCC6q0o1LrmLWTPjsrtnxV qqk23V7VB0GPkYtYuV51Gm4WdvkTjTbRuNvuFKl4q+69YuVLabbRbuuvtgD3q6299vp1r197pWnZ 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------=_NextPart_000_0029_01C6905A.61F79630-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: basic mapserv info as normal. I copy it to my cgi-bin directory and when I run it I get a whole lot of garble on the screen. The first few lines look like: ------------ =7FELF=01=02=01=02=02=01=01=C2=A5=C3=944 PH4 =05(=1E=1C=064=014 =05=03=C3= =94=11=04=01=01=08OV=08OV=05=01=01=08OX OX],l=C2=90=07=01=02=08z=C3=BC z=C3=BC=01=10=07/usr/lib/ =0E=11=13= =15=17=18=1A=1C=1D=1E=1F !"#&')+-.012469:;<>@BDEGHIJMPRUVXY\^_`abcdefilnpqrstvxy|}~=7F=C2=81=E2=80= =9A=C6=92=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A0=E2=80=B9=C5=92=C2=8D=C2=8F=C2=90=E2=80=98=E2=80= =9D=E2=80=A2=E2=80=94 ------------ I have set the permissions correctly. I have other CGI program in the same directory and they all work ok. Running Mapserv 4.8.3, Solaris 10, SunFire V250, SUN Webserver 6.1 Some things I have tried: 1. All my cgi programs have extn .cgi, so I changed the mapserv to mapserv.cgi. I have CGI enabled and as a filetype on my webserver. When I d= o this I get an internal error. Webserver Error logs report: ---------------- /software/cgi-bin/mapserv.cgi, cgi_scan_headers reports: HTTP4044: the CGI program /docs/software/cgi-bin/mapserv.cgi did not produce a valid header (program terminated without a valid CGI header. Check for core dump or othe= r abnormal termination) ---------------- I am guessing something is wrong with my webserver config somewhere but I d= o not know where to start as my other cgi apps work fine. Any Ideas? thanks, Rob -- View this message in context: 847086.html#a5041674 Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: suggest including the text of your mapfile in your response to the list. = =20 =20 David. =20 -----Original Message----- From: Albert Anderson [mailto:bart_doggers at]=20 Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:13 AM To: Fawcett, David Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] msLoadMap(): Unknown identifier. = Parsing error near (255):(line 4)=20 Hi, I did a wapperscript and put name=3D"map" in the html where the input = is. Now I am getting this error msLoadMap(): Unknown identifier. = Parsing error near (255):(line 4) . Could you please help me. Thanks, Albert "Fawcett, David" wrote:=20 Albert,=20 =20 You are calling the MapServer cgi program, but you are not telling it = which map file to use for configuration. If you are calling the program = with a get request (in a URL), it should look something like: =20 =20 You will likely set other variables in the URL also, like mode, layers, = etc. =20 =20 If you are calling the MapServer cgi from a html form, you are missing = a hidden html variable named map that, like the url variable above, = would contain the path to your map file. =20 =20 David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] = On Behalf Of Albert Anderson Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:18 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] load Map error =09 =09 Hi, =09 I am getting this error loadMap(): Web application error. CGI = variable "map" is not set. That is when I am clicking the submit button = and it doesnt load up the map. Can anyone help me? =09 =09 =09 Thanks, Albert =09 ________________________________ Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great = rates starting at 1=EF=BF=BD/min. = =20 ________________________________ Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free. = =20 ------_=_NextPart_001_01C69B8A.08F3CD7B Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message
Please=20 CC' the entire list on your responses. 
From=20 your description, you have an error in your mapfile.  I would = suggest=20 including the text of your mapfile in your response to the list. =20
-----Original Message-----
From: Albert Anderson=20 [mailto:bart_doggers at]
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 = 9:13=20 AM
To: Fawcett, David
Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS]=20 msLoadMap(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (255):(line 4)=20


 I did a wapperscript and put = name=3D"map" in=20 the html where the input is.  Now I am getting this error = msLoadMap():=20 Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (255):(line 4) .  Could you = please=20 help me.


"Fawcett, David"=20 <David.Fawcett at> wrote:
You=20 are calling the MapServer cgi program, but you are not telling it = which map=20 file to use for configuration.  If you are calling the program = with a get=20 request (in a URL), it should look something like:
You=20 will likely set other variables in the URL also, like mode, layers, = etc. =20
If=20 you are calling the MapServer cgi from a html form, you are missing a = hidden=20 html variable named map that, like the url variable above, would = contain the=20 path to your map file. 
-----Original Message-----
From: = UMN MapServer=20 Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of = Albert=20 Anderson
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:18 = AM
Subject: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] load=20 Map error


 I am getting this = error=20 loadMap(): Web application error. CGI variable "map" is not = set.  That=20 is when I am clicking the submit button and it doesnt load up the = map. Can=20 anyone help me?


Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great=20 rates starting at 1=EF=BF=BD/min.

Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try=20 it free. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C69B8A.08F3CD7B-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: 1) var_dump($myresult) is "object(stdClass)(3) { ["shapeindex"]=> int(-2028233538) ["tileindex"]=> int(-1) ["classindex"]=> int(0) }" 2) var_dump($shp) is "False" It displays numresults=1 but it $myresult->shapeindex is negative... What's wrong? Maybe this is not the right way to query Oracle (queryByAttributes) to get data? Thanks in advance, Antonio From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: basic mapserv info as normal.=20 ---------------------------------------=20 bash-3.00# ./mapserv=20 This script can only be used to decode form results and=20 should be initiated as a CGI process via a httpd server.=20 bash-3.00# ./mapserv -v=20 MapServer version 4.8.3 OUTPUT=3DGIF OUTPUT=3DPNG OUTPUT=3DJPEG OUTPUT=3DWB= MP OUTPUT=3DPDF OUTPUT=3DSVG SUPPORTS=3DPROJ SUPPORTS=3DFREETYPE SUPPORTS=3DWM= S_SERVER SUPPORTS=3DWMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=3DWFS_CLIENT INPUT=3DTIFF INPUT=3DEPPL7 INPU= T=3DOGR INPUT=3DGDAL INPUT=3DSHAPEFILE DEBUG=3DMSDEBUG=20 ---------------------------------------=20 I copy it to my cgi-bin directory and when I run it thourgh my web-browser = I get a whole lot of garble on the screen. The first few lines look like:=20 ------------=20 =7FELF=01=02=01=02=02=01=01??4 PH4 =05(=1E=1C=064=014 =05=03?=11=04=01=01= =08OV=08OV=05=01=01=08OX OX],l?=07=01=02=08z? z?=01=10=07/usr/lib/ =0E=11=13=15=17=18=1A=1C= =1D=1E=1F !"#&')+-.012469:;<>@BDEGHIJMPRUVXY\^_`abcdefilnpqrstvxy|}~=7F??????????????= =20 ------------=20 I have set the permissions correctly. I have other CGI program in the same directory and they all work ok.=20 Running Mapserv 4.8.3, Solaris 10, SunFire V250, SUN Webserver 6.1=20 Some things I have tried:=20 1. All my cgi programs have extn .cgi, so I changed the mapserv to mapserv.cgi. I have CGI enabled and as a filetype on my webserver. When I d= o this I get an internal error. Webserver Error logs report:=20 ----------------=20 /software/cgi-bin/mapserv.cgi, cgi_scan_headers reports: HTTP4044: the CGI program /docs/software/cgi-bin/mapserv.cgi did not produce a valid header (program terminated without a valid CGI header. Check for core dump or othe= r abnormal termination)=20 ----------------=20 I am guessing something is wrong with my webserver config somewhere but I d= o not know where to start as my other cgi apps work fine.=20 If anyone could please point me in the right direction of where I should be looking to get mapserver working properly that would be greatly appreciated= . thanks,=20 Rob=20 --=20 View this message in context: GI-Problems-tf1921945.html#a5262310 Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: the highway shows up without the highway shield. Does anyone know what I = might be doing wrong? The following is an excerpt from my mapfile: LAYER NAME 'Shields' DATA 'C:\Parcels_shape\highways' STATUS on TYPE Annotation MINSCALE 175000 TRANSPARENCY 100 TOLERANCE 7 TOLERANCEUNITS pixels LABELITEM 'SHIELD' CLASSITEM 'SYSCODE' =20 CLASS NAME '1' EXPRESSION ('[SYSCODE]' eq '1') =20 STYLE SYMBOL "Interstate" #referencing a symbol in my symbolset file. The symbol is a trutype font. END #STYLE LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT Arial SIZE 8 COLOR 0 0 0 POSITION CC ANGLE 0 OFFSET 0 0 MINDISTANCE 200 END #LABEL END #CLASS =20 END #LAYER Here is the symbol in the symbolset file: SYMBOL NAME "Interstate" TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "esri_Shields" CHARACTER "*" END Here is a link to the map: Thanks!! Lawrence Hartpence GIS Coordinator 101 1st St N Newton IA 50208 641-792-3084 hartpence_gis at From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: > Hi,thanks for the informations. I'm only guessing: In the > "TO" line in your > mapfile you have the number "1". Is this ok? It's the column number of the common field of the shapefile and csv I'm trying to join ("PLACE_ID"). I'm actually following the convention of the online guide I said above. But I did try using the field name, but with the same results. > Hi, one last guess: your table name "lgu_DB_DACCESS_PROV.csv" has not path. > Is it possible that mapserver does not find that table? The csv file is located on the same path as the mapfile. Even if I use the absolute path of the file ("/home/yronald/htdocs/maps/test_map/lgu_DB_DACCESS_PROV.csv"), the result is the same. From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: > Cris: JOINs exist within LAYERs but don't contain CLASSes. A > one-to-many > join can have a TEMPLATE defined. E.g. > > JOIN > NAME 'test' > TYPE ONE-TO-MANY > CONNECTIONTYPE CSV > TABLE 'test.csv' > FROM 'id' > TO '1' > TEMPLATE 'test.html' Yes that is true. I'm trying on a one-to-one connection, that is one csv is to be used by a shapefile for a JOIN at a time. As I read it, the default type is one-to-one and a template could be added explicitly but not really necessary right? Either way, there's no change in the result. I'll follow up on this later. Maricris From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: people have had simillar problems and its being put down to a garbage collection problems in the jvm. The post states you should call the delete method on a classObj when it is no longer used, I have tried this but its not got rid of the problem. Can anyone point me in the right direction please My code is below... layerObj annLayer = mapobject.getLayerByName(sLayerName); layerObj newannLayer = new layerObj(mapobject); int featureCounter = 0; while (featureCounter < annLayer.getNumFeatures()){ shapeObj shape2 = annLayer.getFeature( featureCounter ,-1); if (shape2.getValue(1).equals(sName)){ System.out.println("retreived shape index - " + shape2.getIndex()); System.out.println("retreived shape - " + shape2.getValue(1)); } else{ System.out.println("adding feature to new layer " + shape2.getValue(1)); newannLayer.addFeature(shape2); } featureCounter++; } annLayer.getClass(0).getStyle(0).delete(); annLayer.getClass(0).delete(); annLayer.delete(); mapobject.removeLayer(annLayer.getIndex()); newannLayer.setName(sLayerName); -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: re-search in the SQL server by separate SQL statement and get its = relevant attribute records Thank you and best personal Regards Awaiting for your reply Mohamed Elshayal ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Fabio D'Ovidio=20 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU=20 Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 7:54 PM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Join dbf with SQL Server table in = GetFeatureInfo Request Hi.=20 Is it possible to do something like this ?=20 I'd like to JOIN feature_id in dbf layer with information stored in = SQL Server table by an SQl Statement.=20 What about ?=20 LAYER=20 NAME "pug_iffi"=20 TYPE POINT=20 STATUS ON=20 TEMPLATE "query.html"=20 DATA "puglia/pug_iffi.shp"=20 TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS=20 TOLERANCE 1000=20 CLASS=20 NAME "Pug_iffi"=20 # TEMPLATE=20 STYLE=20 SYMBOL "circlefd"=20 SIZE 7=20 COLOR 127 255 0 =20 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0=20 END=20 END=20 =20 =20 JOIN=20 CONNECTION=20 "=20 =20 ODBC:sb/@dbo=20 Query_IdFrana=20 =20 =20 "=20 =20 CONNECTIONTYPE OGR=20 =20 TABLE "Query_IdFrana"=20 TO "SELECT * FROM dbo.Query_IdFrana WHERE (cod_pro + id + subid = =3D IDFRANA)"=20 NAME "join"=20 FROM "IDFRANA"=20 END=20 =20 =20 =20 PROJECTION=20 #Lat/Lon=20 "init=3DEPSG:32633"=20 END=20 =20 =20 =20 END=20 = *************************************************************************= *******************=20 =20 Ing. Fabio D'Ovidio=20 WebGIS Staff=20 Planetek Italia Srl=20 via Massaua, 12 - 70123 Bari - Italy=20 web : http :// e-mail : dovidio at = *************************************************************************= ******************* ------=_NextPart_001_012B_01C6E129.24016DE0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Dear Sir,
From my previous experience, I have = done that by=20 using the feature ID to re-search in the SQL server by separate SQL = statement=20 and get its relevant attribute records
Thank you and best personal Regards
Awaiting for your = reply
Mohamed=20 Elshayal
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Fabio=20 D'Ovidio
Sent: Monday, September 25, = 2006 7:54=20 PM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] = Join dbf=20 with SQL Server table in GetFeatureInfo Request


Is it=20 possible to do something like this ?

I'd like=20 to JOIN feature_id in dbf layer with information stored in SQL Server = table by=20 an SQl Statement.

What=20 about ?

 =20 LAYER
 =20 NAME "pug_iffi"
 =20 TEMPLATE  "query.html"
 =20 DATA "puglia/pug_iffi.shp"
 =20 TOLERANCE 1000
 =20 CLASS
    NAME = "Pug_iffi"=20
    # TEMPLATE =
    STYLE =
    SYMBOL =20 "circlefd"
    SIZE 7 =
    COLOR  127 255 = 0 =20
    OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 = 0=20
 =20 END
     =20 "<OGRVRTDataSource>
       =20 <SrcDataSource>ODBC:sb/@dbo</SrcDataSource> =
       =20 <SrcLayer>Query_IdFrana</SrcLayer>
     =20 </OGRVRTDataSource>"
   TABLE = "Query_IdFrana"=20
   TO "SELECT *=20 FROM  dbo.Query_IdFrana  WHERE (cod_pro + id + = subid =3D=20 IDFRANA)"
   NAME "join" =
 =20 END

           &= nbsp;           &n= bsp;#Lat/Lon=20
           &= nbsp;           &n= bsp;"init=3DEPSG:32633"=20
           &= nbsp;END=20
           &= nbsp;=20
           &= nbsp;=20
           &= nbsp;=20
*******************************************************************= *************************=20

Ing. Fabio D'Ovidio =
 WebGIS Staff
 Planetek Italia Srl =
 via Massaua, 12 - 70123 Bari -=20 Italy
 web : http=20 ://
 e-mail : dovidio at

*******************************************************************= *************************=20
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Will it change the API in a logical or rather a constrainted manner? And how much amount of code should be changed to implement this feature? > > Theoretically I would write a builtin support for caching features > > from any of the > > providers but i would not want to implement a new provider eg. > > MS_FEATURECACHE_PROVIDER along with MS_OGR or the others. This problem > > requires to extend the functionality of an existing provider not to > > write a new one. > > I'm afraid I didn't understand this. Well I have just mentioned that I could not imagne the suggested solution easily. But now, I would consider a solution providing to specify one or more layer being contained by another layer. This nested approach could be implemented for the mapfile configuration and the mapscript API as well like: LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE CUSTOM_LAYER ... LAYER CONNETIONTYPE OGR ... END LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS END END I'm considering this solution is different from my proposal, and would require to change a similar amount of the existing code. This approach would give a solution for different problems (like implementing provider independent joins for example). Recall that originally I would like to add functionality to and existing provider. I can see a slight analogue to the difference between the inheritance and the containment from the OO terminology. > > I'm not sure why binding the work into the core mapserver code is > more effective. When I spoke of Mapscript, I was meaning a case > where mapscript is used explicitly for drawing the features. So > a mapscript loop can query the features from the layer, and then render > each with appropriate per-feature draw calls. In this "mapscript owns > the rendering loop" approach any arbitrary transformation can be > applied. > Do you mean creating an inline layer and feeding the features into it on the fly? How can the implementor provide the reusability and the configurability of the implementation if needed? Best Regards, Tamas From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: last name, and search for long lost relatives. -- Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: it all. From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: ways, my MapServer site is working normally, no problems using it's PostGIS layers ... although IE7 doesn't seem to like the Rosa applet much, but that's another story. Cheers, Ken Lord Vancouver BC From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: ------------------ As of version 4.10, MapServer now uses the GEOS C API for doing geometric algebra and predicate operations. All of the operators available to the GEOS C API are available in MapScript. Some operators are available through the MapServer CGI interface. See the SWIG MapScript for details. ------------------- Which operators are available through the MapServer CGI interface? I have readed SWIG Mapscript but found nothing... ------=_Part_110614_15276300.1176976024932 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline I would like to know which kind of GEOS support is in mapserver cgi.

From "MapServer 4.8 to 4.10 Migration Guide":

As of version 4.10, MapServer now uses the GEOS C API for doing geometric algebra and predicate operations. All of the operators available to the GEOS C API are available in MapScript. Some operators are available through the MapServer CGI interface. See the SWIG MapScript for details.

Which operators are available through the MapServer CGI interface? I have readed SWIG Mapscript but found nothing...
------=_Part_110614_15276300.1176976024932-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: slight feeling that a fid should not begin with a number. Is this true? = If this is the case, what should I do in order to make Mapserver to = generate valid fids, if all the unique columns in my database are = numeric? Or is it just fine to have in WFS = response and it is the client software that should be corrected to = accept that? Regards, -Jukka Rahkonen- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: ------------------ As of version 4.10, MapServer now uses the GEOS C API for doing geometric algebra and predicate operations. All of the operators available to the GEOS C API are available in MapScript. Some operators are available through the MapServer CGI interface. See the SWIG MapScript for details. ------------------- Which operators are available through the MapServer CGI interface? I have readed SWIG Mapscript but found nothing... From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: each LAYER object, then making a single request for the layer EVERYTHING = would do just what it seems you are describing. =20 - Ed =20 Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: 978-251-4242, Fax: 978-251-1396 ed at =20 =20 =20 From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On = Behalf Of Andre Lockhart Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:50 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Combining layers into fewer tiles to = reduce the number of Apache GETs =20 We have a MapServer application that uses ESRI shapefiles. There is a = different shapefile for land, street, city name, railroads, parks, etc. = MapServer creates and overlays tiles/layers for each and decorates them = according to the mapfile. =20 The problem is that it requires over 200 GETs on the web server to pull = all these layers/tiles down to the client and render them.=20 =20 Since all these layers are static and never need to be toggled on/off, = we would like to 'flatten' them into one layer. This would reduce the = number of GETs by almost an order of magnitude. =20 Does anyone know how to do this while keeping the 'decoration' (like = colors, fonts, etc.) specified in the mapfile? =20 Thanks! =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 Andr=E9 Lockhart, President andre at 510.333.7189 =20 ------_=_NextPart_002_01C79DA8.A440F715 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Andr=E9 –


Your description sounds a little odd.=A0 It is common for = MapServer applications to contain many dozens of shapefiles.=A0 There may be one = shapefile per layer, but many layers combined into a GROUP with that keyword.=A0 = And a given MapServer request can specify as many layers – in one GET = request – as needed.


From your description, simply adding a GROUP EVERYTHING (for example) to each LAYER object, then making a single request for the = layer EVERYTHING would do just what it seems you are = describing.


-      = Ed


Ed McNierney

President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, = Inc.

73 Princeton Street, Suite 305

North Chelmsford, MA=A0 01863

Phone: 978-251-4242, Fax: = 978-251-1396

ed at




From:= UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Andre = Lockhart
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:50 PM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Combining layers into fewer tiles = to reduce the number of Apache GETs


We have a MapServer application that uses ESRI shapefiles. = There is a different shapefile for land, street, city name, railroads, parks, = etc. MapServer creates and overlays tiles/layers for each and decorates them according to the mapfile.


The problem is that it requires over 200 GETs on the web = server to pull all these layers/tiles down to the client and render them. =


Since all these layers are static and never need to be = toggled on/off, we would like to ‘flatten’ them into one layer. This = would reduce the number of GETs by almost an order of magnitude.


Does anyone know how to do this while keeping the = ‘decoration’ (like colors, fonts, etc.) specified in the = mapfile?







<= /p>

         Andr=E9 = Lockhart, President

         andre at

         = 510.333.7189


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I am trying to access a csv file with x,y point data using OGR.  I have it working using ODBC however I am not able to access the files without ODBC which I would like to do.  I am using ms4w on a windows XP box and was not able to access my csv files using the method described here:

And at the bottom of the page here:

From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: Here is the connection string that I am trying to use:
<OGRVRTLayer  name='city'><SrcDataSource>C:\ms4w\apps\sp-wms\admin_tools\data\ReportData\</SrcDataSource><SrcLayer> city.csv</SrcLayer><GeometryField encoding='PointFromColumns' x='X' y='Y'/><GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType><LayerSRS>WGS84</LayerSRS></OGRVRTLayer></OGRVRTDataSource>"    

Here is the working ODBC version:
<OGRVRTLayer  name='IRSS_TEXT'><SrcDataSource>ODBC:IRSS_TEXT,city.csv</SrcDataSource><SrcLayer>city.csv </SrcLayer><GeometryField encoding='PointFromColumns' x='X' y='Y'/><GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType></OGRVRTLayer></OGRVRTDataSource>"

Any advice is much appreciated.
kedaar ------=_Part_1714_799338.1189194658441-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: pet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile index s= hapefile. I tried that. =20 Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif Here's what was returned to me: It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping. It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping. and so on......... Ok. Yes. I know. There's no georeferencing info attached. But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? =20 And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile? And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every= tile? I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them an= d nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding. I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap,= ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles. I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduard= o Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam. I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems = like the answer. Could anyone help? - Chris _________________________________________________________________ News, entertainment and everything you care about at Get it now! --_ebfbbd71-40a0-4aec-a00d-4e73b9354f18_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi.  I have a map that is broken up into a bunch of .gif tiles.  = I want to display them on a layer in Mapserver.  I have working versio= n of what I want to accomplish, but it uses one .gif (the big map pic), att= aches the big map to the globe via a world file.  That big map .gif ha= d no georeferencing info attached to it.

These .gifs have no georefe= rencing information included or attached as well.

I read Section 4 (= and Section 9 too) on the mapserver site page: /docs/howto/raster_data

From this I learned that I need a tile index= shapefile.  I noticed the snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gd= altindex and creating a tile index shapefile.  I tried that. 
Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/= *.gif

Here's what was returned to me:
It appears no georeferencin= g is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping= .
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/= UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping.
and so on.........

Ok.  Y= es.  I know.  There's no georeferencing info attached.
But, ho= w do I go about attaching georeferencing info? 
And how do I creat= e, edit, and view a shapefile?
And lastly, do I need a world file to det= ermine a global position for every tile?

I tried using a text editor= Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them and nope - wasn't in UTF-8 en= coding.

I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcVi= ew GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles= .

I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created = by Eduardo Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam.

I don't = have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems like the= answer.

Could anyone help?

 - Chris


Get news, entertainment and everything you care about a= t Check it out! = --_ebfbbd71-40a0-4aec-a00d-4e73b9354f18_-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile index shapefile. I tried that. =20 Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif Here's what was returned to me: It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping. It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping. and so on......... Ok. Yes. I know. There's no georeferencing info attached. But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? =20 And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile? And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every tile? I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them and nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding. I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles. I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduardo Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam. I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems like the answer. Could anyone help? - Chris ________________________________ Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Check it out! =20 ------_=_NextPart_001_01C80064.0E1B9D7A Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Chris = –


Let me suggest you try to get = unconfused just one step at a time!


it = uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world = file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it.”


That’s a bit of a = contradiction.  A world file is one way of providing georeferencing.  If you’ve = got an image “attached” to the Earth via a world file, you’ve georeferenced it.


MapServer makes maps, not = pictures.  One of the chief differences is that a map has geographic location = information associated with it.  When you ask MapServer to generate a map for = you, you need to tell it the location of the map you want in some coordinate = system.  In order for MapServer to know which of your GIF images to use in making = the output map, it needs to know the geographic location of each of those = images.  Otherwise it couldn’t figure out which ones to = use.


A TILEINDEX is step two in the = process.  Once you have a set of more than 1 properly georeferenced images that = you’d like to use like a single logical image, you can create a TILEINDEX to = do that.  But you have to completely and correctly make it through = step one first.  Once you get the individual images properly georeferenced, = gdaltindex will just work.


So – what do you know about = these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describes = your big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created from = the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to generate = world files for each individual image.  If not, you’ll need to get that = information for your big image.


If you do have that world file and = know how the tiles were created, let us know (you can post the world file in = your reply – it’s just six lines of = text).


-          Ed


Ed = McNierney



From: UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Hi.  I have a map = that is broken up into a bunch of .gif tiles.  I want to display them on a = layer in Mapserver.  I have working version of what I want to accomplish, = but it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a = world file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it.

These .gifs have no georeferencing information included or attached as = well.

I read Section 4 (and Section 9 too) on the mapserver site page:

From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: the snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile = index shapefile.  I tried that. 

Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp = ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif

Here's what was returned to me:
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping.
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping.
and so on.........

Ok.  Yes.  I know.  There's no georeferencing info = attached.
But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? 
And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile?
And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for = every tile?

I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them = and nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding.

I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, = ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles.

I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by = Eduardo Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam.

I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib = seems like the answer.

Could anyone help?

 - Chris

Get news, entertainment and everything you care = about at Check it out!

------_=_NextPart_001_01C80064.0E1B9D7A-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile ind= ex shapefile. I tried that. =20 Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif Here's what was returned to me: It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping. It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping. and so on......... Ok. Yes. I know. There's no georeferencing info attached. But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? =20 And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile? And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every tile? I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them an= d nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding. I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles. I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduard= o Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam. I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems = like the answer. Could anyone help? - Chris Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Check it out! _________________________________________________________________ Explore the seven wonders of the world BRE= --_c679c066-4e2c-4e71-9e9f-a6442dd5e5a3_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Thanks again, Ed.  I need to clear up some things that I guess I didn'= t make clear.

I know that a world file provides georeferencing. = ; I meant to say that I had a .gif that had no georeferencing info associat= ed with it, and then added one.  From there I got my initial app to wo= rk (displaying the big map).

One thing I omitted was that the little= .gifs (tiles), when assembled, make up a different big map pic then the on= e where mentioned :

=93it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world file. = ; That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to it."=

Before I had a pic of a large section of a co= llege campus.  Now I have a pic of the entire campus, but in little ti= les.

I know Maps= erver makes maps and not pics too.  I probably just worded something w= rong.

"So =96 what do you know= about these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describes your= big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created from th= e big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to generate world = files for each individual image.  If not, you=92ll need to get that information = for your big image."

Yes, I have a = world file, but it's for the pic that shows a large section of the campus -= not for the big pic that is the sum of the little pics.

Ok, so = then I have to have a world file for every little tile, but before that I n= eed to correctly set up the world file for the big pic, which I guess I'll = need to assemble in Photoshop.  Does that sound right?  I can do = it, it's just a bit tedious lining up the tiles and such.  Also, how d= o you correctly align a pic of some map on the globe.  I've been using= Google Maps to do it.  I'll sit there and study where the pic's corne= rs should approximately be, then get the lat/lon from that (clicking direct= ions to or from will yield the lat/lons).

Thank you.

 - = Chris 

Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, Til= eIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 1= 3:36:42 -0400
From: ed at

Chris =96


Let me sugg= est you try to get unconfused just one step at a time!


=93<= /font>it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world file. = ; That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to it.=94


That=92s a = bit of a contradiction.  A world file is one way of providing georeferencing.  If you=92ve got an image =93attached=94 to the Earth via a world file, you=92ve georeferenced it.


MapServer m= akes maps, not pictures.  One of the chief differences is that a map has geographic location information associated with it.  When you ask MapServer to generate a map for you,= you need to tell it the location of the map you want in some coordinate system. = ; In order for MapServer to know which of your GIF images to use in making the output map, it needs to know the geographic location of each of those image= s.  Otherwise it couldn=92t figure out which ones to use.


A TILEINDEX= is step two in the process.  Once you have a set of more than 1 properly georeferenced images that you= =92d like to use like a single logical image, you can create a TILEINDEX to do that.  But you have to completely and correctly make it through step o= ne first.  Once you get the individual images properly georeferenced, gda= ltindex will just work.


So =96 what= do you know about these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describes your= big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created from th= e big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to generate world = files for each individual image.  If not, you=92ll need to get that information = for your big image.


If you do h= ave that world file and know how the tiles were created, let us know (you can post the world file in you= r reply =96 it=92s just six lines of text).


-          Ed=


Ed McNierne= y m




From:<= /font> UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, September= 26, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-US= ERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused


Hi.&nb= sp; I have a map that is broken up into a bunch of .gif tiles.  I want to display them on a lay= er in Mapserver.  I have working version of what I want to accomplish, bu= t it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a wo= rld file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to it.
These .gifs have no georeferencing information included or attached as well= .

I read Section 4 (and Section 9 too) on the mapserver site page:

From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile ind= ex shapefile.  I tried that. 

Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif=

Here's what was returned to me:
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping.
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping.
and so on.........

Ok.  Yes.  I know.  There's no georeferencing info attached.=
But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? 
And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile?
And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every tile?

I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them an= d nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding.

I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles.

I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduard= o Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam.

I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems = like the answer.

Could anyone help?

 - Chris


Get news, entertainment and everythin= g you care about at Check it out!

Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more! = --_c679c066-4e2c-4e71-9e9f-a6442dd5e5a3_-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile index shapefile. I tried that. =20 Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif Here's what was returned to me: It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping. It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping. and so on......... Ok. Yes. I know. There's no georeferencing info attached. But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? =20 And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile? And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every tile? I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them and nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding. I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles. I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduardo Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam. I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems like the answer. Could anyone help? - Chris ________________________________ Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Check it out! =20 =20 ________________________________ Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more! =20 ------_=_NextPart_001_01C8006D.BD21A829 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Chris = –


OK – it’s not as bad as = all that – don’t fire up Photoshop yet.  If you have a set = of tiles which together create a seamless large image, and those tiles are = of a regular size and shape, don’t bother pasting them = together.


Each world file has six numbers in = it, two of which will be 0.  For each image tile you need a world file that contains the X/Y coordinates of the upper left pixel of the image (two = numbers), and the dimension (size) of each pixel in X (one number) and Y (one = number) units.  In the vast majority of cases the last two numbers will be identical except for sign (the Y value is normally a negative number = since Y values decrease as you go from the top to the bottom of the = image).


If your images make a rectangle = when pasted together, just treat them as one.  Find the X/Y coordinates = of the upper left corner of the entire image area, and the X/Y coordinates of = the lower right corner of the entire image area.  Find the size of the = entire mosaiced rectangle in X and Y pixels.  The X pixel dimension will = be (maxx – minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny – maxy) / = ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y = number.


For all your world files, these two = X and Y extent values (the first and fourth lines) will be constants.  = The last two lines are the upper left X and Y coordinates of each tile.  = Your tiles will all have the same Y value across each row, and the same X value = down each column.  You know what the upper-left corner of the upper-left tile = is, because you measured it.  You know the number of X pixels in each = tile and the number of Y pixels in each tile, and you now know the size in X and = Y units of each pixel, so you know the extent of each image tile in X and Y = units, so you can calculate the upper-left corner coordinate of the image to the = right and the image below.  Repeat until = complete.


All your measurements need to be = done in the units of the image’s coordinate system.  Is this the = image you were asking about earlier that’s in UTM projection?  If so, = you need UTM coordinates, NOT lat/lon.  I wouldn’t recommend Google = Earth as a very accurate way to do that, but if it’s close enough for you = and easy that’s OK.  If you can easily find the corners of your image = area on a topo map you can do it on TopoZone and get UTM coordinates accurate to = within a few meters just by clicking on the spots that match the corner points = of your image.


If there isn’t an obvious = landmark at the corner, you can pick a prominent location NEAR the corner and = just measure the number of pixels away from the corner it is.  = It’s just a bit more bookkeeping but does the same = thing.


-          Ed


Ed = McNierney


From: UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Thanks again, Ed.  I need to clear up some = things that I guess I didn't make clear.

I know that a world file provides georeferencing.  I meant to say = that I had a .gif that had no georeferencing info associated with it, and then = added one.  From there I got my initial app to work (displaying the big = map).

One thing I omitted was that the little .gifs (tiles), when assembled, = make up a different big map pic then the one where mentioned = :

it = uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world file.  = That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it."

Before I had a pic of a large section of a college campus.  Now I have a pic of the entire campus, but in little = tiles.

I know Mapserver makes maps and not pics too.  = I probably just worded something wrong.

"So – what do you know = about these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly = describes your big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were = created from the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to generate world files for each individual image.  If not, = you’ll need to get that information for your big image."

Yes, I have a world file, but it's for = the pic that shows a large section of the campus - not for the big pic that is = the sum of the little pics.

Ok, so then I have to have a world file for every little tile, but = before that I need to correctly set up the world file for the big pic, which I guess = I'll need to assemble in Photoshop.  Does that sound right?  I can = do it, it's just a bit tedious lining up the tiles and such.  Also, how do = you correctly align a pic of some map on the globe.  I've been using = Google Maps to do it.  I'll sit there and study where the pic's corners = should approximately be, then get the lat/lon from that (clicking directions to = or from will yield the lat/lons).

Thank you.

 - Chris 

Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:36:42 -0400
From: ed at

Chris –


Let me suggest you try to get = unconfused just one step at a time!


it = uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world = file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it.”


That’s a bit of a contradiction.  A world file is one way of providing = georeferencing.  If you’ve got an image “attached” to the Earth via a = world file, you’ve georeferenced it.


MapServer makes maps, not = pictures.  One of the chief differences is that a map has geographic location = information associated with it.  When you ask MapServer to generate a map for = you, you need to tell it the location of the map you want in some coordinate system.  In order for MapServer to know which of your GIF images to = use in making the output map, it needs to know the geographic location of each = of those images.  Otherwise it couldn’t figure out which ones to = use.


A TILEINDEX is step two in the process.  Once you have a set of more than 1 properly georeferenced = images that you’d like to use like a single logical image, you can create = a TILEINDEX to do that.  But you have to completely and correctly = make it through step one first.  Once you get the individual images = properly georeferenced, gdaltindex will just work.


So – what do you know about = these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describes = your big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created = from the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to = generate world files for each individual image.  If not, you’ll need = to get that information for your big image.


If you do have that world file and = know how the tiles were created, let us know (you can post the world file in = your reply – it’s just six lines of text).


-      =     Ed


Ed McNierney



From: UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Hi.  I have a map = that is broken up into a bunch of .gif tiles.  I want to display them on a = layer in Mapserver.  I have working version of what I want to accomplish, = but it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a = world file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it.

These .gifs have no georeferencing information included or attached as = well.

I read Section 4 (and Section 9 too) on the mapserver site page:

From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: the snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile = index shapefile.  I tried that. 

Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp = ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif

Here's what was returned to me:
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping.
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping.
and so on.........

Ok.  Yes.  I know.  There's no georeferencing info = attached.
But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? 
And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile?
And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for = every tile?

I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them = and nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding.

I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, = ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles.

I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by = Eduardo Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam.

I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib = seems like the answer.

Could anyone help?

 - Chris

Get news, entertainment and everything you care = about at Check it out!


Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more!

------_=_NextPart_001_01C8006D.BD21A829-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile index shapefile. I tried that. =20 Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif Here's what was returned to me: It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping. It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping. and so on......... Ok. Yes. I know. There's no georeferencing info attached. But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? =20 And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile? And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every tile? I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them and nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding. I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles. I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduardo Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam. I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems like the answer. Could anyone help? - Chris ________________________________ Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Check it out! =20 =20 ________________________________ Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more! =20 =20 ________________________________ Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger Get it now! =20 ------_=_NextPart_001_01C8008C.75E32C21 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Chris = –


(I added the list back to the reply = line – please always reply to the whole list – = thanks)


A world file is in the units of the = image’s projection, not the other way around.  Having a world file does not = mean the image is in UTM projection.  The UTM projection is a popular = one, but it’s certainly not the only one.  For a map in Illinois UTM = is certainly a possibility, but an Illinois State Plane Coordinate System projection is also a possibility – especially if the original = imagery came from the State of Illinois.  And geographic lat/lon = coordinates are also a possibility due to the increasing number of people in the world = who seem to think the Earth is flat (at least on the = Web).


I don’t know which campus = you’re using, but if you’re at UIUC then the UTM coordinates will be in = UTM Zone 16 with values of around 395000 (X or Easting)  4440000 (Y or = Northing).  If your numbers don’t look like those, they’re not = UTM.


Oh, sorry – I started = answering before reading all the questions, and you later seem to confirm that = your coordinates are indeed UTM.  But you got the formulas backwards, = and X should be positive while Y should be negative- not the other way = around.  And the measurements in your world file are indeed in meters, but = that’s because those are the native units of the UTM projection being = used.  There’s nothing that requires them to be in meters; many = US = state plane coordinate systems use units of feet, and those would appear in the = world file, too.


Now it is highly unlikely that your = pixel resolution is different in each dimension.  You could average those = two numbers, or double-check your coordinate values (you didn’t say = what source you used to get them).  If you got this image from a GIS = source, I would say that if you think the dimensions are different you’re = wrong, but who knows what the University did to munge the image into a pretty picture.  So maybe the dimensions ARE different; that’s not impossible, just odd.  I still would double-check your measurements = and math, but if you get the same answer that’s = OK.


Once you do that you just have to = crank out those world files!


-          Ed


Ed = McNierney


From: = Christopher Harris [mailto:docterrobert at]
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 1:13 PM
To: Ed McNierney
Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Wow.  Thanks Ed.  You went to a lot of trouble.  Most of this stuff you've explained I have a handle = on.  I wikipedia'd how to make a world file when I did that previous app.  = And yes, it's the same app with the image that's in UTM projection.  I actually have one last question about that, but I'll do a separate post = for that.  This is a modification of that app.  See, I've been = using this "Parking Lot" map for the University of Illinois, = because I couldn't find a better looking one.  Well, yesterday, I noticed = that you could go their full campus map and right click on each individual tile = and save it as a .gif.  I had tried this before but was apparently clicking = on certain, wrong areas of each tile every time where I guess the = javascript was blocking me.  The javascript that they use displays info on certain buildings when you click on them.  If you happen to right-click on = or around a building and try to save, you can't.  You have to click = somewhere else on the tile that's on or around a building.  Anywho - my boss = now wants me to take what I've done with that one pic of  the = "Parking Lot" and now apply it to a big tiled image of the entire campus = (enter the tiles I've saved).  That's the back story as to what's going = on.

I have 3 questions now.

#1 You asked if the image is in UTM.  I'm basing the image = projection on the world file.  I remember you (or maybe this one other guy on = this list serv) telling me before that you can't distinguish what projection a = world file is in - that that's one of the cons to world files.  Every example = I've ever seen after typing in "World File" in Google shows a world = file that is in meters and says that it's using UTM projection.  That's = still the case right?

Oh, the lat/lon has to do with me reprojecting.  See, someone = passes me a lat/lon coordinate (a center point).  I then take that, and convert = it to UTM, because the map's projection is in UTM due to the world file being = in UTM.

Thanks for your time and patience by the way.  You've been a huge = help.

#2 The one thing I'm hazy on in regard to the world file is:
the 1st and 4th line - pixel size in the x-direction and y-direction in map units/pixel

I understand why x is positive and y is almost always negative.  = But, does that mean, for example,
if I type 2 for the 1st line and -2 for the fourth line, then there will = be 2 meters per pixel going both directions?  For that I could never = find an example of what they meant.  I just assumed that.  I usually = work best with seeing an example, and one was never provided on any of the = pages I visited.

"The X pixel dimension will be = (maxx – minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny – maxy) / = ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y number."

Is pixel dimension related to question #2?  For instance (in = meters):

TL - 393898 4441379 BR - 396253 4438945

maxx=3D393898, maxy=3D4441379
minx=3D396253, miny=3D4438945

DeltaX=3D-2355, DeltaY=3D2434

Say the mosaic's dimensions in pixels are.........: X=3D1500, = Y=3D2000

X pixel dimension =3D -2355/1500 =3D -1.57 meters/pixel
Y pixel dimension =3D 2434/2000 =3D 1.217 meters/pixel

That right?

 - Chris

Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 14:45:54 -0400
From: ed at

Chris –


OK – it’s not as bad as = all that – don’t fire up Photoshop yet.  If you have a set = of tiles which together create a seamless large image, and those tiles are = of a regular size and shape, don’t bother pasting them = together.


Each world file has six numbers in = it, two of which will be 0.  For each image tile you need a world file that contains the X/Y coordinates of the upper left pixel of the image (two numbers), and the dimension (size) of each pixel in X (one number) and Y = (one number) units.  In the vast majority of cases the last two numbers = will be identical except for sign (the Y value is normally a negative number = since Y values decrease as you go from the top to the bottom of the = image).


If your images make a rectangle = when pasted together, just treat them as one.  Find the X/Y coordinates = of the upper left corner of the entire image area, and the X/Y coordinates of = the lower right corner of the entire image area.  Find the size of the = entire mosaiced rectangle in X and Y pixels.  The X pixel dimension will = be (maxx – minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny – maxy) / = ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y = number.


For all your world files, these two = X and Y extent values (the first and fourth lines) will be constants.  = The last two lines are the upper left X and Y coordinates of each tile.  = Your tiles will all have the same Y value across each row, and the same X value = down each column.  You know what the upper-left corner of the upper-left tile = is, because you measured it.  You know the number of X pixels in each = tile and the number of Y pixels in each tile, and you now know the size in X and = Y units of each pixel, so you know the extent of each image tile in X and Y = units, so you can calculate the upper-left corner coordinate of the image to the = right and the image below.  Repeat until complete.


All your measurements need to be = done in the units of the image’s coordinate system.  Is this the = image you were asking about earlier that’s in UTM projection?  If so, = you need UTM coordinates, NOT lat/lon.  I wouldn’t recommend Google = Earth as a very accurate way to do that, but if it’s close enough for you = and easy that’s OK.  If you can easily find the corners of your image = area on a topo map you can do it on TopoZone and get UTM coordinates accurate to = within a few meters just by clicking on the spots that match the corner points = of your image.


If there isn’t an obvious = landmark at the corner, you can pick a prominent location NEAR the corner and = just measure the number of pixels away from the corner it is.  = It’s just a bit more bookkeeping but does the same thing.


-      =     Ed


Ed McNierney


From: UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Thanks again, Ed.  I need to clear up some = things that I guess I didn't make clear.

I know that a world file provides georeferencing.  I meant to say = that I had a .gif that had no georeferencing info associated with it, and then = added one.  From there I got my initial app to work (displaying the big = map).

One thing I omitted was that the little .gifs (tiles), when assembled, = make up a different big map pic then the one where mentioned = :

it = uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world = file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it."

Before I had a pic of a large section of a college campus.  Now I have a pic of the entire campus, but in little = tiles.

I know Mapserver makes maps and not pics too.  = I probably just worded something wrong.

"So – what do you know = about these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly = describes your big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created from the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure = out how to generate world files for each individual image.  If not, = you’ll need to get that information for your big image."

Yes, I have a world file, but it's for = the pic that shows a large section of the campus - not for the big pic that is = the sum of the little pics.

Ok, so then I have to have a world file for every little tile, but = before that I need to correctly set up the world file for the big pic, which I guess = I'll need to assemble in Photoshop.  Does that sound right?  I can = do it, it's just a bit tedious lining up the tiles and such.  Also, how do = you correctly align a pic of some map on the globe.  I've been using = Google Maps to do it.  I'll sit there and study where the pic's corners = should approximately be, then get the lat/lon from that (clicking directions to = or from will yield the lat/lons).

Thank you.

 - Chris 

Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:36:42 -0400
From: ed at

Chris –


Let me suggest you try to get = unconfused just one step at a time!


it = uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world = file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it.”


That’s a bit of a contradiction.  A world file is one way of providing = georeferencing.  If you’ve got an image “attached” to the Earth via a = world file, you’ve georeferenced it.


MapServer makes maps, not = pictures.  One of the chief differences is that a map has geographic location = information associated with it.  When you ask MapServer to generate a map for = you, you need to tell it the location of the map you want in some coordinate system.  In order for MapServer to know which of your GIF images to = use in making the output map, it needs to know the geographic location of each = of those images.  Otherwise it couldn’t figure out which ones to = use.


A TILEINDEX is step two in the process.  Once you have a set of more than 1 properly georeferenced = images that you’d like to use like a single logical image, you can create = a TILEINDEX to do that.  But you have to completely and correctly = make it through step one first.  Once you get the individual images = properly georeferenced, gdaltindex will just work.


So – what do you know about = these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describes = your big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created = from the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to = generate world files for each individual image.  If not, you’ll need = to get that information for your big image.


If you do have that world file and = know how the tiles were created, let us know (you can post the world file in = your reply – it’s just six lines of text).


-   = ;       Ed


Ed McNierney



From: UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Hi.  I have a map = that is broken up into a bunch of .gif tiles.  I want to display them on a = layer in Mapserver.  I have working version of what I want to accomplish, = but it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a = world file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it.

These .gifs have no georeferencing information included or attached as = well.

I read Section 4 (and Section 9 too) on the mapserver site page:

From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: the snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile = index shapefile.  I tried that. 

Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp = ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif

Here's what was returned to me:
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping.
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping.
and so on.........

Ok.  Yes.  I know.  There's no georeferencing info = attached.
But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? 
And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile?
And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for = every tile?

I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them = and nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding.

I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, = ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles.

I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by = Eduardo Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam.

I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib = seems like the answer.

Could anyone help?

 - Chris

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------_=_NextPart_001_01C8008C.75E32C21-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile ind= ex shapefile. I tried that. =20 Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif Here's what was returned to me: It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping. It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping. and so on......... Ok. Yes. I know. There's no georeferencing info attached. But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? =20 And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile? And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every tile? I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them an= d nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding. I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles. I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduard= o Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam. I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems = like the answer. Could anyone help? - Chris Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Check it out! =20 Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more! =20 Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger Get it now!=20 _________________________________________________________________ Explore the seven wonders of the world BRE= --_93cd65a2-7c1a-4421-865c-c61b16f98cdc_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
K.  Thought I put the mapserver-users email address in the reply.&= nbsp; It should be in there this time. 

Hmmmm - to clarify how= I got these images:
2.) There are some whit= e links in the top left corner.  Click on Maps.
3.) Now a big map s= hould be displayed.  This isn't the one.  Click anywhere on that = big map.
4.) The tile where you clicked will be displayed, but that's no= t how I get the tiles.  If you notice there's no way to tell how long = a tile is or how to line them up.  Ok.  There's a little map to t= he right of that tile being displayed that says "click to jump" underneath = it.
5.) Click in that box anywhere and it will show tiles in the big box= to the left that are evenly spaced apart (except the far right and very bo= ttom).  If you click on a few places within the small box, you see how= the white rectangle with red borders inside the small box moves at the sam= e interval for every tile.  So, from there I right-click on the big ti= le image being displayed and select Save Image.
6.) This is where I got = my pics from.  I also assembled them last night anyway for amusement, = and they fit perfectly.  Just the very bottom row and the far right co= lumn overlap.  But, I know now that the overall mosiac's width is 2602= and the height is 2800.

Ideally, I would like the world file to= be in lat/lon (that's funny about people on the web thinking the Earth is = flat - brings an old Bugs Bunny cartoon to mind), being as I have to conver= t a lat/lon point someone sends me to UTM as of right now.  I would lo= ve to not have to convert - just less code is always better to me.

Y= eah.  I know it's in Zone 16.  I looked that up a while back on a= UTM grid I found online.

Ok.  So, my current world file (in UT= M):
So..... for lat/lon I could say...........:
0= .0000000000

(This would put the Top= Left coordinate in an area called West Side Park.  I took that assemb= led map pic and then grabbed a screen shot of the current window I was in a= nd made that into an image and aligned them via layering and opacity levels= in The GIMP (Like Photoshop but in Ubuntu Linux)).

I'll double chec= k the math, but I don't know if what I described earlier with all the steps= could be screwing things up.

And lastly, in the world file, 1 would= represent 1 decimal degree/pixel or 1 meter/pixel in the X direction (depe= nding on UTM or lat/lon)?

I checked out Topozone.  It looks lik= e it has a ton of features.  I'll play around with it some more. =


 - Chris

Subject: RE: [U= MN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Conf= used
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 18:25:52 -0400
From: ed at
T= o: docterrobert at; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU

Chris =96


(I added th= e list back to the reply line =96 please always reply to the whole list =96 thanks)


A world fil= e is in the units of the image=92s projection, not the other way around.  Having a world file does not me= an the image is in UTM projection.  The UTM projection is a popular one, = but it=92s certainly not the only one.  For a map in Illinois UTM is certainly a possibility, but an Illinois State Plane Coordinate System projection is also a possibility =96 especially if the original imagery came from the State of Illinois.  And geographic lat/lon coordinates a= re also a possibility due to the increasing number of people in the world who = seem to think the Earth is flat (at least on the Web).


I don=92t k= now which campus you=92re using, but if you=92re at UIUC then the UTM coordinates will be in UTM Zone 16 with values of around 395000 (X or Easting)  4440000 (Y or Northing= ).  If your numbers don=92t look like those, they=92re not UTM.


Oh, sorry = =96 I started answering before reading all the questions, and you later seem to confirm that your coordinates are indeed UTM.  But you got the formulas backwards, and X should be positive while Y should be negative- not the other way around.&nb= sp; And the measurements in your world file are indeed in meters, but that=92s because those are the native units of the UTM projection being used.  There=92s nothing that requires them to be in meters; many US state plane coordinate systems use units of feet, and those would appear in the world f= ile, too.


Now it is h= ighly unlikely that your pixel resolution is different in each dimension.  You could average those tw= o numbers, or double-check your coordinate values (you didn=92t say what source you used to get them).  If you got this image from a GIS source= , I would say that if you think the dimensions are different you=92re wrong, but who knows what the University did to munge the image into a pretty picture.  So maybe the dimensions ARE different; that=92s not impossible, just odd.  I still would double-check your measurements an= d math, but if you get the same answer that=92s OK.


Once you do= that you just have to crank out those world files!


-          Ed=


Ed McNierne= y m



From:<= /font> Christopher Harris [mailto:docterrobert at]
Sent: Wednesday, September= 26, 2007 1:13 PM
To: Ed McNierney
Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVE= R-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused


Wow.  Thanks Ed.  You went = to a lot of trouble.  Most of this stuff you've explained I have a handle on. = ; I wikipedia'd how to make a world file when I did that previous app.  An= d yes, it's the same app with the image that's in UTM projection.  I actually have one last question about that, but I'll do a separate post for that.  This is a modification of that app.  See, I've been using = this "Parking Lot" map for the University of Illinois, because I couldn't find a better looking one.  Well, yesterday, I noticed that y= ou could go their full campus map and right click on each individual tile and = save it as a .gif.  I had tried this before but was apparently clicking on certain, wrong areas of each tile every time where I guess the javascript w= as blocking me.  The javascript that they use displays info on certain buildings when you click on them.  If you happen to right-click on or around a building and try to save, you can't.  You have to click somew= here else on the tile that's on or around a building.  Anywho - my boss now wants me to take what I've done with that one pic of  the "Parking Lot" and now apply it to a big tiled image of the entire campus (enter the tiles I've saved).  That's the back story as to what's going on.

I have 3 questions now.

#1 You asked if the image is in UTM.  I'm basing the image projection = on the world file.  I remember you (or maybe this one other guy on this l= ist serv) telling me before that you can't distinguish what projection a world = file is in - that that's one of the cons to world files.  Every example I'v= e ever seen after typing in "World File" in Google shows a world file that is in meters and says that it's using UTM projection.  That's sti= ll the case right?

Oh, the lat/lon has to do with me reprojecting.  See, someone passes m= e a lat/lon coordinate (a center point).  I then take that, and convert it= to UTM, because the map's projection is in UTM due to the world file being in = UTM.

Thanks for your time and patience by the way.  You've been a huge help= .

#2 The one thing I'm hazy on in regard to the world file is:
the 1st and 4th line - pixel size in the x-direction and y-direction in map units/pixel

I understand why x is positive and y is almost always negative.  But, = does that mean, for example,
if I type 2 for the 1st line and -2 for the fourth line, then there will be= 2 meters per pixel going both directions?  For that I could never find a= n example of what they meant.  I just assumed that.  I usually work best with seeing an example, and one was never provided on any of the pages= I visited.

"The X pixel dimensi= on will be (maxx =96 minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny =96 maxy) / ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y number."

Is pixel dimension related to question #2?  For instance (in meters):<= br>
TL - 393898 4441379 BR - 396253 4438945

maxx=3D393898, maxy=3D4441379
minx=3D396253, miny=3D4438945

DeltaX=3D-2355, DeltaY=3D2434

Say the mosaic's dimensions in pixels are.........: X=3D1500, Y=3D2000

X pixel dimension =3D -2355/1500 =3D -1.57 meters/pixel
Y pixel dimension =3D 2434/2000 =3D 1.217 meters/pixel

That right?

 - Chris


Subjec= t: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 14:45:54 -0400
From: ed at

Chris =96


OK =96 it= =92s not as bad as all that =96 don=92t fire up Photoshop yet.  If you have a set of tiles which together create a seamless large image, and those tiles are of = a regular size and shape, don=92t bother pasting them together.=


Each world = file has six numbers in it, two of which will be 0.  For each image tile you need a world file that contains the X/Y coordinates of the upper left pixel of the image (two numbers), and the dimension (size) of each pixel in X (one number) and Y (o= ne number) units.  In the vast majority of cases the last two numbers wil= l be identical except for sign (the Y value is normally a negative number since = Y values decrease as you go from the top to the bottom of the image).<= /font>


If your ima= ges make a rectangle when pasted together, just treat them as one.  Find the X/Y coordinates of = the upper left corner of the entire image area, and the X/Y coordinates of the lower right corner of the entire image area.  Find the size of the ent= ire mosaiced rectangle in X and Y pixels.  The X pixel dimension will be (= maxx =96 minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny =96 maxy) / ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y number.


For all you= r world files, these two X and Y extent values (the first and fourth lines) will be constants.  The l= ast two lines are the upper left X and Y coordinates of each tile.  Your t= iles will all have the same Y value across each row, and the same X value down e= ach column.  You know what the upper-left corner of the upper-left tile is= , because you measured it.  You know the number of X pixels in each tile= and the number of Y pixels in each tile, and you now know the size in X and Y u= nits of each pixel, so you know the extent of each image tile in X and Y units, = so you can calculate the upper-left corner coordinate of the image to the righ= t and the image below.  Repeat until complete. 

All your me= asurements need to be done in the units of the image=92s coordinate system.  Is this the image you were asking about earlier that=92s in UTM projection?  If so, you need UTM coordinates, NOT lat/lon.  I wouldn=92t recommend Google Earth as a very accurate way to do that, but if it=92s close enough for you and easy that=92s OK.  If you can easily find the corners of your image area on a topo map you can do it on TopoZone and get UTM coordinates accurate to wi= thin a few meters just by clicking on the spots that match the corner points of = your image.


If there is= n=92t an obvious landmark at the corner, you can pick a prominent location NEAR the corner and just measure the number of pixels away from the corner it is.  It=92s just a bit more bookkeeping but does the same thing.


-&= nbsp;         Ed=


Ed McNierne= y m



From:<= /font> UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, September= 26, 2007 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVE= R-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused


Thanks again, Ed.  I need to cle= ar up some things that I guess I didn't make clear.

I know that a world file provides georeferencing.  I meant to say that= I had a .gif that had no georeferencing info associated with it, and then add= ed one.  From there I got my initial app to work (displaying the big map)= .

One thing I omitted was that the little .gifs (tiles), when assembled, make= up a different big map pic then the one where mentioned :

=93<= /font>it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world file. = ; That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to it."=

Before I had a pic of a large section= of a college campus.  Now I have a pic of the entire campus, but in little tiles.

I know Mapserver makes maps and not p= ics too.  I probably just worded something wrong.

"So =96 wha= t do you know about these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describe= s your big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created from the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out h= ow to generate world files for each individual image.  If not, you=92ll need to get that information for your big image."

Yes, I have a world= file, but it's for the pic that shows a large section of the campus - not for the big pic that is the = sum of the little pics.

Ok, so then I have to have a world file for every little tile, but before t= hat I need to correctly set up the world file for the big pic, which I guess I'= ll need to assemble in Photoshop.  Does that sound right?  I can do = it, it's just a bit tedious lining up the tiles and such.  Also, how do yo= u correctly align a pic of some map on the globe.  I've been using Googl= e Maps to do it.  I'll sit there and study where the pic's corners shoul= d approximately be, then get the lat/lon from that (clicking directions to or from will yield the lat/lons).

Thank you.

 - Chris 


Subjec= t: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:36:42 -0400
From: ed at

Chris =96


Let me sugg= est you try to get unconfused just one step at a time!


=93<= /font>it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world file. = ; That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to it.=94


That=92s a = bit of a contradiction.  A world file is one way of providing georeferencing.&n= bsp; If you=92ve got an image =93attached=94 to the Earth via a world file, you=92ve georeferenced it.


MapServer m= akes maps, not pictures.  One of the chief differences is that a map has geographic location informat= ion associated with it.  When you ask MapServer to generate a map for you,= you need to tell it the location of the map you want in some coordinate system.  In order for MapServer to know which of your GIF images to us= e in making the output map, it needs to know the geographic location of each of those images.  Otherwise it couldn=92t figure out which ones to use.


A TILEINDEX= is step two in the process.  Once you have a set of more than 1 properly georeferenced im= ages that you=92d like to use like a single logical image, you can create a TILEINDEX to do that.  But you have to completely and correctly make i= t through step one first.  Once you get the individual images properly georeferenced, gdaltindex will just work.<= /font>


So =96 what= do you know about these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describes your= big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created fro= m the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to generat= e world files for each individual image.  If not, you=92ll need to get that information for your big image.


If you do h= ave that world file and know how the tiles were created, let us know (you can post the world file in you= r reply =96 it=92s just six lines of text).<= /font>


-          Ed


Ed McNierne= y m




From:<= /font> UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, September= 26, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-US= ERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused


Hi.&nb= sp; I have a map that is broken up into a bunch of .gif tiles.  I want to display them on a lay= er in Mapserver.  I have working version of what I want to accomplish, bu= t it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a wo= rld file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to it.
These .gifs have no georeferencing information included or attached as well= .

I read Section 4 (and Section 9 too) on the mapserver site page:

From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile ind= ex shapefile.  I tried that. 

Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif=

Here's what was returned to me:
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping.
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping.
and so on.........

Ok.  Yes.  I know.  There's no georeferencing info attached.=
But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? 
And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile?
And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every tile?

I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them an= d nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding.

I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles.

I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduard= o Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam.

I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems = like the answer.

Could anyone help?

 - Chris


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Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more! = --_93cd65a2-7c1a-4421-865c-c61b16f98cdc_-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile index shapefile. I tried that. =20 Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif Here's what was returned to me: It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping. It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping. and so on......... Ok. Yes. I know. There's no georeferencing info attached. But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? =20 And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile? And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every tile? I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them and nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding. I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles. I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduardo Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam. I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems like the answer. Could anyone help? - Chris ________________________________ Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Check it out! =20 =20 ________________________________ Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more! =20 =20 ________________________________ Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger Get it now! =20 =20 ________________________________ Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more! =20 ------_=_NextPart_001_01C80135.A8E2BEAD Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Chris = –


I think you need to spend a few = moments meditating on the fact that the world file DESCRIBES the image = it’s associated with.  It does not DEFINE it.  If you change the = numbers in your UTM-projection world file to lat/lon coordinates, your = application will break.  You haven’t changed the fact that your image is still = in the UTM projection!  If your image is UTM, your world file must be = UTM.  A world file like your second example is saying “here’s a description of my image file, which is in a lat/lon = ‘projection’.  Each pixel is one degree wide by one degree high (!) and the upper left = corner is at longitude -88 and latitude 40”.  That is not at all a = correct description of your image file.


MapServer knows all about map = projection, and you can define several layers in a map each in a different projection.  Your output map image may be in yet another = projection.  There’s nothing wrong with creating a map file that defines one = layer as your photo TILEINDEX in UTM projection, another point layer in lat/lon coordinates, and an output image being displayed and requested in = lat/lon coordinates (or in UTM, or in something else = entirely).


Get your LAYER definition for your TILEINDEX photo layer (or single image layer) in UTM projection working properly.  Do nothing else.  Once you have a map being = displayed correctly you can (a) set the output image projection to lat/lon if you = insist, and/or (b) add data points in lat/lon = coordinates.


-          Ed


P.S. If you look at this = URL: on=3D-88.22711&datum=3Dnad83


you’ll see that the URL = requests a point in lat/lon coordinates and that point is displayed as a red market = symbol in the middle of a map image which is in UTM projection, with the = corresponding UTM coordinates displayed above the map.


Ed McNierney


From: UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Thursday, September = 27, 2007 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


K.  Thought I put the mapserver-users email address in the = reply.  It should be in there this time. 

Hmmmm - to clarify how I got these images:
2.) There are some white links in the top left corner.  Click on = Maps.
3.) Now a big map should be displayed.  This isn't the one.  = Click anywhere on that big map.
4.) The tile where you clicked will be displayed, but that's not how I = get the tiles.  If you notice there's no way to tell how long a tile is or = how to line them up.  Ok.  There's a little map to the right of that = tile being displayed that says "click to jump" underneath it.
5.) Click in that box anywhere and it will show tiles in the big box to = the left that are evenly spaced apart (except the far right and very = bottom).  If you click on a few places within the small box, you see how the white rectangle with red borders inside the small box moves at the same = interval for every tile.  So, from there I right-click on the big tile image = being displayed and select Save Image.
6.) This is where I got my pics from.  I also assembled them last = night anyway for amusement, and they fit perfectly.  Just the very bottom = row and the far right column overlap.  But, I know now that the overall mosiac's width is 2602 and the height is 2800.

Ideally, I would like the world file to be in lat/lon (that's funny = about people on the web thinking the Earth is flat - brings an old Bugs Bunny = cartoon to mind), being as I have to convert a lat/lon point someone sends me to = UTM as of right now.  I would love to not have to convert - just less code = is always better to me.

Yeah.  I know it's in Zone 16.  I looked that up a while back = on a UTM grid I found online.

Ok.  So, my current world file (in UTM):

So..... for lat/lon I could say...........:

(This would put the Top Left coordinate in an area called West Side Park.  I took that assembled map pic and then grabbed a screen shot of the = current window I was in and made that into an image and aligned them via = layering and opacity levels in The GIMP (Like Photoshop but in Ubuntu Linux)).

I'll double check the math, but I don't know if what I described earlier = with all the steps could be screwing things up.

And lastly, in the world file, 1 would represent 1 decimal degree/pixel = or 1 meter/pixel in the X direction (depending on UTM or lat/lon)?

I checked out Topozone.  It looks like it has a ton of = features.  I'll play around with it some more. 


 - Chris

Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 18:25:52 -0400
From: ed at
To: docterrobert at; = MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU

Chris –


(I added the list back to the reply = line – please always reply to the whole list – = thanks)


A world file is in the units of the image’s projection, not the other way around.  Having a world = file does not mean the image is in UTM projection.  The UTM projection = is a popular one, but it’s certainly not the only one.  For a map = in Illinois UTM is certainly a possibility, but an Illinois State Plane = Coordinate System projection is also a possibility – especially if the = original imagery came from the State of Illinois.  And geographic lat/lon coordinates are also a possibility due to the increasing number of = people in the world who seem to think the Earth is flat (at least on the = Web).


I don’t know which campus you’re using, but if you’re at UIUC then the UTM coordinates = will be in UTM Zone 16 with values of around 395000 (X or Easting) =  4440000 (Y or Northing).  If your numbers don’t look like those, = they’re not UTM.


Oh, sorry – I started = answering before reading all the questions, and you later seem to confirm that = your coordinates are indeed UTM.  But you got the formulas backwards, = and X should be positive while Y should be negative- not the other way = around.  And the measurements in your world file are indeed in meters, but = that’s because those are the native units of the UTM projection being = used.  There’s nothing that requires them to be in meters; many = US = state plane coordinate systems use units of feet, and those would appear in the = world file, too.


Now it is highly unlikely that your = pixel resolution is different in each dimension.  You could average those = two numbers, or double-check your coordinate values (you didn’t say = what source you used to get them).  If you got this image from a GIS = source, I would say that if you think the dimensions are different you’re = wrong, but who knows what the University did to munge the image into a pretty picture.  So maybe the dimensions ARE different; that’s not impossible, just odd.  I still would double-check your measurements = and math, but if you get the same answer that’s OK.


Once you do that you just have to = crank out those world files!


-      =     Ed


Ed McNierney


From: = Christopher Harris [mailto:docterrobert at]
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 1:13 PM
To: Ed McNierney
Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Wow.  Thanks Ed.  You went to a lot of trouble.  Most of this stuff you've explained I have a handle = on.  I wikipedia'd how to make a world file when I did that previous app.  = And yes, it's the same app with the image that's in UTM projection.  I actually have one last question about that, but I'll do a separate post = for that.  This is a modification of that app.  See, I've been = using this "Parking Lot" map for the University of Illinois, = because I couldn't find a better looking one.  Well, yesterday, I noticed = that you could go their full campus map and right click on each individual tile = and save it as a .gif.  I had tried this before but was apparently clicking = on certain, wrong areas of each tile every time where I guess the = javascript was blocking me.  The javascript that they use displays info on certain buildings when you click on them.  If you happen to right-click on = or around a building and try to save, you can't.  You have to click = somewhere else on the tile that's on or around a building.  Anywho - my boss = now wants me to take what I've done with that one pic of  the = "Parking Lot" and now apply it to a big tiled image of the entire campus = (enter the tiles I've saved).  That's the back story as to what's going = on.

I have 3 questions now.

#1 You asked if the image is in UTM.  I'm basing the image = projection on the world file.  I remember you (or maybe this one other guy on = this list serv) telling me before that you can't distinguish what projection a = world file is in - that that's one of the cons to world files.  Every example = I've ever seen after typing in "World File" in Google shows a world = file that is in meters and says that it's using UTM projection.  That's = still the case right?

Oh, the lat/lon has to do with me reprojecting.  See, someone = passes me a lat/lon coordinate (a center point).  I then take that, and convert = it to UTM, because the map's projection is in UTM due to the world file being = in UTM.

Thanks for your time and patience by the way.  You've been a huge = help.

#2 The one thing I'm hazy on in regard to the world file is:
the 1st and 4th line - pixel size in the x-direction and y-direction in map units/pixel

I understand why x is positive and y is almost always negative.  = But, does that mean, for example,
if I type 2 for the 1st line and -2 for the fourth line, then there will = be 2 meters per pixel going both directions?  For that I could never = find an example of what they meant.  I just assumed that.  I usually = work best with seeing an example, and one was never provided on any of the = pages I visited.

"The X pixel dimension will be = (maxx – minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny – maxy) / = ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y number."

Is pixel dimension related to question #2?  For instance (in = meters):

TL - 393898 4441379 BR - 396253 4438945

maxx=3D393898, maxy=3D4441379
minx=3D396253, miny=3D4438945

DeltaX=3D-2355, DeltaY=3D2434

Say the mosaic's dimensions in pixels are.........: X=3D1500, = Y=3D2000

X pixel dimension =3D -2355/1500 =3D -1.57 meters/pixel
Y pixel dimension =3D 2434/2000 =3D 1.217 meters/pixel

That right?

 - Chris

Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 14:45:54 -0400
From: ed at

Chris –


OK – it’s not as bad as = all that – don’t fire up Photoshop yet.  If you have a set = of tiles which together create a seamless large image, and those tiles are of a = regular size and shape, don’t bother pasting them = together.


Each world file has six numbers in = it, two of which will be 0.  For each image tile you need a world file that = contains the X/Y coordinates of the upper left pixel of the image (two numbers), = and the dimension (size) of each pixel in X (one number) and Y (one number) units.  In the vast majority of cases the last two numbers will be identical except for sign (the Y value is normally a negative number = since Y values decrease as you go from the top to the bottom of the = image).


If your images make a rectangle = when pasted together, just treat them as one.  Find the X/Y coordinates = of the upper left corner of the entire image area, and the X/Y coordinates of the = lower right corner of the entire image area.  Find the size of the entire mosaiced rectangle in X and Y pixels.  The X pixel dimension will = be (maxx – minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny – maxy) / = ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y = number.


For all your world files, these two = X and Y extent values (the first and fourth lines) will be constants.  = The last two lines are the upper left X and Y coordinates of each tile.  = Your tiles will all have the same Y value across each row, and the same X value = down each column.  You know what the upper-left corner of the upper-left tile = is, because you measured it.  You know the number of X pixels in each = tile and the number of Y pixels in each tile, and you now know the size in X and = Y units of each pixel, so you know the extent of each image tile in X and Y = units, so you can calculate the upper-left corner coordinate of the image to the = right and the image below.  Repeat until complete.


All your measurements need to be = done in the units of the image’s coordinate system.  Is this the = image you were asking about earlier that’s in UTM projection?  If so, = you need UTM coordinates, NOT lat/lon.  I wouldn’t recommend Google = Earth as a very accurate way to do that, but if it’s close enough for you = and easy that’s OK.  If you can easily find the corners of your image = area on a topo map you can do it on TopoZone and get UTM coordinates accurate to = within a few meters just by clicking on the spots that match the corner points = of your image.


If there isn’t an obvious = landmark at the corner, you can pick a prominent location NEAR the corner and = just measure the number of pixels away from the corner it is.  = It’s just a bit more bookkeeping but does the same thing.


-   = ;       Ed


Ed McNierney


From: UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Thanks again, Ed.  I need to clear up some = things that I guess I didn't make clear.

I know that a world file provides georeferencing.  I meant to say = that I had a .gif that had no georeferencing info associated with it, and then = added one.  From there I got my initial app to work (displaying the big = map).

One thing I omitted was that the little .gifs (tiles), when assembled, = make up a different big map pic then the one where mentioned = :

it = uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world = file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it."

Before I had a pic of a large section of a college campus.  Now I have a pic of the entire campus, but in little = tiles.

I know Mapserver makes maps and not pics too.  = I probably just worded something wrong.

"So – what do you know = about these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly = describes your big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created from the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure = out how to generate world files for each individual image.  If not, = you’ll need to get that information for your big image."

Yes, I have a world file, but it's for = the pic that shows a large section of the campus - not for the big pic that is = the sum of the little pics.

Ok, so then I have to have a world file for every little tile, but = before that I need to correctly set up the world file for the big pic, which I guess = I'll need to assemble in Photoshop.  Does that sound right?  I can = do it, it's just a bit tedious lining up the tiles and such.  Also, how do = you correctly align a pic of some map on the globe.  I've been using = Google Maps to do it.  I'll sit there and study where the pic's corners = should approximately be, then get the lat/lon from that (clicking directions to = or from will yield the lat/lons).

Thank you.

 - Chris 

Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:36:42 -0400
From: ed at

Chris –


Let me suggest you try to get = unconfused just one step at a time!


it = uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world = file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it.”


That’s a bit of a contradiction.  A world file is one way of providing = georeferencing.  If you’ve got an image “attached” to the Earth via a = world file, you’ve georeferenced it.


MapServer makes maps, not = pictures.  One of the chief differences is that a map has geographic location = information associated with it.  When you ask MapServer to generate a map for = you, you need to tell it the location of the map you want in some coordinate system.  In order for MapServer to know which of your GIF images to = use in making the output map, it needs to know the geographic location of each = of those images.  Otherwise it couldn’t figure out which ones to = use.


A TILEINDEX is step two in the process.  Once you have a set of more than 1 properly georeferenced = images that you’d like to use like a single logical image, you can create = a TILEINDEX to do that.  But you have to completely and correctly = make it through step one first.  Once you get the individual images = properly georeferenced, gdaltindex will just work.


So – what do you know about = these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describes = your big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created = from the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to = generate world files for each individual image.  If not, you’ll need = to get that information for your big image.


If you do have that world file and = know how the tiles were created, let us know (you can post the world file in = your reply – it’s just six lines of text).


-   = ;       Ed


Ed McNierney



From: UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Hi.  I have a map = that is broken up into a bunch of .gif tiles.  I want to display them on a = layer in Mapserver.  I have working version of what I want to accomplish, = but it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a = world file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it.

These .gifs have no georeferencing information included or attached as = well.

I read Section 4 (and Section 9 too) on the mapserver site page:

From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: the snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile = index shapefile.  I tried that. 

Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp = ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif

Here's what was returned to me:
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping.
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping.
and so on.........

Ok.  Yes.  I know.  There's no georeferencing info = attached.
But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? 
And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile?
And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for = every tile?

I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them = and nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding.

I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, = ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles.

I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by = Eduardo Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam.

I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib = seems like the answer.

Could anyone help?

 - Chris

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------_=_NextPart_001_01C80135.A8E2BEAD-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile ind= ex shapefile. I tried that. =20 Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif Here's what was returned to me: It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping. It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping. and so on......... Ok. Yes. I know. There's no georeferencing info attached. But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? =20 And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile? And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every tile? I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them an= d nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding. I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles. I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduard= o Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam. I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems = like the answer. Could anyone help? - Chris Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Check it out! =20 Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more! =20 Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger Get it now!=20 _________________________________________________________________ News, entertainment and everything you care about at Get it now! --_ea8f091c-65e0-47fd-9129-9c6364f7c2ba_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Ok.....sorry it's taken me a while to post again.  Got caught up with = something else.
Considering the info and dimensions I have right now pen= ding on what you say about how I got those tiled images.

In Lat/Lon:=
TL - lat =3D 40.117268
       lon =3D = -88.248281

BR - lat =3D 40.082274
     &= nbsp;  lon =3D -88.205980

In Pixels:
Image Width =3D 2602Image Height =3D 2800

X pixel dimension:
(-88.205980)-(-88.24828= 1)            &= nbsp;  0.042301
________________________     = =3D    _____________   =3D   0.000016257 = ;

          &nbs= p;   2602            =                 = ;           2602

Y pixel = dimension:
    40.082277-40.117268    &nb= sp;           -0.034991
______= __________________    =3D    _____________&nb= sp;   =3D  -0.000012497

     = ;            2800&nb= sp;               &n= bsp;              = ;    2800

Yeah, I see how I reversed them.  I w= as thinking max was the greatest number in lat/lon or meters and not in reg= ard to the image and its coordinate system.  With the numbers provided= so far, his should be right - right?

 - Chris
<= hr>Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - O= h My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 18:25:52 -0400
From: ed=
To: docterrobert at; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU

Chris =96


(I added th= e list back to the reply line =96 please always reply to the whole list =96 thanks)


A world fil= e is in the units of the image=92s projection, not the other way around.  Having a world file does not me= an the image is in UTM projection.  The UTM projection is a popular one, = but it=92s certainly not the only one.  For a map in Illinois UTM is certainly a possibility, but an Illinois State Plane Coordinate System projection is also a possibility =96 especially if the original imagery came from the State of Illinois.  And geographic lat/lon coordinates a= re also a possibility due to the increasing number of people in the world who = seem to think the Earth is flat (at least on the Web).


I don=92t k= now which campus you=92re using, but if you=92re at UIUC then the UTM coordinates will be in UTM Zone 16 with values of around 395000 (X or Easting)  4440000 (Y or Northing= ).  If your numbers don=92t look like those, they=92re not UTM.


Oh, sorry = =96 I started answering before reading all the questions, and you later seem to confirm that your coordinates are indeed UTM.  But you got the formulas backwards, and X should be positive while Y should be negative- not the other way around.&nb= sp; And the measurements in your world file are indeed in meters, but that=92s because those are the native units of the UTM projection being used.  There=92s nothing that requires them to be in meters; many US state plane coordinate systems use units of feet, and those would appear in the world f= ile, too.


Now it is h= ighly unlikely that your pixel resolution is different in each dimension.  You could average those tw= o numbers, or double-check your coordinate values (you didn=92t say what source you used to get them).  If you got this image from a GIS source= , I would say that if you think the dimensions are different you=92re wrong, but who knows what the University did to munge the image into a pretty picture.  So maybe the dimensions ARE different; that=92s not impossible, just odd.  I still would double-check your measurements an= d math, but if you get the same answer that=92s OK.


Once you do= that you just have to crank out those world files!


-          Ed=


Ed McNierne= y m



From:<= /font> Christopher Harris [mailto:docterrobert at]
Sent: Wednesday, September= 26, 2007 1:13 PM
To: Ed McNierney
Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVE= R-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused


Wow.  Thanks Ed.  You went = to a lot of trouble.  Most of this stuff you've explained I have a handle on. = ; I wikipedia'd how to make a world file when I did that previous app.  An= d yes, it's the same app with the image that's in UTM projection.  I actually have one last question about that, but I'll do a separate post for that.  This is a modification of that app.  See, I've been using = this "Parking Lot" map for the University of Illinois, because I couldn't find a better looking one.  Well, yesterday, I noticed that y= ou could go their full campus map and right click on each individual tile and = save it as a .gif.  I had tried this before but was apparently clicking on certain, wrong areas of each tile every time where I guess the javascript w= as blocking me.  The javascript that they use displays info on certain buildings when you click on them.  If you happen to right-click on or around a building and try to save, you can't.  You have to click somew= here else on the tile that's on or around a building.  Anywho - my boss now wants me to take what I've done with that one pic of  the "Parking Lot" and now apply it to a big tiled image of the entire campus (enter the tiles I've saved).  That's the back story as to what's going on.

I have 3 questions now.

#1 You asked if the image is in UTM.  I'm basing the image projection = on the world file.  I remember you (or maybe this one other guy on this l= ist serv) telling me before that you can't distinguish what projection a world = file is in - that that's one of the cons to world files.  Every example I'v= e ever seen after typing in "World File" in Google shows a world file that is in meters and says that it's using UTM projection.  That's sti= ll the case right?

Oh, the lat/lon has to do with me reprojecting.  See, someone passes m= e a lat/lon coordinate (a center point).  I then take that, and convert it= to UTM, because the map's projection is in UTM due to the world file being in = UTM.

Thanks for your time and patience by the way.  You've been a huge help= .

#2 The one thing I'm hazy on in regard to the world file is:
the 1st and 4th line - pixel size in the x-direction and y-direction in map units/pixel

I understand why x is positive and y is almost always negative.  But, = does that mean, for example,
if I type 2 for the 1st line and -2 for the fourth line, then there will be= 2 meters per pixel going both directions?  For that I could never find a= n example of what they meant.  I just assumed that.  I usually work best with seeing an example, and one was never provided on any of the pages= I visited.

"The X pixel dimensi= on will be (maxx =96 minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny =96 maxy) / ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y number."

Is pixel dimension related to question #2?  For instance (in meters):<= br>
TL - 393898 4441379 BR - 396253 4438945

maxx=3D393898, maxy=3D4441379
minx=3D396253, miny=3D4438945

DeltaX=3D-2355, DeltaY=3D2434

Say the mosaic's dimensions in pixels are.........: X=3D1500, Y=3D2000

X pixel dimension =3D -2355/1500 =3D -1.57 meters/pixel
Y pixel dimension =3D 2434/2000 =3D 1.217 meters/pixel

That right?

 - Chris


Subjec= t: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 14:45:54 -0400
From: ed at

Chris =96


OK =96 it= =92s not as bad as all that =96 don=92t fire up Photoshop yet.  If you have a set of tiles which together create a seamless large image, and those tiles are of = a regular size and shape, don=92t bother pasting them together.=


Each world = file has six numbers in it, two of which will be 0.  For each image tile you need a world file that contains the X/Y coordinates of the upper left pixel of the image (two numbers), and the dimension (size) of each pixel in X (one number) and Y (o= ne number) units.  In the vast majority of cases the last two numbers wil= l be identical except for sign (the Y value is normally a negative number since = Y values decrease as you go from the top to the bottom of the image).<= /font>


If your ima= ges make a rectangle when pasted together, just treat them as one.  Find the X/Y coordinates of = the upper left corner of the entire image area, and the X/Y coordinates of the lower right corner of the entire image area.  Find the size of the ent= ire mosaiced rectangle in X and Y pixels.  The X pixel dimension will be (= maxx =96 minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny =96 maxy) / ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y number.


For all you= r world files, these two X and Y extent values (the first and fourth lines) will be constants.  The l= ast two lines are the upper left X and Y coordinates of each tile.  Your t= iles will all have the same Y value across each row, and the same X value down e= ach column.  You know what the upper-left corner of the upper-left tile is= , because you measured it.  You know the number of X pixels in each tile= and the number of Y pixels in each tile, and you now know the size in X and Y u= nits of each pixel, so you know the extent of each image tile in X and Y units, = so you can calculate the upper-left corner coordinate of the image to the righ= t and the image below.  Repeat until complete. 

All your me= asurements need to be done in the units of the image=92s coordinate system.  Is this the image you were asking about earlier that=92s in UTM projection?  If so, you need UTM coordinates, NOT lat/lon.  I wouldn=92t recommend Google Earth as a very accurate way to do that, but if it=92s close enough for you and easy that=92s OK.  If you can easily find the corners of your image area on a topo map you can do it on TopoZone and get UTM coordinates accurate to wi= thin a few meters just by clicking on the spots that match the corner points of = your image.


If there is= n=92t an obvious landmark at the corner, you can pick a prominent location NEAR the corner and just measure the number of pixels away from the corner it is.  It=92s just a bit more bookkeeping but does the same thing.


-&= nbsp;         Ed=


Ed McNierne= y m



From:<= /font> UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, September= 26, 2007 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVE= R-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused


Thanks again, Ed.  I need to cle= ar up some things that I guess I didn't make clear.

I know that a world file provides georeferencing.  I meant to say that= I had a .gif that had no georeferencing info associated with it, and then add= ed one.  From there I got my initial app to work (displaying the big map)= .

One thing I omitted was that the little .gifs (tiles), when assembled, make= up a different big map pic then the one where mentioned :

=93<= /font>it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world file. = ; That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to it."=

Before I had a pic of a large section= of a college campus.  Now I have a pic of the entire campus, but in little tiles.

I know Mapserver makes maps and not p= ics too.  I probably just worded something wrong.

"So =96 wha= t do you know about these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describe= s your big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created from the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out h= ow to generate world files for each individual image.  If not, you=92ll need to get that information for your big image."

Yes, I have a world= file, but it's for the pic that shows a large section of the campus - not for the big pic that is the = sum of the little pics.

Ok, so then I have to have a world file for every little tile, but before t= hat I need to correctly set up the world file for the big pic, which I guess I'= ll need to assemble in Photoshop.  Does that sound right?  I can do = it, it's just a bit tedious lining up the tiles and such.  Also, how do yo= u correctly align a pic of some map on the globe.  I've been using Googl= e Maps to do it.  I'll sit there and study where the pic's corners shoul= d approximately be, then get the lat/lon from that (clicking directions to or from will yield the lat/lons).

Thank you.

 - Chris 


Subjec= t: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:36:42 -0400
From: ed at

Chris =96


Let me sugg= est you try to get unconfused just one step at a time!


=93<= /font>it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world file. = ; That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to it.=94


That=92s a = bit of a contradiction.  A world file is one way of providing georeferencing.&n= bsp; If you=92ve got an image =93attached=94 to the Earth via a world file, you=92ve georeferenced it.


MapServer m= akes maps, not pictures.  One of the chief differences is that a map has geographic location informat= ion associated with it.  When you ask MapServer to generate a map for you,= you need to tell it the location of the map you want in some coordinate system.  In order for MapServer to know which of your GIF images to us= e in making the output map, it needs to know the geographic location of each of those images.  Otherwise it couldn=92t figure out which ones to use.


A TILEINDEX= is step two in the process.  Once you have a set of more than 1 properly georeferenced im= ages that you=92d like to use like a single logical image, you can create a TILEINDEX to do that.  But you have to completely and correctly make i= t through step one first.  Once you get the individual images properly georeferenced, gdaltindex will just work.<= /font>


So =96 what= do you know about these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describes your= big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created fro= m the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to generat= e world files for each individual image.  If not, you=92ll need to get that information for your big image.


If you do h= ave that world file and know how the tiles were created, let us know (you can post the world file in you= r reply =96 it=92s just six lines of text).<= /font>


-          Ed


Ed McNierne= y m




From:<= /font> UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, September= 26, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-US= ERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused


Hi.&nb= sp; I have a map that is broken up into a bunch of .gif tiles.  I want to display them on a lay= er in Mapserver.  I have working version of what I want to accomplish, bu= t it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a wo= rld file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to it.
These .gifs have no georeferencing information included or attached as well= .

I read Section 4 (and Section 9 too) on the mapserver site page:

From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile ind= ex shapefile.  I tried that. 

Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif=

Here's what was returned to me:
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping.
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping.
and so on.........

Ok.  Yes.  I know.  There's no georeferencing info attached.=
But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? 
And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile?
And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every tile?

I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them an= d nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding.

I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles.

I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduard= o Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam.

I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems = like the answer.

Could anyone help?

 - Chris


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Get news, entertainment and everything you care ab= out at Check it out! = --_ea8f091c-65e0-47fd-9129-9c6364f7c2ba_-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile index shapefile. I tried that. =20 Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif Here's what was returned to me: It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping. It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping. and so on......... Ok. Yes. I know. There's no georeferencing info attached. But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? =20 And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile? And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every tile? I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them and nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding. I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles. I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduardo Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam. I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems like the answer. Could anyone help? - Chris ________________________________ Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Check it out! =20 =20 ________________________________ Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more! =20 =20 ________________________________ Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger Get it now! =20 =20 ________________________________ Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Check it out! =20 ------_=_NextPart_001_01C80139.07B0373F Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Chris = –


If your image is in UTM projection, = your world file coordinates must be UTM = coordinates.


If your image is in a lat/lon = “projection”, your world file coordinates must be lat/lon = coordinates.


You have one or the other.  = Your image cannot be both, and you cannot switch between two different world = files.  There is one, only one, exactly one world file that is correct for your = image.


-          Ed


Ed McNierney


From: UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Thursday, September = 27, 2007 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Ok.....sorry it's taken me a while to post = again.  Got caught up with something else.
Considering the info and dimensions I have right now pending on what you = say about how I got those tiled images.

In Lat/Lon:
TL - lat =3D 40.117268
       lon =3D -88.248281

BR - lat =3D 40.082274
        lon =3D -88.205980

In Pixels:
Image Width =3D 2602
Image Height =3D 2800

X pixel dimension:
(-88.205980)-(-88.248281)        =        0.042301
________________________     =3D    _____________   =3D   0.000016257 

            &= nbsp; 2602                              =          2602

Y pixel dimension:
    40.082277-40.117268      =           -0.034991
________________________    =3D    _____________    =3D  -0.000012497

            &= nbsp;    2800                                   2800

Yeah, I see how I reversed them.  I was thinking max was the = greatest number in lat/lon or meters and not in regard to the image and its = coordinate system.  With the numbers provided so far, his should be right - = right?

 - Chris

Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 18:25:52 -0400
From: ed at
To: docterrobert at; = MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU

Chris –


(I added the list back to the reply = line – please always reply to the whole list – thanks)


A world file is in the units of the image’s projection, not the other way around.  Having a world = file does not mean the image is in UTM projection.  The UTM projection is a = popular one, but it’s certainly not the only one.  For a map in = Illinois UTM is certainly a possibility, but an Illinois State Plane Coordinate System projection is also a possibility – especially if the original = imagery came from the State of Illinois.  And geographic lat/lon coordinates are also = a possibility due to the increasing number of people in the world who seem = to think the Earth is flat (at least on the Web).


I don’t know which campus = you’re using, but if you’re at UIUC then the UTM coordinates will be in UTM Zone = 16 with values of around 395000 (X or Easting)  4440000 (Y or = Northing).  If your numbers don’t look like those, they’re not = UTM.


Oh, sorry – I started = answering before reading all the questions, and you later seem to confirm that your = coordinates are indeed UTM.  But you got the formulas backwards, and X should = be positive while Y should be negative- not the other way around.  And = the measurements in your world file are indeed in meters, but that’s = because those are the native units of the UTM projection being used.  = There’s nothing that requires them to be in meters; many US state plane coordinate = systems use units of feet, and those would appear in the world file, = too.


Now it is highly unlikely that your = pixel resolution is different in each dimension.  You could average those = two numbers, or double-check your coordinate values (you didn’t say = what source you used to get them).  If you got this image from a GIS source, I = would say that if you think the dimensions are different you’re wrong, but = who knows what the University did to munge the image into a pretty picture.  So = maybe the dimensions ARE different; that’s not impossible, just odd.  I = still would double-check your measurements and math, but if you get the same answer = that’s OK.


Once you do that you just have to = crank out those world files!


-      =     Ed


Ed McNierney


From: = Christopher Harris [mailto:docterrobert at]
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 1:13 PM
To: Ed McNierney
Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Wow.  Thanks Ed.  You went to a lot of trouble.  Most of this stuff you've explained I have a handle = on.  I wikipedia'd how to make a world file when I did that previous app.  = And yes, it's the same app with the image that's in UTM projection.  I actually have one last question about that, but I'll do a separate post = for that.  This is a modification of that app.  See, I've been = using this "Parking Lot" map for the University of Illinois, = because I couldn't find a better looking one.  Well, yesterday, I noticed = that you could go their full campus map and right click on each individual tile = and save it as a .gif.  I had tried this before but was apparently clicking = on certain, wrong areas of each tile every time where I guess the = javascript was blocking me.  The javascript that they use displays info on certain buildings when you click on them.  If you happen to right-click on = or around a building and try to save, you can't.  You have to click = somewhere else on the tile that's on or around a building.  Anywho - my boss = now wants me to take what I've done with that one pic of  the = "Parking Lot" and now apply it to a big tiled image of the entire campus = (enter the tiles I've saved).  That's the back story as to what's going = on.

I have 3 questions now.

#1 You asked if the image is in UTM.  I'm basing the image = projection on the world file.  I remember you (or maybe this one other guy on = this list serv) telling me before that you can't distinguish what projection a = world file is in - that that's one of the cons to world files.  Every example = I've ever seen after typing in "World File" in Google shows a world = file that is in meters and says that it's using UTM projection.  That's = still the case right?

Oh, the lat/lon has to do with me reprojecting.  See, someone = passes me a lat/lon coordinate (a center point).  I then take that, and convert = it to UTM, because the map's projection is in UTM due to the world file being = in UTM.

Thanks for your time and patience by the way.  You've been a huge = help.

#2 The one thing I'm hazy on in regard to the world file is:
the 1st and 4th line - pixel size in the x-direction and y-direction in map units/pixel

I understand why x is positive and y is almost always negative.  = But, does that mean, for example,
if I type 2 for the 1st line and -2 for the fourth line, then there will = be 2 meters per pixel going both directions?  For that I could never = find an example of what they meant.  I just assumed that.  I usually = work best with seeing an example, and one was never provided on any of the = pages I visited.

"The X pixel dimension will be = (maxx – minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny – maxy) / = ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y number."

Is pixel dimension related to question #2?  For instance (in = meters):

TL - 393898 4441379 BR - 396253 4438945

maxx=3D393898, maxy=3D4441379
minx=3D396253, miny=3D4438945

DeltaX=3D-2355, DeltaY=3D2434

Say the mosaic's dimensions in pixels are.........: X=3D1500, = Y=3D2000

X pixel dimension =3D -2355/1500 =3D -1.57 meters/pixel
Y pixel dimension =3D 2434/2000 =3D 1.217 meters/pixel

That right?

 - Chris

Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 14:45:54 -0400
From: ed at

Chris –


OK – it’s not as bad as = all that – don’t fire up Photoshop yet.  If you have a set of tiles which together = create a seamless large image, and those tiles are of a regular size and shape, = don’t bother pasting them together.


Each world file has six numbers in = it, two of which will be 0.  For each image tile you need a world file that contains the X/Y coordinates of the upper left pixel of the image (two numbers), and the dimension (size) of each pixel in X (one number) and Y = (one number) units.  In the vast majority of cases the last two numbers = will be identical except for sign (the Y value is normally a negative number = since Y values decrease as you go from the top to the bottom of the = image).


If your images make a rectangle = when pasted together, just treat them as one.  Find the X/Y coordinates = of the upper left corner of the entire image area, and the X/Y coordinates of = the lower right corner of the entire image area.  Find the size of the = entire mosaiced rectangle in X and Y pixels.  The X pixel dimension will = be (maxx – minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny – maxy) / = ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y number.


For all your world files, these two = X and Y extent values (the first and fourth lines) will be constants.  = The last two lines are the upper left X and Y coordinates of each tile.  = Your tiles will all have the same Y value across each row, and the same X value = down each column.  You know what the upper-left corner of the upper-left tile = is, because you measured it.  You know the number of X pixels in each = tile and the number of Y pixels in each tile, and you now know the size in X and = Y units of each pixel, so you know the extent of each image tile in X and Y = units, so you can calculate the upper-left corner coordinate of the image to the = right and the image below.  Repeat until complete.


All your measurements need to be = done in the units of the image’s coordinate system.  Is this the = image you were asking about earlier that’s in UTM projection?  If so, you = need UTM coordinates, NOT lat/lon.  I wouldn’t recommend Google Earth = as a very accurate way to do that, but if it’s close enough for you and easy = that’s OK.  If you can easily find the corners of your image area on a = topo map you can do it on TopoZone and get UTM coordinates accurate to within a = few meters just by clicking on the spots that match the corner points of = your image.


If there isn’t an obvious = landmark at the corner, you can pick a prominent location NEAR the corner and just = measure the number of pixels away from the corner it is.  It’s just a bit = more bookkeeping but does the same thing.


-   = ;       Ed


Ed McNierney


From: UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Thanks again, Ed.  I need to clear up some = things that I guess I didn't make clear.

I know that a world file provides georeferencing.  I meant to say = that I had a .gif that had no georeferencing info associated with it, and then = added one.  From there I got my initial app to work (displaying the big = map).

One thing I omitted was that the little .gifs (tiles), when assembled, = make up a different big map pic then the one where mentioned = :

it uses one .gif (the big = map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world file.  That big map = .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it."

Before I had a pic of a large section of a college campus.  Now I have a pic of the entire campus, but in little = tiles.

I know Mapserver makes maps and not pics too.  = I probably just worded something wrong.

"So – what do you know = about these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describes = your big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created = from the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to = generate world files for each individual image.  If not, you’ll need = to get that information for your big image."

Yes, I have a world file, but it's for = the pic that shows a large section of the campus - not for the big pic that is = the sum of the little pics.

Ok, so then I have to have a world file for every little tile, but = before that I need to correctly set up the world file for the big pic, which I guess = I'll need to assemble in Photoshop.  Does that sound right?  I can = do it, it's just a bit tedious lining up the tiles and such.  Also, how do = you correctly align a pic of some map on the globe.  I've been using = Google Maps to do it.  I'll sit there and study where the pic's corners = should approximately be, then get the lat/lon from that (clicking directions to = or from will yield the lat/lons).

Thank you.

 - Chris 

Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:36:42 -0400
From: ed at

Chris –


Let me suggest you try to get = unconfused just one step at a time!


it uses one .gif (the big = map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world file.  That big map = .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it.”


That’s a bit of a = contradiction.  A world file is one way of providing georeferencing.  If you’ve = got an image “attached” to the Earth via a world file, you’ve = georeferenced it.


MapServer makes maps, not = pictures.  One of the chief differences is that a map has geographic location = information associated with it.  When you ask MapServer to generate a map for = you, you need to tell it the location of the map you want in some coordinate system.  In order for MapServer to know which of your GIF images to = use in making the output map, it needs to know the geographic location of each = of those images.  Otherwise it couldn’t figure out which ones to = use.


A TILEINDEX is step two in the process.  Once you have a set of more than 1 properly georeferenced = images that you’d like to use like a single logical image, you can create = a TILEINDEX to do that.  But you have to completely and correctly make it = through step one first.  Once you get the individual images properly = georeferenced, gdaltindex will just work.


So – what do you know about = these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describes = your big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created = from the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to = generate world files for each individual image.  If not, you’ll need = to get that information for your big image.


If you do have that world file and = know how the tiles were created, let us know (you can post the world file in = your reply – it’s just six lines of text).


-   = ;       Ed


Ed McNierney



From: UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Hi.  I have a map = that is broken up into a bunch of .gif tiles.  I want to display them on a layer = in Mapserver.  I have working version of what I want to accomplish, = but it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a = world file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it.

These .gifs have no georeferencing information included or attached as = well.

I read Section 4 (and Section 9 too) on the mapserver site page:

From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: the snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile = index shapefile.  I tried that. 

Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp = ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif

Here's what was returned to me:
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping.
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping.
and so on.........

Ok.  Yes.  I know.  There's no georeferencing info = attached.
But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? 
And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile?
And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for = every tile?

I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them = and nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding.

I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, = ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles.

I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by = Eduardo Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam.

I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib = seems like the answer.

Could anyone help?

 - Chris

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------_=_NextPart_001_01C80139.07B0373F-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile index shapefile. I tried that. =20 Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif Here's what was returned to me: It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping. It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping. and so on......... Ok. Yes. I know. There's no georeferencing info attached. But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? =20 And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile? And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every tile? I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them and nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding. I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles. I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduardo Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam. I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems like the answer. Could anyone help? - Chris ________________________________ Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Check it out! =20 =20 ________________________________ Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more! =20 =20 ________________________________ Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger Get it now! =20 =20 ________________________________ Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Check it out! =20 ------_=_NextPart_001_01C80139.662E0291 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Chris = –


In my previous message (quoted = below), I said:


#3 "The X = pixel dimension will be (maxx – minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny = – maxy) / ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y = number."


And that is correct.  Maxx IS = the “greatest number in lat/lon or meters”, etc.  Maxx – minx will be = a positive number, and miny – maxy (note that they’re reversed) will be a negative = number.


-          Ed


Ed McNierney


From: UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Thursday, September = 27, 2007 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Ok.....sorry it's taken me a while to post = again.  Got caught up with something else.
Considering the info and dimensions I have right now pending on what you = say about how I got those tiled images.

In Lat/Lon:
TL - lat =3D 40.117268
       lon =3D -88.248281

BR - lat =3D 40.082274
        lon =3D -88.205980

In Pixels:
Image Width =3D 2602
Image Height =3D 2800

X pixel dimension:
(-88.205980)-(-88.248281)        =        0.042301
________________________     =3D    _____________   =3D   0.000016257 

            &= nbsp; 2602                              =          2602

Y pixel dimension:
    40.082277-40.117268      =           -0.034991
________________________    =3D    _____________    =3D  -0.000012497

            &= nbsp;    2800                                   2800

Yeah, I see how I reversed them.  I was thinking max was the = greatest number in lat/lon or meters and not in regard to the image and its = coordinate system.  With the numbers provided so far, his should be right - = right?

 - Chris

Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 18:25:52 -0400
From: ed at
To: docterrobert at; = MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU

Chris –


(I added the list back to the reply = line – please always reply to the whole list – thanks)


A world file is in the units of the image’s projection, not the other way around.  Having a world = file does not mean the image is in UTM projection.  The UTM projection is a = popular one, but it’s certainly not the only one.  For a map in = Illinois UTM is certainly a possibility, but an Illinois State Plane Coordinate System projection is also a possibility – especially if the original = imagery came from the State of Illinois.  And geographic lat/lon coordinates are also = a possibility due to the increasing number of people in the world who seem = to think the Earth is flat (at least on the Web).


I don’t know which campus = you’re using, but if you’re at UIUC then the UTM coordinates will be in UTM Zone = 16 with values of around 395000 (X or Easting)  4440000 (Y or = Northing).  If your numbers don’t look like those, they’re not = UTM.


Oh, sorry – I started = answering before reading all the questions, and you later seem to confirm that your = coordinates are indeed UTM.  But you got the formulas backwards, and X should = be positive while Y should be negative- not the other way around.  And = the measurements in your world file are indeed in meters, but that’s = because those are the native units of the UTM projection being used.  = There’s nothing that requires them to be in meters; many US state plane coordinate = systems use units of feet, and those would appear in the world file, = too.


Now it is highly unlikely that your = pixel resolution is different in each dimension.  You could average those = two numbers, or double-check your coordinate values (you didn’t say = what source you used to get them).  If you got this image from a GIS source, I = would say that if you think the dimensions are different you’re wrong, but = who knows what the University did to munge the image into a pretty picture.  So = maybe the dimensions ARE different; that’s not impossible, just odd.  I = still would double-check your measurements and math, but if you get the same answer = that’s OK.


Once you do that you just have to = crank out those world files!


-      =     Ed


Ed McNierney


From: = Christopher Harris [mailto:docterrobert at]
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 1:13 PM
To: Ed McNierney
Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Wow.  Thanks Ed.  You went to a lot of trouble.  Most of this stuff you've explained I have a handle = on.  I wikipedia'd how to make a world file when I did that previous app.  = And yes, it's the same app with the image that's in UTM projection.  I actually have one last question about that, but I'll do a separate post = for that.  This is a modification of that app.  See, I've been = using this "Parking Lot" map for the University of Illinois, = because I couldn't find a better looking one.  Well, yesterday, I noticed = that you could go their full campus map and right click on each individual tile = and save it as a .gif.  I had tried this before but was apparently clicking = on certain, wrong areas of each tile every time where I guess the = javascript was blocking me.  The javascript that they use displays info on certain buildings when you click on them.  If you happen to right-click on = or around a building and try to save, you can't.  You have to click = somewhere else on the tile that's on or around a building.  Anywho - my boss = now wants me to take what I've done with that one pic of  the = "Parking Lot" and now apply it to a big tiled image of the entire campus = (enter the tiles I've saved).  That's the back story as to what's going = on.

I have 3 questions now.

#1 You asked if the image is in UTM.  I'm basing the image = projection on the world file.  I remember you (or maybe this one other guy on = this list serv) telling me before that you can't distinguish what projection a = world file is in - that that's one of the cons to world files.  Every example = I've ever seen after typing in "World File" in Google shows a world = file that is in meters and says that it's using UTM projection.  That's = still the case right?

Oh, the lat/lon has to do with me reprojecting.  See, someone = passes me a lat/lon coordinate (a center point).  I then take that, and convert = it to UTM, because the map's projection is in UTM due to the world file being = in UTM.

Thanks for your time and patience by the way.  You've been a huge = help.

#2 The one thing I'm hazy on in regard to the world file is:
the 1st and 4th line - pixel size in the x-direction and y-direction in map units/pixel

I understand why x is positive and y is almost always negative.  = But, does that mean, for example,
if I type 2 for the 1st line and -2 for the fourth line, then there will = be 2 meters per pixel going both directions?  For that I could never = find an example of what they meant.  I just assumed that.  I usually = work best with seeing an example, and one was never provided on any of the pages I visited.

"The X pixel dimension will be = (maxx – minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny – maxy) / = ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y number."

Is pixel dimension related to question #2?  For instance (in = meters):

TL - 393898 4441379 BR - 396253 4438945

maxx=3D393898, maxy=3D4441379
minx=3D396253, miny=3D4438945

DeltaX=3D-2355, DeltaY=3D2434

Say the mosaic's dimensions in pixels are.........: X=3D1500, = Y=3D2000

X pixel dimension =3D -2355/1500 =3D -1.57 meters/pixel
Y pixel dimension =3D 2434/2000 =3D 1.217 meters/pixel

That right?

 - Chris

Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 14:45:54 -0400
From: ed at

Chris –


OK – it’s not as bad as = all that – don’t fire up Photoshop yet.  If you have a set of tiles which together = create a seamless large image, and those tiles are of a regular size and shape, = don’t bother pasting them together.


Each world file has six numbers in = it, two of which will be 0.  For each image tile you need a world file that contains the X/Y coordinates of the upper left pixel of the image (two numbers), and the dimension (size) of each pixel in X (one number) and Y = (one number) units.  In the vast majority of cases the last two numbers = will be identical except for sign (the Y value is normally a negative number = since Y values decrease as you go from the top to the bottom of the = image).


If your images make a rectangle = when pasted together, just treat them as one.  Find the X/Y coordinates = of the upper left corner of the entire image area, and the X/Y coordinates of = the lower right corner of the entire image area.  Find the size of the = entire mosaiced rectangle in X and Y pixels.  The X pixel dimension will = be (maxx – minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny – maxy) / = ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y number.


For all your world files, these two = X and Y extent values (the first and fourth lines) will be constants.  = The last two lines are the upper left X and Y coordinates of each tile.  = Your tiles will all have the same Y value across each row, and the same X value = down each column.  You know what the upper-left corner of the upper-left tile = is, because you measured it.  You know the number of X pixels in each = tile and the number of Y pixels in each tile, and you now know the size in X and = Y units of each pixel, so you know the extent of each image tile in X and Y = units, so you can calculate the upper-left corner coordinate of the image to the = right and the image below.  Repeat until complete.


All your measurements need to be = done in the units of the image’s coordinate system.  Is this the = image you were asking about earlier that’s in UTM projection?  If so, you = need UTM coordinates, NOT lat/lon.  I wouldn’t recommend Google Earth = as a very accurate way to do that, but if it’s close enough for you and easy = that’s OK.  If you can easily find the corners of your image area on a topo map you = can do it on TopoZone and get UTM coordinates accurate to within a few meters = just by clicking on the spots that match the corner points of your = image.


If there isn’t an obvious = landmark at the corner, you can pick a prominent location NEAR the corner and just = measure the number of pixels away from the corner it is.  It’s just a bit = more bookkeeping but does the same thing.


-   = ;       Ed


Ed McNierney


From: UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Thanks again, Ed.  I need to clear up some = things that I guess I didn't make clear.

I know that a world file provides georeferencing.  I meant to say = that I had a .gif that had no georeferencing info associated with it, and then = added one.  From there I got my initial app to work (displaying the big = map).

One thing I omitted was that the little .gifs (tiles), when assembled, = make up a different big map pic then the one where mentioned = :

it uses one .gif (the big = map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world file.  That big map = .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it."

Before I had a pic of a large section of a college campus.  Now I have a pic of the entire campus, but in little = tiles.

I know Mapserver makes maps and not pics too.  = I probably just worded something wrong.

"So – what do you know = about these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describes = your big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created = from the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to = generate world files for each individual image.  If not, you’ll need = to get that information for your big image."

Yes, I have a world file, but it's for = the pic that shows a large section of the campus - not for the big pic that is = the sum of the little pics.

Ok, so then I have to have a world file for every little tile, but = before that I need to correctly set up the world file for the big pic, which I guess = I'll need to assemble in Photoshop.  Does that sound right?  I can = do it, it's just a bit tedious lining up the tiles and such.  Also, how do you correctly align a pic of some map on the globe.  I've been using = Google Maps to do it.  I'll sit there and study where the pic's corners = should approximately be, then get the lat/lon from that (clicking directions to = or from will yield the lat/lons).

Thank you.

 - Chris 

Subject: RE: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:36:42 -0400
From: ed at

Chris –


Let me suggest you try to get = unconfused just one step at a time!


it uses one .gif (the big = map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world file.  That big map = .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it.”


That’s a bit of a = contradiction.  A world file is one way of providing georeferencing.  If you’ve = got an image “attached” to the Earth via a world file, you’ve = georeferenced it.


MapServer makes maps, not = pictures.  One of the chief differences is that a map has geographic location = information associated with it.  When you ask MapServer to generate a map for = you, you need to tell it the location of the map you want in some coordinate system.  In order for MapServer to know which of your GIF images to = use in making the output map, it needs to know the geographic location of each = of those images.  Otherwise it couldn’t figure out which ones to = use.


A TILEINDEX is step two in the process.  Once you have a set of more than 1 properly georeferenced = images that you’d like to use like a single logical image, you can create = a TILEINDEX to do that.  But you have to completely and correctly make it = through step one first.  Once you get the individual images properly = georeferenced, gdaltindex will just work.


So – what do you know about = these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describes = your big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created = from the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to = generate world files for each individual image.  If not, you’ll need = to get that information for your big image.


If you do have that world file and = know how the tiles were created, let us know (you can post the world file in = your reply – it’s just six lines of text).


-   = ;       Ed


Ed McNierney



From: UMN = MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, = September 26, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: = [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really = Confused


Hi.  I have a map = that is broken up into a bunch of .gif tiles.  I want to display them on a = layer in Mapserver.  I have working version of what I want to accomplish, = but it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a = world file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to = it.

These .gifs have no georeferencing information included or attached as = well.

I read Section 4 (and Section 9 too) on the mapserver site page:

From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: the snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile = index shapefile.  I tried that. 

Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp = ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif

Here's what was returned to me:
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping.
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping.
and so on.........

Ok.  Yes.  I know.  There's no georeferencing info = attached.
But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? 
And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile?
And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for = every tile?

I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them = and nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding.

I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, = ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles.

I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by = Eduardo Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam.

I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib = seems like the answer.

Could anyone help?

 - Chris

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------_=_NextPart_001_01C80139.662E0291-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile ind= ex shapefile. I tried that. =20 Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif Here's what was returned to me: It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping. It appears no georeferencing is available for `/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping. and so on......... Ok. Yes. I know. There's no georeferencing info attached. But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? =20 And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile? And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every tile? I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them an= d nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding. I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles. I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduard= o Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam. I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems = like the answer. Could anyone help? - Chris Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Check it out! =20 Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more! =20 Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger Get it now!=20 =20 Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Check it out! _________________________________________________________________ Discover the new Windows Vista E= --_3f425d8f-ac8b-48b9-8fa1-2dc52d5a55f3_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Great!  Ok.  Well, it looks like you've armed me with enough info= to take over the world - at least on my computer screen.  You've clea= red up a lot of mysteries that I've had thus far.  I'm going to go app= ly all this and see what explodes and doesn't explode.  I do have one = problem I can think of with the app that I already had created, but I'll wa= it to see if it goes away after I apply all of this helpful info.  I d= on't think it will.  I'm pretty sure it involves how I'm setting up my= extents (Markers are always a few hundred yards off and each marker that i= s located further north rotates north and east following a circular counter= -clockwise pattern).  But, don't worry about that now.  I'll try = and figure it out. 

Thanks, Ed.  You are a very patient m= an and very nice too.  Sorry it took a while for me to see the light, = but I usually learn best when seeing examples, diagrams, pictures, etc.&nbs= p; So, typically I'll have to draw or write stuff out to get the idea. = ; I'm more of a visual person when it comes to memory.

 - Chris=

Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 15:03:47 -0400
From: ed at T= OPOZONE.COM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Sh= apefiles - Oh My! Really Confused

Chris =96


In my previ= ous message (quoted below), I said:


#3 "The X pixel dimension will be (maxx =96 minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny =96 ma= xy) / ypixels.  You should find that the X number is -1 times the Y number."=


And that is= correct.  Maxx IS the =93greatest number in lat/lon or meters=94, etc.  Maxx =96 minx will be a positive= number, and miny =96 maxy (note that they=92re reversed) will be a negative number.


-          Ed=


Ed McNierney m



From:<= /font> UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Thursday, September = 27, 2007 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVE= R-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused


Ok.....sorry it's taken me a while to= post again.  Got caught up with something else.
Considering the info and dimensions I have right now pending on what you sa= y about how I got those tiled images.

In Lat/Lon:
TL - lat =3D 40.117268
       lon =3D -88.248281

BR - lat =3D 40.082274
        lon =3D -88.205980

In Pixels:
Image Width =3D 2602
Image Height =3D 2800

X pixel dimension:
(-88.205980)-(-88.248281)        &n= bsp;      0.042301
________________________     =3D    _____________   =3D   0.000016257 

            &nb= sp; 2602                               &nbs= p;       2602

Y pixel dimension:
    40.082277-40.117268        = ;        -0.034991
________________________    =3D    _____________    =3D  -0.000012497

            &nb= sp;    2800                                   2800

Yeah, I see how I reversed them.  I was thinking max was the greatest number in lat/lon or meters and not in regard to the image and its coordina= te system.  With the numbers provided so far, his should be right - right= ?

 - Chris


Subjec= t: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 18:25:52 -0400
From: ed at
To: docterrobert at; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU

Chris =96


(I added th= e list back to the reply line =96 please always reply to the whole list =96 thanks) 

A world fil= e is in the units of the image=92s projection, not the other way around.  Having a world file d= oes not mean the image is in UTM projection.  The UTM projection is a popu= lar one, but it=92s certainly not the only one.  For a map in Illinois UTM= is certainly a possibility, but an Illinois State Plane Coordinate System projection is also a possibility =96 especially if the original imagery cam= e from the State of Illinois.  And geographic lat/lon coordinates are also a possibility due to the increasing number of people in the world who seem to think the Earth is flat (at least on the Web).


I don=92t k= now which campus you=92re using, but if you=92re at UIUC then the UTM coordinates will be in UTM Zone 16 wit= h values of around 395000 (X or Easting)  4440000 (Y or Northing). = If your numbers don=92t look like those, they=92re not UTM.


Oh, sorry = =96 I started answering before reading all the questions, and you later seem to confirm that your coordina= tes are indeed UTM.  But you got the formulas backwards, and X should be positive while Y should be negative- not the other way around.  And th= e measurements in your world file are indeed in meters, but that=92s because = those are the native units of the UTM projection being used.  There=92s noth= ing that requires them to be in meters; many US state plane coordinate systems use units of feet, and those would appear in the world file, too.


Now it is h= ighly unlikely that your pixel resolution is different in each dimension.  You could average those tw= o numbers, or double-check your coordinate values (you didn=92t say what sour= ce you used to get them).  If you got this image from a GIS source, I would s= ay that if you think the dimensions are different you=92re wrong, but who know= s what the University did to munge the image into a pretty picture.  So maybe= the dimensions ARE different; that=92s not impossible, just odd.  I still = would double-check your measurements and math, but if you get the same answer tha= t=92s OK.


Once you do= that you just have to crank out those world files!


-&= nbsp;         Ed=


Ed McNierney m



From:<= /font> Christopher Harris [mailto:docterrobert at]
Sent: Wednesday, September= 26, 2007 1:13 PM
To: Ed McNierney
Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVE= R-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused


Wow.  Thanks Ed.  You went = to a lot of trouble.  Most of this stuff you've explained I have a handle on. = ; I wikipedia'd how to make a world file when I did that previous app.  An= d yes, it's the same app with the image that's in UTM projection.  I actually have one last question about that, but I'll do a separate post for that.  This is a modification of that app.  See, I've been using = this "Parking Lot" map for the University of Illinois, because I couldn't find a better looking one.  Well, yesterday, I noticed that y= ou could go their full campus map and right click on each individual tile and = save it as a .gif.  I had tried this before but was apparently clicking on certain, wrong areas of each tile every time where I guess the javascript w= as blocking me.  The javascript that they use displays info on certain buildings when you click on them.  If you happen to right-click on or around a building and try to save, you can't.  You have to click somew= here else on the tile that's on or around a building.  Anywho - my boss now wants me to take what I've done with that one pic of  the "Parking Lot" and now apply it to a big tiled image of the entire campus (enter the tiles I've saved).  That's the back story as to what's going on.

I have 3 questions now.

#1 You asked if the image is in UTM.  I'm basing the image projection = on the world file.  I remember you (or maybe this one other guy on this l= ist serv) telling me before that you can't distinguish what projection a world = file is in - that that's one of the cons to world files.  Every example I'v= e ever seen after typing in "World File" in Google shows a world file that is in meters and says that it's using UTM projection.  That's sti= ll the case right?

Oh, the lat/lon has to do with me reprojecting.  See, someone passes m= e a lat/lon coordinate (a center point).  I then take that, and convert it= to UTM, because the map's projection is in UTM due to the world file being in = UTM.

Thanks for your time and patience by the way.  You've been a huge help= .

#2 The one thing I'm hazy on in regard to the world file is:
the 1st and 4th line - pixel size in the x-direction and y-direction in map units/pixel

I understand why x is positive and y is almost always negative.  But, = does that mean, for example,
if I type 2 for the 1st line and -2 for the fourth line, then there will be= 2 meters per pixel going both directions?  For that I could never find a= n example of what they meant.  I just assumed that.  I usually work= best with seeing an example, and one was never provided on any of the pages I visited.

"The X pixel dimensi= on will be (maxx =96 minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny =96 maxy) / ypixels.  You= should find that the X number is -1 times the Y number."

Is pixel dimension related to question #2?  For instance (in meters):<= br>
TL - 393898 4441379 BR - 396253 4438945

maxx=3D393898, maxy=3D4441379
minx=3D396253, miny=3D4438945

DeltaX=3D-2355, DeltaY=3D2434

Say the mosaic's dimensions in pixels are.........: X=3D1500, Y=3D2000

X pixel dimension =3D -2355/1500 =3D -1.57 meters/pixel
Y pixel dimension =3D 2434/2000 =3D 1.217 meters/pixel

That right?

 - Chris


Subjec= t: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 14:45:54 -0400
From: ed at

Chris =96


OK =96 it= =92s not as bad as all that =96 don=92t fire up Photoshop yet.  If you have a set of tiles which together crea= te a seamless large image, and those tiles are of a regular size and shape, don= =92t bother pasting them together.


Each world = file has six numbers in it, two of which will be 0.  For each image tile you need a world file that contains the X/Y coordinates of the upper left pixel of the image (two numbers), and the dimension (size) of each pixel in X (one number) and Y (o= ne number) units.  In the vast majority of cases the last two numbers wil= l be identical except for sign (the Y value is normally a negative number since = Y values decrease as you go from the top to the bottom of the image).<= /font>


If your ima= ges make a rectangle when pasted together, just treat them as one.  Find the X/Y coordinates of = the upper left corner of the entire image area, and the X/Y coordinates of the lower right corner of the entire image area.  Find the size of the ent= ire mosaiced rectangle in X and Y pixels.  The X pixel dimension will be (= maxx =96 minx) / xpixels, and the Y will be (miny =96 maxy) / ypixels.  You= should find that the X number is -1 times the Y number.<= /span>


For all you= r world files, these two X and Y extent values (the first and fourth lines) will be constants.  The l= ast two lines are the upper left X and Y coordinates of each tile.  Your t= iles will all have the same Y value across each row, and the same X value down e= ach column.  You know what the upper-left corner of the upper-left tile is= , because you measured it.  You know the number of X pixels in each tile= and the number of Y pixels in each tile, and you now know the size in X and Y u= nits of each pixel, so you know the extent of each image tile in X and Y units, = so you can calculate the upper-left corner coordinate of the image to the righ= t and the image below.  Repeat until complete. 

All your me= asurements need to be done in the units of the image=92s coordinate system.  Is this the image you w= ere asking about earlier that=92s in UTM projection?  If so, you need UTM coordinates, NOT lat/lon.  I wouldn=92t recommend Google Earth as a ve= ry accurate way to do that, but if it=92s close enough for you and easy that= =92s OK.  If you can easily find the corners of your image area on a topo map you can= do it on TopoZone and get UTM coordinates accurate to within a few meters just= by clicking on the spots that match the corner points of your image.


If there is= n=92t an obvious landmark at the corner, you can pick a prominent location NEAR the corner and just measure = the number of pixels away from the corner it is.  It=92s just a bit more bookkeeping but does the same thing.


-          Ed


Ed McNierney m



From:<= /font> UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, September= 26, 2007 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVE= R-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused


Thanks again, Ed.  I need to cle= ar up some things that I guess I didn't make clear.

I know that a world file provides georeferencing.  I meant to say that= I had a .gif that had no georeferencing info associated with it, and then add= ed one.  From there I got my initial app to work (displaying the big map)= .

One thing I omitted was that the little .gifs (tiles), when assembled, make= up a different big map pic then the one where mentioned :

=93<= /font>it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world file.  That big map .gif= had no georeferencing info attached to it."

Before I had a pic of a large section= of a college campus.  Now I have a pic of the entire campus, but in little tiles.

I know Mapserver makes maps and not p= ics too.  I probably just worded something wrong.

"So =96 wha= t do you know about these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describes your= big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created fro= m the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to generat= e world files for each individual image.  If not, you=92ll need to get t= hat information for your big image."

Yes, I have a world= file, but it's for the pic that shows a large section of the campus - not for the big pic that is the = sum of the little pics.

Ok, so then I have to have a world file for every little tile, but before t= hat I need to correctly set up the world file for the big pic, which I guess I'= ll need to assemble in Photoshop.  Does that sound right?  I can do = it, it's just a bit tedious lining up the tiles and such.  Also, how do you correctly align a pic of some map on the globe.  I've been using Googl= e Maps to do it.  I'll sit there and study where the pic's corners shoul= d approximately be, then get the lat/lon from that (clicking directions to or from will yield the lat/lons).

Thank you.

 - Chris 


Subjec= t: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:36:42 -0400
From: ed at

Chris =96


Let me sugg= est you try to get unconfused just one step at a time!


=93<= /font>it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a world file.  That big map .gif= had no georeferencing info attached to it.=94


That=92s a = bit of a contradiction.  A world file is one way of providing georeferencing.  If you=92ve got an= image =93attached=94 to the Earth via a world file, you=92ve georeferenced it.


MapServer m= akes maps, not pictures.  One of the chief differences is that a map has geographic location informat= ion associated with it.  When you ask MapServer to generate a map for you,= you need to tell it the location of the map you want in some coordinate system.  In order for MapServer to know which of your GIF images to us= e in making the output map, it needs to know the geographic location of each of those images.  Otherwise it couldn=92t figure out which ones to use.


A TILEINDEX= is step two in the process.  Once you have a set of more than 1 properly georeferenced im= ages that you=92d like to use like a single logical image, you can create a TILE= INDEX to do that.  But you have to completely and correctly make it through = step one first.  Once you get the individual images properly georeferenced, gdaltindex will just work.


So =96 what= do you know about these images?  Do you really have a world file that correctly describes your= big GIF image?  Do you know exactly how the little images were created fro= m the big image?  If so, you should be able to figure out how to generat= e world files for each individual image.  If not, you=92ll need to get t= hat information for your big image.


If you do h= ave that world file and know how the tiles were created, let us know (you can post the world file in you= r reply =96 it=92s just six lines of text).<= /font>


-          Ed


Ed McNierney m




From:<= /font> UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Harris
Sent: Wednesday, September= 26, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-US= ERS] Rasters, TileIndex and Shapefiles - Oh My! Really Confused


Hi.&nb= sp; I have a map that is broken up into a bunch of .gif tiles.  I want to display them on a lay= er in Mapserver.  I have working version of what I want to accomplish, bu= t it uses one .gif (the big map pic), attaches the big map to the globe via a wo= rld file.  That big map .gif had no georeferencing info attached to it.
These .gifs have no georeferencing information included or attached as well= .

I read Section 4 (and Section 9 too) on the mapserver site page:

From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: snippet at the bottom of Section 4 about gdaltindex and creating a tile ind= ex shapefile.  I tried that. 

Here's what I typed: gdaltindex u_of_ill.shp ~/Desktop/UofImapSquares/*.gif=

Here's what was returned to me:
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A0.gif', skipping.
It appears no georeferencing is available for
`/home/jimbo/Desktop/UofImapSquares/A12.gif', skipping.
and so on.........

Ok.  Yes.  I know.  There's no georeferencing info attached.=
But, how do I go about attaching georeferencing info? 
And how do I create, edit, and view a shapefile?
And lastly, do I need a world file to determine a global position for every tile?

I tried using a text editor Gedit (I figured What the Hey?) to open them an= d nope - wasn't in UTF-8 encoding.

I did some digging Google and noticed that you can use ArcView GIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS, and ArcCatalog to create, edit, and view shapefiles.

I also stumbled across posting that talked about ShapeLib created by Eduard= o Patto Kanegae and maintained by Frank Warmerdam.

I don't have money to spend on buying some GIS program, and ShapeLib seems = like the answer.

Could anyone help?

 - Chris


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MapServer users,
We would = like to share a relatively new open source project designed around use = cases for local government needs.  The open source project development= team is proud to announce GeoMOOSE 1.0.0 release.  For more = information, to download the source code or check out the gallery, please = go to .  The source code comes with = a demo application and data.  We are still adding more documentation, = but feel it is ready for production applications.  We are looking for = feedback, testers and participation from interested Mapserver = users.  If you have any questions please feel free to email me or = others involved in the project offline and we will be happy to answer questions.
&nbs= p;
&nbs= p;
From the GeoMoose = development Team.
--=__PartD5F3959D.1__=-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: (much more then I suspected!): - polygon fill color (mapinfo_brush_foreground) - outlinecolor/line color (mapinfo_pen_color) - line size (mapinfo_pen_width) - symbol size (mapinfo_symbol_size) - label size (mapinfo_text_height) - label angle (mapinfo_rotation) - label string (mapinfo_text_string) - symbol for points (mapinfo_symbol_shape)* - symbol for lines (mapinfo_pen_pattern)* - Symbol for polygon fills (mapinfo_brush_pattern)* * here you have to define corresponding MapServer symbols, the using a Lookup (ValueMapper) in FME to assign the new values Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards Flavio Hendry ---------------------------------------------------------------- TYDAC Web-Site: TYDAC MapServer: ---------------------------------------------------------------- ############ Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards ############ mailto:flavio at ############ TYDAC AG - #### #### Geographic Information Solutions #### #### Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern ############ Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----Original Message----- From: "Delfos, Jacob" To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 07:59:11 +0800 Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Can I export MapInfo "styleitem" info to PostGIS? > Daniel,Flavio, > > Thanks for your replies. At least I know I won't have to bother > pursuing > that if it doesn't work. > I may look into carrying color across. I tried using FME to get style > across, but I probably did it wrong, because it came out empty. > > I'll look into whether I can write a script to assign colors > automatically based on an attribute. > > Thanks, > > Jacob > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: UMN MapServer Users List > > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Daniel > Morissette > > Sent: 10 October 2007 21:08 > > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Can I export MapInfo > > "styleitem" info to PostGIS? > > > > Flavio Hendry wrote: > > > Hi Jacob > > > > > > I do not think that you could do that as the moment. FME > > ( > > > would bring the styles along to PostGIS. However there is no way > to > > > define any other STYLEITEM as "auto" at the moment. > > > > That's correct. The original plan was to eventually support binding > > STYLEITEM to any attribute which would contain a style string in > the > > format that OGR produces/understands, but we never got to > > that and only > > STYLEITEM AUTO has been implemented. > > > > > "auto" is more or > > > less limited to colors as far as I know. > > > > AUTO also supports mapping symbols, fonts and about anything > > you find in > > MapInfo symbology. You need to have the right entries in your > fontset > > and symbolset for the mapping to work. This should be covered > > by the OGR > > HowTo. > > > > > > > Ideal would be something like > > > COLORITEM pointing to a column containing RGB color info ... > > > > > > > This is possible with v5.0, you'd use: > > > > COLOR [mycolor] > > > > Where "mycolor" is the attribute name from the data source. > > Color can be > > given as a hex value (e.g. #FFFFFF) or an RGB triplet (e.g. > > 255 255 255). > > > > The following properties can accept bindings in 5.0: > > > > * Style: angle, color, outlinecolor, size, symbol > > * Label: angle, color, outlinecolor, size, font, priority > > > > That is the reason why LABELITEM, ANGLEITEM, etc were dropped in > 5.0. > > e.g. LABELITEM was replaced by "LABEL [mylabelitem]", etc. > > > > Daniel > > -- > > Daniel Morissette > > > > > > This email and any attachments are intended solely for the named > recipient and are confidential. The copying or distribution of them > or any information they contain by anyone other than the named > recipient is prohibited. If you have received this document in error, > please notify the sender and delete all copies from your computer > system and destroy all hard copies. It is the recipient's > responsibility to check this email and any attachments to this email > for viruses before use. From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: to a mysql database. The problem is that sometime, map server reports an error with message: [MapServer Error]: msOGRFileNextShape(): MySQL error message:MySQL server has gone away What is going wrong? From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: to a mysql database. The problem is that sometime, map server reports an error with message: [MapServer Error]: msOGRFileNextShape(): MySQL error message:MySQL = server has gone away What is going wrong? From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: ago (that I can't seem to find again now to clarify things) I think I know the answer to this, but I'm asking just in case it changed between older versions of mapserver and 5.0.0. Suppose I want to do some kind of substitution or transformation on text in the data that is used for labeling. Like change street names from 'ALL CAPS' to 'Leading Caps' or change the label on a highway marker from something like 'I-80' to just '80'. I am aware that one way I could do this would be to add a new column to the database with the text that I want, and use this column instead of the old column. But is there any way to do a substitution or transformation like this directly in the map file? Perhaps via some kind of sed-like expression? I suspect the answer is no. If I use MapScript instead of a mapfile, I suppose as another alternative I might be able to read the value, transform it in the mapscript language, and then write it back, although I haven't tried this yet to see if it's doable. Thanks for any help anyone may be able to provide. - Rich Fromm -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: the latter, but the east-west coordinates should be pushed together as this formula would indicate: x=3Dlon*cos(lat) where lat is 60 and the formula then gives x=3Dlon*0.5? All I get is a blank map, so I suppose there is something I have misunderst= ood? Espen On 16/01/2008, Ed McNierney wrote: > Espen - > > The EPSG coordinate system codes, like EPSG:4326, generally are used to f= ully specify a projection. If you need to "customize" a projection describ= ed by an EPSG code, I would recommend using a full PROJ text description, a= nd specify the use of the equirectangular (Plate Carr=E9e) projection: > > +proj=3Deqc +lat_ts=3D60 +lon_0=3D0 +x_0=3D0 +y_0=3D0 +datum=3DWGS84 > > - Ed > > Ed McNierney > Chief Mapmaker > Demand Media / > 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 > North Chelmsford, MA 01863 > ed at > Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 > Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 > From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: cannot publish the data since the data is not free) Then I change my map file to this: EXTENT 37074.96 6669762.95 37982.21 6670408.60 PROJECTION "+proj=eqc +lat_ts=60 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +units=m" END The extent is calculated by using PROJ like this: proj "+proj=eqc +lat_ts=60 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +units=m" < test.txt where test.txt consists of the geographic coordinates in my first map file. This mapfile creates a map about 18000 meters north of my first mapfile. This is similar to the post from 2005. Longitude seems to be correct. I do not understand why Mapserver does not create approximatly the same map in both map files? Is it not possible to use PROJ to convert coordinates like this? If I set lat_ts=0 I do of course get the same map, but that is not the projection I would like to use. And if I cannot do it like this, how can I calculate the shift in the y-coordinate(about 18000 meters in this example)? Kind regards, Espen From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: cannot publish the data since the data is not free) Then I change my map file to this: EXTENT 37074.96 6669762.95 37982.21 6670408.60 PROJECTION "+proj=3Deqc +lat_ts=3D60 +lon_0=3D0 +x_0=3D0 +y_0=3D0 = +ellps=3DWGS84 +datum=3DWGS84 +no_defs +units=3Dm" END The extent is calculated by using PROJ like this: proj "+proj=3Deqc +lat_ts=3D60 +lon_0=3D0 +x_0=3D0 +y_0=3D0 = +ellps=3DWGS84 +datum=3DWGS84 +no_defs +units=3Dm" < test.txt where test.txt consists of the geographic coordinates in my first map = file. This mapfile creates a map about 18000 meters north of my first mapfile. This is similar to the post from 2005. Longitude seems to be correct. I do not understand why Mapserver does not create approximatly the same map in both map files? Is it not possible to use PROJ to convert coordinates like this? If I set lat_ts=3D0 I do of course get the same map, but that is not the projection I would like to use. And if I cannot do it like this, how can I calculate the shift in the y-coordinate(about 18000 meters in this example)? Kind regards, Espen From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: shp2img.exe are equivalent. So am I surprised to get different results. I am sorry but I can not give any source shape files as their content = are confidential but if anyone think it could be helpful I can try to = take one and remove all but one lines in it. Thank you in advance for any idea to make the thing go on !!! Beno=EEt ------=_NextPart_001_007A_01C86424.717C9750 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi everyone !
I'm trying to render a shapefile with = mapserver but=20 I have some problems with the final result.
So my shapefile contains = points.

The projection used seems to = be
 "United Kingdom - ED50 = / TM 0 NE -=20 1311 /=20 23090",
  DA= TUM[
   &= nbsp;6378388,
 &nbs= p;],
 &n= bsp; 0],
&nbs= p;  0.017453292519943295]
 PROJECTION["Tran= sverse_Mercator"],
 P= ARAMETER["central_meridian",0],
 PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996]= ,
 PARAMETER["false_n= orthing",0],
This projection, translated in Proj4's = format=20 should be : +proj=3Dtmerc +lat_0=3D0 +lon_0=3D0 +k=3D0.999600 = +x_0=3D500000 +y_0=3D0=20 +ellps=3Dintl +units=3Dm +no_defs.

Now, my map file which only contains = one layer is=20 :
 CONFIG "PROJ_LIB"=20 "c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Cgi\proj_lib\"
 EXTENT 277486 5873890 691772 = 6823080
 SIZE 512 512
 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255
 PROJECTION    = "+proj=3Dtmerc=20 +lat_0=3D0 +lon_0=3D0 +k=3D0.999600 +x_0=3D500000 +y_0=3D0 +ellps=3Dintl = +units=3Dm=20 +no_defs"   END
  IMAGEPATH =20 "c:\ms_tmp\"
   "wms_title"=20 "Ob135_200"
   "wms_srs"=20 "epsg:4326"
   "wms_onlineresource" "http://ACQUISI= TIONTEST/WMS/Default.aspx?MapId=3D8"
  NAME=20 "quadrat"
   0 = 0
   0=20 1
   1 1
   1=20 0
    NAME=20 "Vector"
  CONNECTION=20 "C:/temp/bch/gbr_rigs.shp"
  PROJECTION "+proj=3Dtmerc = +lat_0=3D0=20 +lon_0=3D0 +k=3D0.999600 +x_0=3D500000 +y_0=3D0 +ellps=3Dintl +units=3Dm = +no_defs"=20 END
  DATA=20 "gbr_rigs"
   SYMBOL=20 "quadrat"
   COLOR 255 0 = 0
   OUTLINECOLOR 0=20 0 0
   SIZE=20 6

Given all this, I first tried to render this with a web browser by = writing=20 directly my request :
http://acquisitiontest/CGI= /bin/mapserv.exe?request=3DGetMap&map=3DC:/temp/bch/ uest=3DGetMap&layers=3DVector&srs=3DEPSG:4326&version=3D1.1.1= &styles=3D
By not giving the extent nor width and height, I am expecting to = take the=20 full bounding box of the map file as width and height. I am already = doing this=20 for raster layers so I won't be surprised to make it work for shape = files.
But, unfortunately, the result  remains empty whatever I = try.
So, I remembered to use the shp2img to make a render and there I = have a=20 correct result.
From what I remember to have read on the mailing list mapserv.exe = and=20 shp2img.exe are equivalent. So am I surprised to get different = results.
I am sorry but I can not give any source shape files as their = content are=20 confidential but if anyone think it could be helpful I can try to take = one and=20 remove all but one lines in it.
Thank you in advance for any idea to make the thing go on !!!
------=_NextPart_001_007A_01C86424.717C9750-- ------=_NextPart_000_0079_01C86424.71796300 Content-Type: image/png; name="test_rendu.png" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="test_rendu.png" iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAgAAAAIACAYAAAGDf+RsAAARhUlEQVR4nO3dYY/jxpmFUdZi/v9f 5n5Yz0STbbW71RSryOccIIADJ0aZ8+ryskhRY9/3rex/Zi9gNgdg9gJmO/YAjHG5QDn2AOz7OOof NU46mMt+BM4apeE0GHfYATjrM3s0H4HZC5jNAZi9gNkcgNkLmM0BmL2A2RyA2QuYzQGYvYDZHIDZ C5h9FelqcPYCZnMAZi9gtjkHYKHtMyE4ewGzOQCzFzDbegfg5IBc7wA83mD952C8sy5f5ywwxn7k 3ec//9jLHIA3We8jcDIHYPYCvuMdYSgDZi9gNgdg9gJmcwBmL2A2B2D2AmZzAGYvYDYHYPYCZnMA Zi9gNgdg9gJmcwBmL+AlB+4MrX0Anv2LHvnlLFticQ7A7AXMdr0DcPC9ASE4ewGzOQCzFzCbAzB7 AR868TmhNQ/Avo+zHqN3Gpy9gNkcgNkLmM0BmL2A2RyA2QuYzQGYvYDZHIDZC5jNAZi9gNkcgNkL mG3qAfh008OGyDl8BGYvYLZ5B2CRr9DPe3/AG74E+Yo5B+CL//JnbI07C8xewGwOwOwF/GXCmWGt A/AQjl6uftLBcBaYvYDZHIDZC/iqd+WADJi9gNkcgNkLmM0BmL2A2RyA2QuYzQGYvYDZHIDZC5jN AZi9gNkcgNkLmM0BmL2AVxy5O2RHaPYCZrvOAbAp+h7XmYA3udwBOPr+QP4jUHe5TwDHMgBx6w7A 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BQAAghQAAAhSAAAg6NfsBQDwtzHG/uzv7fs+zlwL96UAACzoowbgzM+R3AIAgCA7AAALcrXPu419 f3qrCQC4KbcAACDILQDgVjxBD1+jAAC3c7Un6JUWZlAAABZwtdLC9SkAwO04ccK/UwCAW7nqlvkl F82l+RogAAT5GiAABLkFAPADY4wP91HHdt3bETTYAQCAIAUAAII8BAgAQXYAACBIAQCAIN8CAFiA 3wPgbAoAwCL8HgBncgsAAILsAAAswtU+Z/I1QAAIcgsAAILcAgA4mSf+WYECADCBJ/6ZzS0AAAiy AwAwgat9ZvMtAAAIcgsAAIL+F8J2RTGt8RF7AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC ------=_NextPart_000_0079_01C86424.71796300-- From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: shp2img.exe are equivalent. So am I surprised to get different results. I am sorry but I can not give any source shape files as their content = are confidential but if anyone think it could be helpful I can try to = take one and remove all but one lines in it. Thank you in advance for any idea to make the thing go on !!! Beno=EEt From Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 2024 From: () Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:54:23 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: shp2img.exe are equivalent. So am I surprised to get different results. I am sorry but I can not give any source shape files as their content are confidential but if anyone think it could be helpful I can try to take one and remove all but one lines in it. Thank you in advance for any idea to make the thing go on !!! Beno?t From trygve at Fri Oct 4 01:44:14 2024 From: trygve at (Trygve Aspenes) Date: Fri, 04 Oct 2024 10:44:14 +0200 Subject: [MapServer-users] Error when calling mapscript.msCleanup() Message-ID: Hi all I have a python mapscript using fastapi as the api. The data I'm using is netcdf. So everything works fine. However I see my app is eating more and more memory the more different datasets are requested. Using lsof ( to see open files), I see the process don't cleanup the files used (they are open) as DATA in my mapscript setup. In mapserver doc I see the mapscript funtion msCleanup()(mapscript section 5.1 MapScript Functions) I'm hoping could help me clean up this. But when I add this I get error and crash of the process: CPLGetTLSList(): pthread_setspecific() failed! google gives me nothing. The setup is mapserver from conda-forge 8.2.2 on python 3.11 with gdal 3.9.2 Any idea why this is happening, or how to keep better control over memory usage in an setup like this? Trygve Aspenes From benedek.petrovicz at Fri Oct 4 03:42:21 2024 From: benedek.petrovicz at (Benedek Petrovicz) Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 12:42:21 +0200 Subject: [MapServer-users] IIS - FastCGI - POST requests crashing mapserv Message-ID: Hi! I have an environment where I run MapServer as a FastCGI application in IIS. When a single mapserv instance (process) gets more than two concurrent POST requests, the mapserv executable crashes. IIS returns a default HTTP 500 error. The exact error is: 233 - ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED (No process is on the other end of the pipe.) Adding debugging to the map files didn't show me any valuable details. Seems to be crashing while still trying to write into the debug logs. There were half complete lines in there. No logs in the Event Viewer. No valuable logs in IIS. I tried process monitoring, but I couldn't find anything useful there. To reproduce it, in the FastCGI settings just limit the max number of instances to 1 and flood it with a couple dozen concurrent requests. You can use any tool. K6, Bombardier, PS script and .NET code each work for that. I attached a K6 script which I was using for it. Required settings: - You need to send POST requests - The content type needs to be application/x-www-form-urlencoded (that's the only POST content type that works with MapServer as far as I know) - You don't even need a mapfile to reproduce the issue. You'll get the same result if you provide one. If you set the max requests per instance down to 2, it won't crash. Also, I couldn't crash it with GET requests. Anyone have any idea about why this is happening? Should I open a github issue for it? Thanks Benedek Petrovicz -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: k6-script.js.rename Type: application/octet-stream Size: 471 bytes Desc: not available URL: