No subject

Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 PDT 2024

via the function because they are not used. I posted a question
previously regarding this but with everyone busy preparing for the
conference nobody has had a chance to answer yet.
Most of this was taken directly from the howto doc.



----------------------- processtemplate.cgi --------------------------
!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use mapscript;
use CGI qw(:standard *table);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser set_message);
# Set variables.
my $minx = 2164714.53870837;
my $miny = 527860.008639881;
my $maxx = 2179450.00584917;
my $maxy = 542595.475780681;
my $mapname = '';
my @names = ("map","imgext");
my @values = ("","$minx $miny $maxx $maxy");
# Send html header.
print header();
$ENV{MS_ERRORFILE} = "../html/tmp/mapserver.log";
# Open map using default map file.
my $map = new mapscript::mapObj("$mapname") or die('Unable to Open
Default MapFi
# Set map legend template.
$map->{legend}->{template} = "legend.html";
# Create html file.
#my $htmlpage = $map->processTemplate(1,\@names,\@values);
my $htmlpage = $map->processLegendTemplate(\@names,\@values);
# Didn't get this to work yet - not because the typemap doesn't work
#   but rather creating a map of query results from inside a cgi that can
#   manipulate the map directly to create a map of query results from a
#   set of results it could query is confusing at the moment.
#my $htmlpage = $map->processQueryTemplate(\@names,\@values);
# Pipe out the html file.
print $htmlpage;

---------------------- legend.html ---------------------------------
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
<table align="left" border="0">
    <input type=checkbox name="map_[leg_layer_name]_status"
    value=1 [if name=layer_status oper=eq value=2]CHECKED[/if]>
  <td colspan=2>
    [metadata name=title]
</tr >

  <td width=15> </td>
     <img src="[leg_icon width=20 height=10]" width=20 height=10>

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