No subject

Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 PDT 2024

 extentFromScale(x, y, scale, width, height) {

  cellsize =3D (scale/PixelsPerInch)/InchesPerMapUnit;

  minx =3D x - cellsize*width/2.0;
  miny =3D y - cellsize*height/2.0;
  maxx =3D x + cellsize*width/2.0;
  maxy =3D y + cellsize*height/2.0;

Now just plug the extent values into the main map extent (note scale is a =
value of, say, 50000).

For the CGI just initialize the application using mapxy and scale =
parameters and be done with it.

>>> Peter Kingsbury <peter.kingsbury at GMAIL.COM> 11/29/05 7:36 PM >>>
In my mapping application, I'd like to have a default scale to be used=20
when the page first loads.

I've attempted to set this in the map file (e.g. SCALE value in the =
object) as well as MAXSCALE, however it seems to default to a certain=20
aggravating value.

I've also tried twiddling with the map extents, however this just =
the scale to bump up away from my target scale. :)

Any help is appreciated!

- P

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