No subject

Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 PDT 2024

that you are a newbie to GIS, it seems that MapServer may not really be
what you want to tackle. From what you are describing you need, actually
Google maps (or Yahoo maps) would be the easiest route for you. You
could have a working application picking out points from a db, and
putting a point on a street map in less than an hour, and you wouldn't
have to worry about hosting it.

You do say that the Google detail is insufficient for you. Google and
Yahoo street detail is pretty good, but if you want something custom,
then you will have to roll your sleeves and start learning all that you
are a newbie to thus far. For example, there is no such thing as "image
formats (that) support this detail"

Sorry, can only be as specific as your query, and not anymore. You might
want to rephrase what you really want to do, and your various constraints.

Puneet Kishor

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