No subject

Mon Oct 7 05:54:23 PDT 2024

> Hi,thanks for the informations. I'm only guessing: In the > "TO" line in your
> mapfile you have the number "1". Is this ok?

It's the column number of the common field of the shapefile and csv
I'm trying to join ("PLACE_ID"). I'm actually following the convention
of the online guide I said above. But I did try using the field name,
but with the same results.

> Hi, one last guess: your table name "lgu_DB_DACCESS_PROV.csv" has not path.
> Is it possible that mapserver does not find that  table?

The csv file is located on the same path as the mapfile. Even if I use
the absolute path of the file
("/home/yronald/htdocs/maps/test_map/lgu_DB_DACCESS_PROV.csv"), the
result is the same.

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