[MapServer-users] das "PLUGIN -msplugin_mssql2008.dll" Problem bei Mapserver 8

Liandres, Valeri Valeri.Liandres at leibniz-liag.de
Fri Sep 20 03:08:49 PDT 2024

we are migrating our project with Mapserver 7 to Mapserver 8.0. Our project has been working stably under Mapserver 7 for a long time.
One component of the project is DB query MSSQL - Server using MAP file and PLUGIN routine.
Although we are using the latest version of "msplugin_mssql2008.dll", we always get an error message that the query is wrong. The table "GEOM_VG_BULA" and permissions are OK.
The call is in the PHP file as:
$oMap = new mapObj(MAPFILE);$oMap->setSize(1990, 1160);....    $oImage = $oMap->draw();
   NAME "..."
   PLUGIN "d:\www\cgi-bin\ms5\msplugin_mssql2008.dll"
   CONNECTION "server=ServName;uid=_user;pwd=pass;database=DB-Name;Integrated Security=false"
   DATA "GEOMETRY_LL84 from GEOM_VG_BULA using unique ID using SRID=4326"       <<<<<  here table GEOM_VG_BULA , column GEOMETRY_LL84
The error message:
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'Bundeslaender'.;msMSSQL2008LayerOpen():
 Query error. Error with MSSQL2008 data variable. You specified 'Error parsing MSSQL2008 data variable: nothing specified in DATA statement.
<br><br> More Help:<br><br> '.<br> Standard ways of specifying are : <br> (1) 'geometry_column from geometry_table' <br> (2) 'geometry_column from (<sub query>) as foo using unique <column name> using SRID=<srid#>' <br><br> Make sure you utilize the 'using unique <column name>' and 'using with <index name>' clauses in. <br><br>For more help, please see http://www.mapdotnet.com <br><br>mapmssql2008.c - version of 2007/7/1. in D:\www\cgi-bin\ms5\quickmap_geometry.php:13
 Stack trace: #0 D:\www\cgi-bin\ms5\quickmap_geometry.php(13): mapObj->draw() #1 {main} thrown in D:\www\cgi-bin\ms5\quickmap_geometry.php on line

Is this a problem only with version 8.0?
Unfortunately, we cannot use "Connection type OGR" in our project structure.

Can anyone help us?
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