[MapServer-users] Mapfile -> EMPTY-Parameter -> Migrate from MS 7.6 -> 8.0

Ulbrich, Georg Georg.Ulbrich at geobasis-bb.de
Wed Sep 11 05:48:30 PDT 2024

I'm migrating from MS 7.6 to 8.0:
In MS 7.6, when I clicked on a coordinate with no data in the GFI, I was redirected to the web page specified with the "EMPTY" parameter in mapfile:

EMPTY    'https://isk.geobasis-bb.de/error_pages/wms_gfi_empty.html'
Now in MS 8.0.0 I get a blank page (HTTP 200). 
Does anyone have an idea why the redirection no longer works? I couldn't find any changes in the documentation.

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