[MapServer-users] Getting error when MapServer tries to save image, but I don't want it to save in the first place

Rob Dennett Rob.Dennett at twdb.texas.gov
Tue Mar 18 06:48:07 PDT 2025

I am trying to use MapCache to replace the built-in caching mechanism of MapServer and when testing, I am seeing the following in the error log:

msSaveImage(): Unable to access file. Failed to create output file (/myFolder/AREATYPE1742226286187.png)

I expect that this is because of a permissions issue with the directory, but I don't want MapServer to try and save the tile at all.  I assume this action is controlled or could be overwritten by something in the .map file.  Is that accurate?  If so, what is it?

In WEB, I have the IMAGEPATH and IMAGEURL lines commented out, FYI.

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