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<tt>Hi all,</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>How can I do a dynamic statement in a CLASS-object</tt>
<br><tt>in the map-file?</tt>
<br><tt>There seem to be only static values possible in use</tt>
<br><tt>with EXPRESSION like this one:</tt><tt></tt>
<br><tt> NAME cities # the CGI-relation</tt>
<br><tt> </tt>
<br><tt> ...</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt> CLASSITEM 'population' #something like this</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt> CLASS</tt>
<br><tt> EXPRESSION ([POPULATION] > 10000)</tt>
<br><tt> ....</tt>
<br><tt> COLOR #e.g. red</tt>
<br><tt> END</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt> CLASS</tt>
<br><tt> EXPRESSION ([POPULATION > 50000)</tt>
<br><tt> ...</tt>
<br><tt> COLOR # e.g. dark red</tt>
<br><tt> END</tt>
<p><tt>I wanted to use dynamic (CGI-input) values</tt>
<br><tt>instead of fixed values. How can I do it</tt>
<br><tt>here or is this just the wrong way to solve</tt>
<br><tt>a problem of dynamic input? Any help is</tt>
<br><tt>welcome and appreciated.</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>Ricardo Martins</tt>