I am currently trying to develop a web mapping system to show the location of a<br>
variety of jazz clubs with their time of opening, and the place and date of<br>
birth and death for a large number of jazz muscians. I'm therefore basically<br>
trying produce a web portal that allows a small number of music historians (who<br>
have limited mapping knowledge) to explore the diffusion of jazz from New<br>
Orleans to the rest of the United States.<br>
The data is currently in shapefile format and i want to develop a decent open<br>
source system to get the data on the internet, however, being a bit new to all<br>
this I am struggling to find anywhere that tells you how to set this sort of<br>
thing up or indeed all the software you need. as i understand it at the moment<br>
the chain of event would be:<br>
shapefile -> mapserver -> gml -> wfs client (though i could really do with an<br>
example of one to use) -> shapefile ->geoserver -> jo bloggs using internet<br>
explorer looking at the (jazz) files.<br>
is this correct or am i way off the mark. I would really really appreciate any<br>
help you may may be able to give and websites/documents you would recommend to<br>
help me get going.<br>
Yours sincerely,<br>
Stuart Blair