<div id="RTEContent">Hi list,<br> <br> I'm trying to connect a mySQL table to mapserver via ODBC with VRT. I've get it in Windows succesfullly, but now I'm trying to do it in Suse Linux 10.<br> <br> I'm using unixODBC and myodbc drivers. I've tested it succesfully with the unixODBC-gui-qt. And I connect with OpenOffice Database too. So I suspect the connection is fine.<br> <br> But the map doesn't work and when I try ogrinfo test, it show this error:<br> <br> ERROR 4: Update access not supported for VRT datasources.<br> ERROR 1: Unable to initialize ODBC connection to DSN for root/carrerer@concampos,<br> [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified<br> FAILURE:<br> Unable to open datasource `/opt/fgs/apps/chameleon-2.2/depsig/campos/prova.ovf' with the following drivers.<br> -> ESRI Shapefile<br> -> UK .NTF<br> -> SDTS<br> -> TIGER<br> -> S57<br> -> MapInfo File<br> ->
DGN<br> -> VRT<br> -> AVCBin<br> -> REC<br> -> Memory<br> -> CSV<br> -> GML<br> -> ODBC<br> -> PostgreSQL<br> -> MySQL<br> <br> This is my odbcinst.ini file:<br> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor"> <pre>[MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver] DRIVER = /usr/lib/libmyodbc3.so SETUP = /usr/lib/libmyodbc3S.so UsageCount = 1</pre>and my odbc.ini<br> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor"> <pre>[concampos] Driver = MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver DATABASE = campos DESCRIPTION = bla bla bla PWD = xxxxxx SERVER = localhost UID = root</pre>Any solution, please?<br> <br> Thanks a lot<br> </div><p>
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