Hello,<br><br>I have got a mapfile with specified projection for both the whole map<br>and the only layer in it. Both projections are same. Mapserver then<br>renders a blank image. However, when I comment out the map projection
<br>or the layer projection, the map is rendered properly. Why am I getting such behaviour?<br><br>I know that this example is a little bit artificial and I do not have to specify<br>both projections. In fact I am dealing with mapfiles with much bigger
<br>number of layers and the mapfiles are generated on the fly. Usually <br>the layers are in the same projection but it may happen that they are not.<br>It is much easier for me to specify the projections both for the layers and the map
<br>and not bother about checking when projection is the same and when not.<br>Or do I have to check it?<br><br>This is the mapfile:<br><br>MAP<br> EXTENT -654601.880000 -1154846.910000 -648383.16 -1148290.76<br> UNITS meters
<br> SIZE 600 600<br> PROJECTION<br> "init=epsg:2065"<br> END<br> OUTPUTFORMAT<br> NAME png<br> DRIVER "GD/PNG"<br> MIMETYPE "image/png"<br> IMAGEMODE PC256<br> EXTENSION "png"
<br> END<br> LAYER<br> NAME "dkm/par001"<br> TYPE POLYGON<br> STATUS ON<br> DATA "c:\MyGisData\Trebic_DGN_Shapefile\dkm/par001"<br> PROJECTION<br> "init=epsg:2065"<br> END
<br> CLASS<br> COLOR 240 240 240<br> OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0<br> END<br> END<br>END<br><br>I am using custom built Python Mapscript for Mapserver 4.6.1 on Windows XP.<br><br>Thank you very much.<br><br>Jirka Mikulasek