I am trying to incorporate the feature data's from the .dbf file to my imagemapfile which is generated by $img->saveWebImage(MS_IMAGEMAP,1,1,0)in PHP/Mapscript. The two lines from imagemap file are-><BR>
<map name="map1" width="300" height="400"><BR>
<area href="javascript:SymbolClicked();" shape="circle" coords="201,150, 3" /><BR>
I am getting the coordinates for all the points, polygon etc in the imagemap file. In the imagemap file how should i link the co-ordinates(shape id) to the corresponding data's from my .dbf file? I am using mapserver 4.8. Any idea/experience/information will be highly appreciated.<BR>
Thanks in advance.<BR>
With regards<BR>
<a href="http://adworks.rediff.com/cgi-bin/AdWorks/sigclick.cgi/www.rediff.com/signature-home.htm/1507191490@Middle5?PARTNER=3"><IMG SRC="http://adworks.rediff.com/cgi-bin/AdWorks/sigimpress.cgi/www.rediff.com/signature-home.htm/1963059423@Middle5?OAS_query=null&PARTNER=3" BORDER=0 VSPACE=0 HSPACE=0></a>