right now, i have a nearly functional code.<br>This code is for zooming to a predetermined area.<br>the problem is that the map doesn't get redrawn when i use this script.<br>I found this script in the archive, and would like to know is there a line i have to add in order to get it to redraw or refresh the map.<br>
More importantly if this script is actually correct, any help is much appreciated. <br><br>John<br><br><html><br><head><br><script language="javascript"> <br> function AreaSelected() {<br>
alert(document.myform.ViewArea.value);<br> document.myform.target="";<br> document.myform.mode.value="browse";<br> document.myform.imgext.value = (document.myform.ViewArea.value);<br>
document.myform.submit();<br> } <br> <br></script><br></head><br><body> <br><form method =POST name="myform"><br><select name="ViewArea" onChange="AreaSelected();"><br>
<option>Zoom to Region</option><br> <option>------------------------</option><br> <option value="5457203 487104 5451873 482304">Indian Reserve 2</option><br> <option value="5435308 491431 5434498 490403">Indian Reserve 4</option><br>
<option value="5425919 541907 5502970 444168">Musqueam Statement Of Intent</option><br> <option value="5435189 475830 5457751 504449">Richmond Boundary</option><br> <option value="5448859 481843 5463269 500122">Vancouver Boundary </option><br>
<option value="5432692 482228 5457268 515426">North Arm Fraser River </option><br> </select><br> <input name="mode"><br> <input type="hidden" name="imgxy" value="299.5 299.5"><br>
<input type="hidden" name="imgext" value="[mapext]"><br> <br> </form><br></body><br></html><br>