Hi;<br><br>I've just been through a bit of an optimisation process on my server and was wondering whether the speeds that I am obtaining are somewhat inline with what could be expected with the hardware/datasets that are in use.<br>
<br>Firstly: Hardware.<br>2.2Ghz Xeon (Single Core, but with hyperthreading. not that hyperthreading helps much.)<br>1.2Gb Memory coupled with over 2Gb of swap (was filling up memory and original swap realllly fast so swap was expanded)<br>
Data being served off an array of three ultra320 15k scsi drives in a raid-5 config.<br><br>Software.<br>OS: Debian<br>Mapserver: Nighly build as of 6/5/09, in fastcgi mode<br>Data source: Postgis database<br><br>Data:<br>
Coastline Layer (9 Polygons with a stupid number of vertices, this is a known slow point due to toast table problems. or at least we think it is)<br>Islands Layer (~9000 polygons, only ~4mb)<br>Internal Waterbodies layer (~11000 polygons, plus ~1.2m lines, 800mb all up)<br>
<br>Performance:<br>On a moderate zoom level, about 2s per 256x256 tile.<br>On more zoomed out levels, process times out before completing. and yes, some generalisation needs to take place at further out zoomage but thats not sorted yet.<br>
If i drop the coastline layer out (the toast problem one), speed ups to like 80-100ms/tile<br><br><br>So, watchathink?<br><br>