Hi all,<br>I configured my mapfile with label as follows:<br> labelitem "name" <br> CLASS<br> NAME "river"<br> STYLE<br> color 0 200 0<br> width 3<br>
END<br><br> label<br> angle auto<br> COLOR 0 255 0<br> SHADOWCOLOR 218 0 0<br> SHADOWSIZE 1 1<br> TYPE truetype<br> encoding GB2312<br>
font simsun<br> SIZE 10<br> POSITION auto<br> PARTIALS FALSE<br> # MINDISTANCE 30<br> BUFFER 4<br> FORCE true<br> END # end of label<br>
END<br>everything is ok except two problems: <br>1、some texts did not display wholly, part of the word disapear.<br>2、in the river layer, some rivers were labeled two or more times while I want that each river is labeled once.<br>
Anyone can help me to resolve those two problems, thank you very much.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>天道酬勤<br>