Hello!<br><br>I'm keen to understand how mapserver(5.4) implements class expressions in WFS.<br>Cause I have expression that works in WMS mapfile, but not in WFS mapfile. <br>As a result serving the WFS gets not filtered and WFS-client will show information in all cases.<br>
I have no effort even while trying to declare CLASSITEM "ARTS_XY" and under CLASS section EXPRESSION "3". <br>Though, my actual wish is to apply simple regular expression, here is the whole layer:<br>
<br> LAYER<br> NAME "Geodeetilised_punktid"<br> METADATA<br> "wfs_title" "Geodeetilised_punktid"<br> "wfs_srs" "EPSG:3301"<br> "gml_featureid" "REFNR_ID"<br>
"gml_include_items" "all"<br> "wfs_encoding" "ISO-8859-1"<br> END<br> DUMP true <br> EXTENT 300000 6300000 800000 6700000<br> TYPE point<br> STATUS off<br> DATA geo_out<br>
CLASSITEM "ARTS_XY"<br> CLASS<br> NAME "Geodeetilised_punktid"<br> EXPRESSION /[1-3]/<br> END<br> END<br><br>I have confirmed that the file on DATA section contains field integer-type field ARTS_XY.<br>
Is it possible that I have failed to realize that WFS expressions just work differently?<br><br><br>Best regards,<br>Raivo<br><br><br><br>