[VisCom] New announcement for VisCom

Daniel Brookshier dbrookshier at collab.net
Sun Apr 16 16:58:08 EDT 2006

The announcement showed up on our committee  feed page:

Announcements also show up in your "My Page"  page when you are a  
member of a project. https://www.osgeo.org/servlets/StartPage

Because we don't have an RSS aggregator yet (working on it), you need  
to be sure to send an email to the web committee to make sure it  
shows up on the front page. I've posted it for you.

Daniel Brookshier | Community Manager | CollabNet, Inc.
8000 Marina Blvd. Suite 600 | Brisbane, CA 94005 | USA
O 972.422.5261 | C 214.207.6614 | dbrookshier at collab.net

On Apr 15, 2006, at 5:20 AM, Arnulf Christl ((CCGIS)) wrote:

> Hi,
> I have added an announcement. Please check, whether this is OK:
> https://visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org/servlets/NewsItemView? 
> newsItemID=21
> Where will this kind of announcement appear - does it appear  
> anywhere at
> all automatically? How often should we launch an announcement, do  
> we have
> to vote on what is being announced, etc. Ideas, comments?
> Regards,
> -- 
> Arnulf Christl
> http://www.ccgis.de
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> For additional commands, e-mail: dev- 
> help at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org

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