[VisCom] Update on brochures

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Mon Jun 5 13:50:38 EDT 2006

On 5-Jun-06, at 10:40 AM, Jason Birch wrote:

> Something that WebCom has identified a need for is "snapshot" pages  
> for each of the projects, hosted on the main website in a  
> consistent layout.  These would contain project information and  
> links to the individual OSGeo project spaces for more information.
> Would these brochures be something that we could repurpose to meet  
> this need?

Hi Jason,
The brochures, when finalised, will be readily available for every  
purpose we can think of.  I also expect additional formats of  
brochures to be desired - I'm sticking with single letter-sized pages  
for present (no tri-folds, A4, etc).  So you can see we're pretty  
focused at the moment, but we certainly what the effort to be  
reused!  The Where 2.0 deadlines are approaching fast, so that's the  
main objective for me with these brochures at present.


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