OSCON Speaker times

Tina Mena Tina.Mena at autodesk.com
Fri Jun 30 12:27:37 EDT 2006

Sorry, just realized I gave you the wrong times on this, I was thinking
of the exhibit hall vendor presentations.


My apologies, let me check on this!



From: Tina Mena 
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 9:23 AM
To: Kirsten Davidson; 'Tyler Mitchell'
Cc: 'dev at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org'
Subject: RE: OSCON Speaker times


Sure, as of yesterday they are:  


Thursday, 7/27


330p - 350p








From: Kirsten Davidson 
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 9:21 AM
To: Tyler Mitchell
Cc: dev at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org; Tina Mena
Subject: RE: OSCON Speaker times


Hi Tina,


Can you please let us know the times/days for the speaking slots that
are left for our Products and Services track at OSCON?  The OSGeo team
is working to coordinate a speaker/topic, but need parameters to move
forward.  Thank you.


Team, Tina Mena (tina.mena at autodesk.com) is working with the event
coordinators and will be the point person for all logistics.


We get 10 free passes to the show, similar to Where 2.0.  If you are
interested in attending and need to secure a pass, please contact Tina
directly at the email above.    If you will be traveling and need hotel
information, she can also provide recommendations, as provided by the


Thank you, Kirsten Davidson

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:spatialguru at mac.com] 
	Sent: Fri 6/30/2006 12:11 AM 
	To: Kirsten Davidson 
	Cc: dev at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org 
	Subject: OSCON Speaker times

	Hi Kirsten, 
	Can you confirm when the speaker time slots are for OSCON?  i.e.

	Thank you, 

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