[VisCom] Re: Any interest in an OSGEO booth at the 2007 NC GIS Conference

Chris Holmes cholmes at openplans.org
Fri May 19 16:40:02 EDT 2006

We should ask her about discounts for non-profit/open source, see if we 
can get a booth for free...


Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Hi Julia,
> It's good to hear from you again.  We'll discuss this at one of future 
> Visibility Committee meetings.  Thank you very much for bringing it up.
> Tyler
> On Friday 19 May 2006 11:29, Julia Harrell wrote:
>>Hi folks,
>>I'm on the program committee for the 2007 NC GIS Conference and while
>>I'm not on the exhibits committee, I'd still love to see an OSGEO booth
>>at our conference next spring. I'd also like to see a few presentations
>>from OSGEO members. The program committee will be refining the scope of
>>our program tracks over the summer and once we get a little farther
>>along in that process, I'll be asking for as many Open Source GIS
>>presetnation volunteers as the rest of the committee will let me get
>>away with :)
>>Anyway, just wanted to let you know about this event and ecnourage OSGEO
>>to secure a strategically placed booth now, before all the high
>>visibility areas of the display floor get snapped up by commercial vendors.
>>Best Regards,
>>Julia Harrell
>>GIS Coordinator, NC DENR
>>julia.harrell at Ncmail.net

Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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