OSGeo Ad Copy - Final Review by 3:30PM PST

Peter Moran peter.moran at autodesk.com
Fri May 19 17:19:36 EDT 2006



Please see proposed final version for ad copy below and let me know of
any comments by 3:30 PST today.







PREVIOUS version from the group, per Tyler's edits and aggregation:

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is a not-for-profit
organization dedicated to the collaborative development of
technologies and data.
Our projects represent the highest quality of open, shared
resources -- code from low-level libraries to high-level
servers, content from map data to educational curriculum.
We are developers and executives, authors and educators,
users and marketers.
We're a community that provides financial, organizational,
and legal support to the open source geospatial community.
Join us at www.osgeo.org. Together, we'll open our world.




Headline: Building the future is a collaborative process.

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is a not-for-profit
organization dedicated to the collaborative development of
technologies and data.

Our projects represent the highest quality of open, shared
resources -- code from low-level libraries to high-level
servers, and content from map data to educational curriculum.
We are developers and executives, authors and educators,
users and marketers. What's more, we're a community that provides
financial, organizational, and legal support to the open source
geospatial community.
Join us at www.osgeo.org. Working together, our future is wide open.
(revised to tie it back into the headline)


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