[Marketing] Marketing Budget

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com
Mon Sep 29 19:25:34 EDT 2008

these are all good points. One of the outcomes of the board meeting on
Sunday was that we will need to continue to help local chapters tap into
local funding resources - just as is already happening in many places, be
it Australia, Germany, France, and so on. This will include setting up
How-To pages describing how this can be done (small, medium, full scale
presence) and what you put together here is just exactly part of what we

Maybe you could start a Wiki page right away and dump some of your
experience and thoughts there so that we can work with this in the next
month or so. Maybe add that it will not be detrimental for businesses to
join into this kind of local sponsorship as we will have to sell this and
our proposition is not all that clear yet.

We have also decided that it will be good to have Tyler involved with
these tasks more as he is the only one who can persistently follow up. In
some way the Marketing Committee has precedented this by voting him as

Pity you can't be here and we are all looking forward to Sydney.

Best regards,

On Mon, September 29, 2008 22:53, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Frank, I think this will be money well spent, and our job is to work out
> how we can make the money give its greatest impact. $50K will cover basic
> essentials, but will not cover our world wide marketing activities. $50K
> equates to ~ $3K per local chapter. For background, rough minimal costs
> for setting up a booth at a conference are ~ $5K. So OSGeo can afford to
> pay for half a conference per year for each chapter.
> So the Marketing Committee will need to manage expectations regarding
> funding. We should be clear that the best the OSGeo can do is contribute to
> material for the conference: shirts, LiveCDs, fliers, banner, etc.
> Local committees should take ownership of presentations and manning
> booths, which will help build the local OSGeo industry, reduce travel and
> accommodation costs, (and reduce our Carbon footprint).
> We should be focusing on presenting ourselves as quality. Better to have
> less quality material than lots of half finished material.
> Local committees should cry poor to conference organisors (noting that
> OSGeo is a Not For Profit) and you will likely have your registration
> fee waived or reduced. (This has worked for us a number of times in
> Australia).
> Rough Conference Costs:
> Cost of booth
> $4,000
> Flights for 2 people (others from conference will likely join stand)
> $  500
> Accommodation + expenses  for 3 days x 2 people
> $1,200
> Print outs, LiveCD etc
> $  200
> Business OSGeo Shirts x 10. (Projects a professional image which is
> important) $  400
> OSGeo banner / signage, can be reused
> $  250
> Furniture Hire
> $  250
> Lost wages for employees manning stand for 3 days x 2 people.
> $...
> Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>> Dear Marketing Committee,
>> In the rough draft budget prepared by the board yesterday it
>> was decided that we need to do quite a bit more in various kinds of
>> promotional efforts - for the foundation and the projects.  To that end
>> we are prepared to commit on the order of $50000 to the 2009 marketing
>> budget.
>> However, before a final budget is finalized and approved,
>> I would like a marketing budget document that breaks this
>> amount down into likely expenditures.  It would be good if this budget
>> could be prepared by early November.
>> There - I think I got through this whole message without once
>> spelling marketing with two Ts.
>> Best regards,
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> Geospatial Systems Architect
> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> Think Globally, Fix Locally
> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
> http://www.lisasoft.com
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Arnulf Christl

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